209 – Doom Slayer (2)





Everyone stared at Ed with dumbfounded faces.

What on earth did they just see?

I couldn’t believe it even after seeing it with my own eyes.

Defeating the ‘High Warrior’, a powerful enemy comparable to the Sword Master, with a single blow.

He didn’t just knock him down, he blew his entire face off.

The High Warrior, who had reached the peak of nothingness, was dealt with as easily as swatting away a fly.

-Jeobeok… Jeobeok…

However, the person involved did not care.

Even after doing such a huge thing, he walked to the center of the battlefield as if it was natural.

Chief Kral of the Frost Oak tribe shouted urgently.

【Everyone, stop him right now! Pour all the curse spells, binding spells, and destruction spells on him!】

Kroll orders all the spells of the Frost Orc tribe to be poured on Ed.

The high-ranking shamans looked at Krall in confusion.

This is the first time they have seen their cool-headed and wise chieftain so embarrassed.

【Chief! If that happens, your entire tactical system will collapse! Please look at the situation more calmly!】

After exchanging glances, several high-ranking shamans asked Krall to correct the order.

If you pour all the spells on him like this, the strengthening spells on your allies and the curse spells on your enemies will be removed, and the promised tactics will go awry.

【Shut up and listen to me!】

But Krall’s eyes glowed red and he grabbed a high-ranking shaman by the neck.

And then he continued his next words in a voice filled with earnestness.

【It’s because you can’t see! The power emanating from that monster!】

···Power radiating from the monster?

The senior shamans turned to look at Ed.

But there was no sign of the power that Krall was talking about.

All you see is a 182 cm tall human wearing strange armor.

【What kind of power is radiating out…?】

【It’s a disaster… That guy alone will wipe out our entire tribe…】


【Retreat, you must retreat! Take over the military immediately! We have to plan for the next time!】

The Frost Oak Chieftain Krall, the pinnacle of orc shamans and a respected chieftain across the entire tribe.

But in the eyes of the high-ranking shamans who served him… He seemed crazy.

Earlier, they told us to attack that human man even while violating all of the military’s tactical systems, but now they are telling us to retreat just because of that human man.

【Chief Haona… Isn’t today a day of great victory…? Our tribe has been waiting for a long time… Lilith-sama prophesied─】

【Shut up and listen to me! Take over the military immediately! All troops retreat—!】

The entire Frost Oak tribe began to panic at Krall’s antics.

The chief who led them this far with strong charisma is ordering an unexpected retreat.

【Retreat? Wasn’t that disgusting human castle on the verge of being taken over…?】

【Why did the great chieftain…】

【Only because of that one person?】

【It is shocking to lose the great warrior High Warrior for nothing… But that’s enough to order the entire army to retreat…】

The faces of the Frost Orcs with a clear look of embarrassment.

As panic and fear spread among them, the iron-clad military system began to collapse.

The sound of drums that matched each step stopped, and the unique sound of the horn that gave humans a sense of fear also began to stop.

【Great Crawl! Please forgive me!】

At that time, several high-ranking shamans unleashed magic at the same time and subdued Krall.

Several of Krall’s favorite disciples that he personally raised sealed his power.

【Keuuu! These stupid things! What on earth have you done!】

【Our long-cherished wish is just around the corner. Currently, the Chief and Master are old and out of their minds.】

【Foolish…! My mind is better than ever! You just don’t know the power of that monster because you can’t see it! Take over the military immediately!】

【Sorry, great Krall. Today is the promised day of victory. When Master opens his eyes again, the drums of victory will be echoing in the midst of a sea of human blood. Please rest for a moment.】

【This is so rotten!··· Chapter·····】

Kroll suddenly lets out a shout and then slowly closes his eyes.

This is because several shamans joined forces to block the energy.

After stunning Krall, the high-ranking shamans immediately began giving orders to the commanders.

【Just a human being! Start marching again! Today is the promised day of victory! We will plant our flag on the iron castle of weak humans!


【Woo! Right! Right! Right! Right! Right! Right! Right!】

The battle cry rang out again.

The Orc camp, which had been in disarray, began to be reorganized, and morale rose everywhere.

High-ranking orc shaman ‘Narak’ twitched the corner of his mouth and muttered.

【Great Krall, this disciple will prove it. The ancient prophecy will definitely come true today.】


The Orc camp, which had been in disarray, reorganized itself and began to advance again.

For me, this is extremely welcome news.

How nice it is that someone comes to die on their own without having to bother chasing after them.


So I activated the core power of the Doom Suit.

All my anger towards the demon race was converted into power, and began to generate tremendous energy.


With the power activated, I loaded the double barrel shotgun.

And I aimed at the orcs charging at me.

-Why are you using such a weapon?

-Isn’t that a weapon that can be commonly made in our workshops?

-Lord Fix would be able to use a more powerful weapon…

However, the dwarves don’t seem to trust the double barrel shotgun in my hand.

This is because they believe that it is a weapon that they can easily make based on its external appearance.

Perhaps I thought I would bring out an even greater weapon.

‘But this is enough.’

However, weapons are not important to me wearing the Doom Suit.

