◈ Attack – For Victory (5)

Christmas was pierced precisely in the exposed heart. Then Christmas immediately set off a silent explosion. A bright light engulfs the surroundings.

All the erosion that held Desaruuk was evaporated. Noah Park hurriedly backed away so as not to get caught up in it.

Koo! A thorn-shaped light pierced through Desaruuk’s heart. The red heart that had been pierced by a spear was gradually turning white.

“Something like this…!”

Even though it was already over, Desaruuk’s tenacity did not give up and held onto the light. Then a white flame burned his hand, and soon his bones were exposed.

Nevertheless, Desaruuk did not miss what he had captured.

“I didn’t go out of my way to stop you guys…!”

As Desaruuk gradually increased his strength, the light embedded in his heart began to be pulled out little by little. The light that had engulfed my heart was gradually fading.

👌👌👌👌👌 Eventually, Desaruuk pulled out the light that was trying to seal him. Blood gushed like a fountain from a punctured heart, but such pain was a pleasant pleasure. Soon even his exposed breasts were regenerated and filled.


Desaruuk went mad as he felt he was freed from the tightness of his body. In the end, he was victorious without any foreknowledge.

The boned right hand didn’t regenerate, but it didn’t matter. If it had already endured even the restraint of the seal, it was because there was nothing in this world to stop the Immortal King.

Desaruuk threw out the light and looked straight ahead. The swordsman and Gunner were still looking at this side. He seemed frightened and unable to move.

“Don’t praise me for driving me into a corner. But in the end, this is how it goes.”

“What are you talking about?”

Seo Ji-han showed that Desaruuk was walking in stride, but the tension had already relaxed. The gun had already been lowered to the floor.

“It’s not a bullet for sealing.”

“It’s kind of like a flare.”

I couldn’t understand Seo Ji-han’s words. When I felt a sense of incongruity for some reason, I felt a cool energy above my head. De Saruk lifted his head slowly, as if possessed.

The dark sky with the red moon was cracking open.

In it, something that can only be called ‘light’, which does not need any modifiers, slowly appeared.

Light in the form of a window.


silent. But a hot, bright light engulfed Desaruuk.


The Demon King began to scream in pain. A roaring voice spreads all around.

The sound was clearly heard by the demons who were still fighting. Their king, forgetting his maternal and maternal grandeur, is crying out in pain everywhere.

“under. It was terribly difficult.”

Seo Ji-han sat down on the floor and watched the scene. She was a hard, bumpy asphalt, but very comfortable chair.

As the light gradually faded, Desaruk appeared, burning himself with firewood and burning white flames. Dozens or hundreds of lights pierced through the body, and it looked like a huge chain was tightening the body.


A new system appeared above Desaruuk’s head in Seo Ji-han’s vision. Upon checking it, several systems began to appear in a row in front of his nose.

[Clear ‘Mine Runaway’]

[49th privilege as a reward….]

[50th privilege as a reward….]

[For more information, see the status window…]

‘Oh. Two perks…?’

Seo Ji-han did not understand English in a sudden situation, but soon realized the reason.

‘The name of the scenario was [Mine Runaway].’

I didn’t realize it because I was crazy, but the name of this outside scenario was neither ‘Main Massacre’ nor ‘Nether Runaway’, but a mixed name of ‘Main Runaway’.

I thought the difficulty was ridiculous, but it seems that the two scenarios were integrated in this way.

‘Anyway, did you clear all the outside scenarios with this?’

Seo Ji-han was able to breathe a pleasant sigh of relief for some reason.

“Whoa. Riel. You worked hard too.”

Seo Ji-han said to the black gun next to him.

Riel was definitely a rolled sword like Drakhan, so he knew exactly what Seo Ji-han was going to do. Thanks to Riel’s assistance, he was able to accurately reconstruct the structure of the absorbed relic into ‘Bullets’.

Whoa! Riel only vibrated little by little and never returned to her original form. When she returned to her human form, it seemed that she had nothing to hide.

“Good work. Jihan.”

“under. Yes, it’s been a while.”

Seo Ji-han, who smiled bitterly, grabbed Noah Park’s hand and stood up.

“It seems like it’s over, but… It looks like he’s still alive.”

Desaruuk, engulfed in white flames, was staring at him.

The original seal was completely sealed even for Desaruuk’s consciousness, but it was also due to the damage to the holy relics. Fortunately, the seal itself is permanent.

No matter how much the demons rush in, they will not be able to break through that flame and release Desaruuk’s bondage. Seo Ji-han looked into Desaruuk’s eyes and said.

“There is nothing more I can do here. The rest should be done by the church.”

“More than that now…”

Seo Ji-han reached out to Park No-ah.

“Would you mind returning my sword?”


At Seo Ji-han’s words, Park Noah was startled and surprised. He immediately handed over the magic sword with an embarrassed expression on whether he was aware of what he had done when he had no reason.

“Wow, sorry in many ways.”

“It’s okay to know.”

