Statues in different dreams (1)

······Despite the death of Knight Commander Therios and the loss of Karios’ reputation, the Immortal Knights’ position remained intact. The fact that it is the highest institution in the Empire has not changed.

Their main mission is to annihilate warlocks.

In particular, in recent years when the black magician is rampant, a dedicated team has been formed for each region. Performance and contributions were directly reflected in promotion, so the members devoted all their energy to pursuing the warlock.

morning that day.

A team in charge of Archinia, the capital city, captured a warlock who was wandering around the city, and found an unexpected object in him.

“Captain, this is…”

“okay. It is the Imperial Family Guard.”

A silver badge that symbolizes belonging to the Imperial Guard.

It is an exclusive property of the imperial family guards that cannot be obtained anywhere in the empire, and even counterfeiting is a serious crime.

That label came from the arms of the black magician.

This was news that would turn the continent upside down.

Because the Imperial Household Guard was a bodyguard that protected the emperor from his closest aides.

“These crazy bastards of the Imperial Guard… these filthy bastards were guarding His Majesty’s side, we must inform the Imperial Palace of this as soon as possible.”

“Anyway, I can’t trust the lesser ones.”

Rectacio, the former Vice-Captain and the current Temporary Knight Commander, strongly grabbed the imperial family shield. Looking up at the dark sky, he said quietly.

“······Heading to the imperial palace right now.”


Tweet- Tweet-

In the morning, peaceful birds chirping in my ears and I can feel the bright light.

Jane suddenly opened her eyes. The surrounding landscape was unfamiliar.


White ceilings, fluffy beds, cozy duvets, neat interiors, and a humidifier that works subtly.

It was a comfort that could not be felt at the main house. An unfamiliar atmosphere touched my skin. In an instant, my hazy mind was awakened.

Jane’s eyes flashed open.


Another being recognized soon after.

Professor Reina is sitting by the bed.

“Are you awake?”

Rayna looked at Jane kindly. Jane said, frowning. It was because of a sudden headache.

“Ugh… what is it? Where are you?”

“This is the academy infirmary. You collapsed in the middle of the lecture.”

“… fell down?”

At the same time as I spit out the words, a hazy memory was recalled.

Oh right.

“Petium” I was practicing.

In the end, you couldn’t get past Leonard and passed out.

Jane’s eyes, which had been wary of her surroundings, sank grimly. He put one hand on his forehead and said.

“I didn’t collapse… I just slept for a while because I couldn’t sleep.”

“Ugh did you? Somehow I slept a lot.”

Reina smiled at her mother and chimed in. I felt bad because I felt like I was being treated like a kid.

But you slept a lot.

I also have lectures in the afternoon…

Jane jumped up to her upper body.

“Gee, what time is it?”

“Umm~ It’s 10:20.”

“yes? 10 o’clock?

Jane’s eyes widened.

10 o’clock? Of course it’s not 10:00 am, but it’s 10:00 pm.

The world is too bright for that.

The moment she stared blankly out the window, Reina said.

“Obviously it’s 10 am. You’ve been lying there for 20 hours.”

“Yes!? 20 hours?”

“Yeah~ I was worried because I didn’t have a good complexion. How long have you been sleeping? No matter how busy you are, you have to get a good night’s sleep. Then a big bottle comes, you?”

Dada dadada- The nagging bombardment continued.

“It’s okay because you’re still young, if you keep living with that pattern, you’ll go hooked at once. Drink a lot of water and get a good night’s sleep. got it?”

Saying that, Reina’s condition wasn’t very good either.

Unbeknownst to her, her eyes were sunken, and her complexion, which had always been healthy, was tired.

The time he was down was 20 hours.

Could it be that you stayed there all this time? Just because of me?

“Professor, maybe-”

“All the lectures yesterday have been canceled. So hold on to your worries.”

Reina cut off her words as if to reassure her. Then he said in a rather calm voice.

“And I contacted the house separately.”


“My parents didn’t come to visit me personally, but they were very worried.”


Jane nodded calmly. However, he did not believe Reina’s last words. Those bastards couldn’t be worried about me. Rather, I would have liked it if I liked that a piece of baggage was gone.

Jane’s home is Wisdow.

It was the worst slum in the empire, a pit of evil steeped in drugs, gambling and crime. It was a town where there was no quiet day, and people didn’t look at me just because I was from there. I was reluctant to look at some kind of criminal.

That’s why I kept it a secret until now, but it was a fact that I didn’t reveal to anyone, but to be exposed like this in vain…

Jane bowed her head.

I was ashamed. It was embarrassing. It was more embarrassing to be discovered that he was from Wisdow than to faint during the lecture.


The atmosphere of a more subdued infirmary.

The cold of autumn is felt rapidly.