The essence of ‘hitting’ is to convert energy into physical force and pass it on to the opponent.

If there is a huge amount of energy, it doesn’t matter how it is transferred.

Whether you hit it with your fists, shoot it with a gun, or cut it with a chainsaw, it doesn’t matter as long as you can properly convey the energy overflowing in the suit.


So I pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

When the hammer hit the shell, the gunpowder exploded and the gas expanded.

Due to the expansion of the gas, the pressure inside the gun rapidly increased, and the high pressure in the narrow space caused the bullet to be ejected with tremendous force.

Mechanical, chemical, and natural science dynamics work in sequence to fire a bullet with powerful physical force.

‘That’s just it.’

However, compared to the energy generated by the Doom Suit, the energy product produced by this mechanical structure is nothing more than a drop of water in the ocean.

The physical force released by the double barrel shotgun is merely a means.

The point is the ‘energy’ transferred from the Doom Suit’s power unit to the gauntlets, and from the gauntlets to the shells of the double barrel shotgun.


Thus, the highly concentrated energy stored in the bullet created a scene of tremendous destruction.

It was just a single shot from a double barrel shotgun, but the bullet went through several groups of orcs and took their lives.

But here, ‘penetrated’ is just a slightly elegant expression. To borrow a more realistic expression, it would be closer to ‘tearing apart’.

The body of the orc that the bullet passed through was torn to pieces to the extent that it was difficult to recognize its shape.

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And the Orcs who witnessed this overwhelming scene froze.

I began to realize that killing the High Warrior with one blow was not an eccentric act.


But I did not give them a chance to prepare their minds.

Immediately reloaded the double barrel shotgun and aimed the gun at them.

The orc who made eye contact with me turned around and shouted.

【Do, do, run away!】


This is so funny.

The hassle of having to reload the double-barreled shotgun one by one becomes a trigger that stimulates their fear.

Aren’t you too busy turning your back when you hear the ‘clunk’ sound of a shotgun being reloaded?

Looking at this scene, you might understand why Doomguy, a future Marine, insisted on using a double barrel shotgun.

The strange smell of gunpowder from the gun barrel.

ASMR-like reloading sound.

Destructive power that does not betray expectations.

These three elements form a trinity that stimulates the five senses, so how could one not use this weapon?

I can say without a doubt that the ‘Double Barrel Shotgun’ is the best weapon for the Doom Suit.


However, I had many weapons in my collection to just use the double barrel shotgun.

Isn’t there a Mana Chainsaw in your inventory that you brought with you?


【Big big big big!!】

As expected, chainsaws are also thrilling.

The taste that comes from cutting the devil’s flesh is exquisite.

‘I’m a little bored.’

However, if you chainsaw several times, you may feel a bit bitten.

So, I put the chainsaw in my inventory and decided to feel it ‘directly’.

Just beat the enemy with your bare hands.


I hit the skull of the devil charging at me.

With a dull sound, the guy’s head disappeared.

It happened so quickly that there was no time to feel the taste.


So this time, I grabbed the other guy’s arm and ripped it off.

The taste of the bones and tendons being torn apart was quite exhilarating.


Once I tasted the taste, I tried many things.

Grasp the jaw and rip it out, rip out the heart and explode it, step on the head and explode it, rip out the neck and throw it at the enemy…

Anyway, I tried all the ways to feel the taste.

After feeling the touch so many times, I suddenly stopped seeing orcs around me.

They don’t run at me anymore.

【What is it? Why do you back off? I think it might be a bit more fun now.】

It was a lot of fun, but it turned out to be disappointing.

It felt like I was tearing off a dragonfly’s wings one by one to see how well it could fly, and suddenly it felt like it was running away in an instant.

I feel like I’ve returned to the pure evil of my childhood.

【How did you get your childhood back? You can’t take it away. Play with me some more.】

So I walked to a place full of toys.

The orcs retreated and looked at me with fearful eyes.

But then.

【Don’t be cocky, human!】

Several orc shamans appeared and blocked my path.

He then chanted an ominous spell in demonic language and struck the ground with his staff to summon a magic circle.

The red glowing Jumunjin gathered the corpses and blood scattered everywhere into a pile and began to comb it into a shape.

【This is the secret technique I was planning to use when taking over the capital of the empire, but I will use it specifically to kill you! You will know with glory, human!】

Soon, several pieces of flesh and blood. And the lump of bones combined began to transform into the shape of a giant golem.

The Orc shamans called it ‘Gruhon’ with proud faces.

【Hell’s strongest demon beast, ‘Grewhon’. Gruhon is named after a great warrior of the Frost Oak tribe, and has a power appropriate to him…】


But no matter what they said, it seemed like a fairly sturdy toy, so I cracked open the joint.

However, contrary to my expectations that it would be quite durable as it is a huge 8 meter tall toy, the legs burst apart and collapsed in an instant.

【Destroy you…?】




Then the expressions of the shamans who had been talking confidently hardened.

It’s as if he saw something he couldn’t see.

He said, taking out a double barrel shotgun.

【Surely this isn’t the end? Summon it to something greater.】


I loaded the shotgun and pointed it at the guys.

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