Seo Ji-han grabbed the magic sword. The deep erosion inside it was deeply felt.

I held it for a while and waited, but no voice was heard. The ego sword in the state of the magic sword seems to change silently, as if the character of the holy sword and the character were reversed.

Seo Ji-han saw the privilege that appeared in front of him, and again awakened the demon sword into a holy sword.

Wrath! When the light came on, the erosion disappeared, and divine power took its place. The ego sword, which had suddenly turned into a holy sword, was being held in Seo Ji-han’s hand.

[- Kiyooing

After a long time, the holy sword rang in my mind. It was an oddly missed feeling.

[-It’s been a while. Warrior!]

Shall I return it back?

Seo Ji-han, feeling a quick regret, lowered his holy sword and looked back.

I could see the demons running away or rushing to the end to kill the Awakened. Once the great danger has passed, an important point still remains.

‘The 103rd top owner.’

Seo Ji-han looked at the 103rd tower that soared through the red sky.

A few days have passed since then.

I entered the hospital, which started operating little by little. Because the remnants of the demons still remained everywhere, gunshots and screams were still ringing outside.

Fortunately, safety was not a problem because this hospital is mainly used by the wounded of Yuseong Academy. In addition, non-awakened doctors and nurses in the hospital were able to protect themselves because they had the guns provided by Black Hawk.

Now that the safe zone has disappeared, the atmosphere is now slowly regaining the right to stability.

I knocked quietly in front of the hospital room and entered. Inside, Gaju and Ahat were lying in the hospital and resting. It is said that he needed hospitalization because the side that had been pierced eventually became stale.

Ahat turned his head to look at me and smiled. It seemed ridiculous that he himself was dressed like this.

“Did you have a good rest? Jihan-kun?”

“haha. Not at all. It seems to have gotten busier. How about your body…, um?”

As I got closer, someone hid beside the bed on which Ahat was lying. Soon, he sticks his head out and examines the atmosphere here. What caught my eye was that she was a cute-looking girl.

“Oh, Mr. This child, maybe…”

Feeling the chills rising, Ahat grinned when asked.

“That rumor is correct. do not introduce My daughter, Sharon Ahat.”

“…Ah, hello.”

Sharon carefully bowed her head towards me. It was the biggest shock I’ve ever experienced.

How did Ahat have such a cute daughter? She didn’t even look like her at all. She seemed to have received only good genes from her mother’s side.

I bowed my back to meet eye level and spoke as kindly as possible. Even when I was active duty, I had no such thing as a young fan, so I had to be careful.

“Hello, my friend. My name is Seo Ji-han. For once, that…”

It sucks, but I can’t help it. I showed Sharon, who was wary of me because of her impression, the holy sword on her back.

“I am called a warrior.”


Warrior. What a child-friendly sound!

Sharon, who was wary of me, saw the brightly shining holy sword and her eyes twinkled.


The holy sword’s ridicule echoed in my head, but I tried not to show that annoyance on my face. At the same time, I felt a slight anger.

‘The wizards were crazy bastards.’

Because in the original story, it was said that Sharon, this little child, was killed in the end. I understood why Ahat went crazy.

I handed the holy sword to Sharon so that he could touch it. It didn’t matter if it was dropped and scratched. No, I’d appreciate it if you could scratch it.

“Is it because you, who are busier than that, came all the way here for business?”

Ahat looked at Sharon with delight and turned to me. When I was stabbed in the right direction for some reason, I staggered and answered.

“no. It’s a pure visitation.”

“Then let me do it like that. Why are you here?”

ok. Also, Gaju’s eyes can’t be deceived. I coughed and talked to hide my embarrassment.

“Hmmm. Because of what you said before.”

“story? Is it the magic of the wind attribute? I think you have come to a conclusion.”

As we talked about the union at the current Yoosung Academy, I felt the need even more. In the direction of increasing the power as much as possible.

“Yes. I want to learn.”

In response to my answer, Ahat slowly got up his aching body.

“Jihan. That’s what I was talking about, but it could be dangerous. As you know, I…”

Ahat glanced at Sharon. I didn’t say anything behind the scenes because I was afraid I would hear them. Of course, you know what I mean without having to say it.

For wind attribute magic, if there is a successor, the heir dies. But Ahat had no intention of dying leaving Sharon alone.

It was said that if the top owner reached out because he broke the rules, there would be a risk to me as well. But he already felt he could handle it and came to a conclusion.

“it’s okay. Please teach me.”

“…I see. I will teach you everything.”

“And I want to ask you one more thing.”

“Hmm. individuality? Didn’t you decide to go to the tower when I’m better?”

I slowly shook my head at Ahat’s words.

“I felt it was too inefficient to go to the tower and find the Kaesong Stone.”


To climb the tower, you had to use everything you could use.

“I want to acquire the characteristics of Desaruuk as a personality.”

[Special. 49 – The effect of ‘Personality Transformation’ is activated.]

[Individuality conversion ‘1’ possible, always applied]

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