Amidst the cold stillness, Reina cautiously opened her mouth.

“That… I’ve been thinking about it for a while. How would you like to live in a dorm in the future? It’s exam period soon, so I’m going to shorten my commute time and focus only on studying. sleep well What do you think······?”

Although she tried to cover it up, Jane noticed her intentions at once. Reina wanted her to get out of Wisdow. He wanted to study in a better environment.

I was afraid that my proposal would hurt you, so I was trying to explain why.

Jane silently averted her gaze.


I had mixed emotions.

I was grateful that it wasn’t a negative prejudice, I wasn’t happy because it seemed like sympathy, I was touched because I felt sincerity, and I was suspicious of the stranger’s kindness.

I just… hated all of this.

I hated the reality of having to hear these things and making them worry about things like this. I wondered if the cause of my inferiority complex came from the family environment called ‘Wizdow’.

Jane still looked out the window, no, at herself reflected in it.

“You know, Professor. Dormitory applications are accepted on an annual basis. I don’t have a seat right now anyway.”

“Therefore, there is a plan I have considered, but I think it will work as long as you are okay.”

Reina said in a soft voice.

A knock was heard at the same time.


The sliding door to the infirmary opened before long.


Jane turned her head towards the sound. A young child stood in front of the entrance.

White skin and calm black hair. The lethargy at first sight disappears, and the face is full of liveliness.

It was the archmage candidate, Elia Agnes.

After looking around, Elia headed to the hospital bed where Jane was. Reina pointed at Elia, who was approaching with gunfire.

“Do you know Elia?”


Jane also knew her well.

Because he was the owner of an extraordinary talent, distinctly different from himself.

Moreover, it was because they were from the same Wisdow.

“I thought it would be nice if the two of us shared a dormitory. Elia is fine, how are you Jane?”


same time.

A peaceful Saturday.

I am perusing the magic book in the study of the mansion. After leaving the academy, no more interruptions to me as the weekend has arrived…


A horn that doesn’t exist.

The crystal ball placed on the study desk was dyed purple. A text message had arrived.

[Professor Reina: Jane is awake. Don’t worry too much~]

“I’m worried…”

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Current time is 11 am. Jane woke up within 24 hours from symptoms of magical exhaustion. It was a truly commendable magic recovery. This was enough to meet the minimum capacity as a senior assistant.

As expected, yesterday’s ‘insight’ was not wrong.

All talents are divided into four levels.

「Gwijae」, 「Briminal Jaejae」, 「No Characteristic」, 「Dunjae」.

Among them, Jane’s talent is 「Beomjae」.

However, not all criminals were the same. There were those who narrowly belonged to the category of genius, and on the contrary, there were those who did not reach the rank of genius by a single difference.

Both of them belong to the category of Beomjae, but their abilities are vastly different.

Among the dogs, Jane belonged to the latter. The “Petium” seen yesterday was proof of that. The quality of magic itself was different from the other students, and at first glance, it was on par with Regilos.

No matter how immature and youngest he may be, Regilos is a [defensive magic genius] who inherited the blood of the Adonis family.

If it’s a magic ability similar to that… Jane was undoubtedly a talented person.


Another text arrived later.

I read it silently.

[Professor Reina: Ah! And the dormitory problem was also well resolved. The two of them became roommates. ]

This was something unexpected.

I proposed it to Elia just in case, but neither of them expected to accept it. Especially when Jane would accept this…

[ thank you for your effort. Professor Lena. ]

I replied right away.

Either way, it was a good thing. A rival named Elia would be a good firewood for Jane’s feelings of inferiority, and living in the dormitory had the possibility that Jane’s dark heart would fade.

After all, humans are animals that are affected by the environment.

I opened the magic book again. I read it slowly.

Squeak- Squeak-

how long has it been like that

I was slowly starting to get tired. Looking at the clock, it was already past lunchtime.

It’s all about eating and living, but you have to eat.

I left the library after putting a bookmark on it. In front of the door, the butler was waiting with an undisturbed appearance.

“Would you like to eat, sir?”

“Don’t let that happen.”

“I will prepare immediately. and······”

The butler who added words uncharacteristically. He handed over the newspaper with a rather serious face.

“This is the imperial newspaper published this morning. I think it’s something you really need to check, so I’m risking rudeness like this to tell the master.”


I checked the front page of the newspaper. Then he said to the butler.

“I will cancel the meal.”

“Okay, Master.”

The butler bowing his head.

I left him behind and entered the office. I checked the contents of the newspaper once again.

[The imperial family shield found in the arms of the black magician. What is the truth?

-At dawn this morning, a plaque belonging to the Imperial Guard (hereafter referred to as the Imperial Guard) was found from a warlock captured by the Immortal Knights. Currently, the black magician is detained at the headquarters of the Immortal Knights, and the position of the Imperial Guard has not yet been announced…]

Eventually, the case came to an end.

The episode that opens the door in the middle of the novel, where the Immortal Knights and the Imperial Guard confront each other.

And the imperial family protector, who will be the culprit of all situations.

It was one of those events I couldn’t prevent in advance. This is because he did not describe in detail who the black magician was, when, where, and how he was arrested.

However, I knew the inside story in detail.

This was Terios’ own play, and a clear political offensive.

It was a ploy to increase the prestige of the Immortal Knights and gain the support of the imperial family. At the same time, it was to raise awareness about the black magician and receive the full support of the empire.

The ripple effect that selfish choice would cause was beyond imagination.

Soon after, a hearing will be held in the imperial palace.

Without a clear pillar—the head of the imperial guard—the imperial guards couldn’t properly deal with this situation and ended up with an unfair reputation. They can’t clean up their stigma. Rather, it causes a physical conflict with the Immortal Knights, causing unnecessary suspicion.

As a result, the reputation of the Imperial Guard fell, and the rumor that ‘the weaker class is not to be trusted’ spreads throughout the empire. As a result, the conflict between the attacking class and the weak class would intensify.

The clash between the two institutions is a handshake that breaks the solidarity of the empire.

A device in the novel intended to increase the reputation of the Immortal Knights and Karios by accelerating the blackening of the lesser classes.

I wanted to be relieved by the death of Tharios, but the event that would eventually happen happened.

The bomb has already been thrown.

All I can do is reduce the damage as much as possible.


I turned on the crystal ball. I sent a reply to Regilos’ message that had been delayed.

[ Regilos: So when do you eat with Yerina? Do you believe only the real brother? ]

[Tonight. ]

I am not currently a member of the Imperial Guard, so I could not intervene in the hearing. Also, there was no way to give any instructions, and there was no way to know how the situation inside was going or what the atmosphere was like.

But Regilos was different.

It’s because he’s a bit nerdy, he’s a member of the Imperial Household Guard.

[ Regilos: Really? really? ]

[ Regilos: Isn’t that a lie? If you cheat again, I will cut ties with my real brother. ]

Reply straight away

The current imperial guard must have been in a state of emergency, but this guy seemed to be staring at the crystal ball all day.

It’s still pathetic.

[There is a condition instead. ]

[ Regilos: What is it? ]

[I’ll let you know when I meet you. Come to the academy’s office right now. ]

I packed my coat and headed to the academy.


A boring weekend like no other.

Yerina was rolling around on the bed. Holidays were just a boring time for her, who had no hobbies to do.

Roll this way- Roll that way-

After going back and forth between the beds several times, Yerina looked at her watch. I worked so hard, but less than 5 minutes had passed. The hour hand didn’t move at all, and for some reason, a corner of my heart felt depressed.


Everyone else says they only wait for the weekend, but they say they are happiest when they rest at home, but why is my holiday like this?

Is it because there is no one to be with?

Yerina’s eyes sank helplessly. He inflated his cheeks with a sullen expression. That time when I was drooping like a jellyfish that came out of the surface.


The ceiling was dyed purple. Yerina looked up blankly at the sight.

blink- blink-

Even when I close my eyes and open them, the purple color still shimmers.

A halo of light that can be seen through the floating dust.

As I turned my head along the traces, I reached the crystal ball placed on the table. The source of the light was a crystal ball. Somehow the text arrived. Yerina jumped up as if she had never done that.

“Awesome, awesome!”

I hurriedly checked the text.

The sender is Leonard, and the contents are…

[Leonard: Yerina, would you like to have dinner tonight? ]


In an instant, Yerina’s face brightened. The already big eyes grew even bigger. My heart, which had been boring, throbbed like crazy, and my whole body shuddered with the excitement I felt for the first time in a while.

After sending the potion list, Leonard had been in the dark.

There was no reply, and he hadn’t come to the Magic Tower, so I was worried about something, but I was about to miss him a little, but he contacted me first like this.

“Hehe, can I have just one meal? You can even have two meals!”

Yerina sent a reply shaking her butt. I couldn’t contain the excitement that exploded.

[ yes! where to go ]

[Leonard: Please come to ‘Von Driere’ by 7 o’clock. ]

After checking the reply, Yerina gave a hearty smile.

An upscale restaurant near the von Driem Academy.

It was a place known for its good atmosphere. Just imagining having a meal with Leonard in such a place was thrilling.


Yerina threw a fist into the air. Then he came out onto the balcony of his bedroom and spread his arms wide like a musical actor. I shouted as if singing to the agents who were smoking in the garden.

“Everyone, get ready to go out !!”

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