A flower that blooms in frustration (2)

······A few hours ago.

-Can you stay with me for just one day?

A request from Jeniel who held my hand.

To be honest, I was shaken a lot. Although it was a short time, numerous impulses arose in my head.

Wouldn’t it be okay to be with Jeniel for a day? Hey Karios, wouldn’t it be enough to start looking for it tomorrow?

We’re divorced anyway, so there’s no problem.

A sweet whisper like the devil’s temptation.

A desire that comes from the depths of the heart.

But I flatly refused. I shook Jeniel’s hand.

– I’m sorry.

Every action carries responsibility.

I would be happy if I could spend today with Jeniel, but I must pay the corresponding price.

I dare not guess its size.

It could be Karios’ deterioration or failure to defend the North.

If that happens, tens of thousands of northerners will be sacrificed, and the guilt I felt at Ketrick’s funeral and Francis’ quiz game will weigh me down again.

My resolve to prevent innocent sacrifices will crumble.

It was too much of a price to trade for a moment of pleasure.

So, the current choice is correct.

I said with my back to Jeniel.

– You and Karios. Both are precious to me.

You are Leonard’s first love.

Because Carios is the main character of my novel.

– I know you’re having a hard time with this one. I know how big your wounds are. However, it will be difficult for Karios as well.

just like love

Parting is also the responsibility of two perfect people.

-You have many people besides me who can comfort you, but it’s not Carios. Externally as well as internally, Karios is alone now. At that time, someone should be by your side.

The words he spat to convince me, not Jeniel.

So I left the lab. Searched all the bars in Mirbadiam to find Karios. But Karios was nowhere to be found.

No trace of him could be found in a luxurious private room bar, a pub he was regulars for, or a shabby street stall.

The mansion of Karios that I had been wanting to hear.

Hearing the words of the butler who had not yet returned, he met Karios as he was moving back to the city.

“It’s all over…”

The boy was kneeling in the snow. Morgolo who fell into the swamp of pessimism and despair.

“It’s all over…”

Is it because it is the character that I put the most effort into? Is it because of the affection we have been together for 400 episodes?

The moment I saw that weakened appearance, something inside me trembled. My heart boils, my fists tighten, and one side of my heart is torn.

It was anger that even I could not understand.

“wake up.”


“Stop talking like an idiot and wake up.”

Karios slowly raised his head. He looked up at me with empty eyes.


A face mixed with joy and guilt.

The sound of breathing under the snow.

Eventually, Karios’ body leaned. I collapsed helplessly into the snow, and a small snowstorm ensued around me.


I quickly checked Karios’ condition. After lying down, the carotid artery was measured.

pounding- pounding-

The faint but distinctly audible pulsation of blood vessels.

Fortunately, he was breathing. Even the slightest breath flowing down the philtrum was detected.

However, his condition was not very good.

His whole body was as cold as ice, and he was emaciated as if he had starved for several days. It was clear that if left unattended, life would be jeopardized.


I took off my robe and covered it. After that, he lifted Karios with [Inferiority].


The body floated horizontally as if on a stretcher.

I waved my hand lightly. Then, like a magic carpet, Karios’s body quickly flew somewhere.


Meanwhile, the A-2901 Lab in the Mage Tower.

Narsha is holding the research data attached by the music box. The desk was littered with many papers. But her eyes are looking out the window.


Snow falling from the dark night sky.

The moment everyone in the empire had been waiting for, and Narsha had also been looking forward to.

But a not very satisfying sight.

Snowflakes that somehow make me feel resentful.


The reason was simple.

I didn’t want to admit it, but I had to admit it.

Because the Leonard I wanted to see and be with right now wasn’t there.


Narsha rubbed her chin sullenly. I looked out the window silently, then quickly moved my gaze. I read the crystal ball with a curious mind, but as expected, no reply came back.

It’s already been 6 hours, but I spent it tactfully.

— 6 hours ago —

[I want to make a snowman. ]

[It’s snowing today. ]

Sujeong-gu, who is still silent.

his gloomy face reflected in it.

Like a dog waiting for its owner.


Narsha stared blankly at the crystal ball. I felt strangely depressed.

There seems to be a mountain of research I need to do right now, but I can’t afford to waste time like this, but I can’t concentrate at all. There was only one person in my head.

where are you now and what are you doing why is there no reply I wonder if something happened. I wonder if I am not thinking. I wait endlessly, but I wonder if I don’t want to see it.

Because of the cloud-like thoughts floating around, the research data did not come into my eyes.

At the same time, it was also a bit silly.

I, who used to be immersed in work every day, who used to be called a workaholic, changed like this because of just one person.

Even if it ruins your day, you’re not resentful, but you’re worried.

If your acquaintances saw it, they would be amazed.

The time when I laughed without even knowing myself.


The crystal ball was dyed purple. A text message had arrived.

Narsha hurriedly checked the contents. Her pupils were stained with bewilderment.

[Leonard: Can you come over to my house now? ]

[Leonard: I just sent a sedan to the Magic Tower. ]

A rather odd reply.

But in hindsight, the context was somewhat similar.

It means I want to be with you anyway. In a word, I want to see you.


A small smile crept across Narsha’s lips. The gloomy feeling evaporated in an instant.

At the same time, a question settled in the corner of my mind.

Narsha checked the contents of the text once again.

“You mean go to sleep…?

That’s probably what it meant when I called her home at this late hour. Otherwise, there was no reason to meet at home.

Narsha lowered her eyes as if embarrassed.

“What, what…”

It’s been less than a week since we’ve been dating, but I’m not ready in my heart, so to express it so blatantly.

It was embarrassing. I was still ashamed.

“Isn’t that too fast…?”

While muttering like that, Narsha’s hand naturally typed in a reply.

[ okay. When do you think it will arrive? ]


The mansion arrived shortly after.

Upon entering the foyer, the butler led us to where Leonard was.

“This is it.”

It was the master bedroom.

Narsha swallowed dry saliva. said the butler.

“You can go right in.”

“Yes······? Now?”

“yes? That’s it… You can go in whenever you want.”

The butler looks at Narsha with a puzzled face.

He lightly bowed his head and left. It was finally time to meet Leonard.

Narsha took a deep breath.


What is this?

After hesitating for about a minute, I thought about knocking, then carefully pulled the doorknob.

Kiki profit ·······

The door opened slowly.

Luxurious bedroom behind it.

Like the mansion of a great family, the size of the main room was enormous. It was bigger than most houses.

And… a man in a gown caught in his field of vision before he could even see the expansive interior.

An intelligent side view that catches the eye.

“I’m here.”

As if he had been waiting for him for a long time, Leonard was standing in front of the door.

Leonard turned his head slightly and smiled lightly.

“You waited.”

Then, he grabbed Narsha’s hand, which was frozen in place. In an instant, my heart beat rapidly. A rush of excitement flooded my heart. My face felt like it would turn red.

Narsha averted her gaze.


“come fast.”

Leonard led Narsha into the bedroom. Exactly where the bed is.

jerk- jerk-

A force that cannot bear to resist, and does not want to resist.

Soon after reaching the bed, Narsha closed her eyes. In preparation for the next contact, she lightly pouted her lips.

Like that, 1 second…, 2 seconds…, 3 seconds…

Time passed.

About 10 seconds passed.

But nothing happened.

There was no overlapping lips, no hugging, no rough pushing into the bed. Didn’t touch a single hair.

what? Did time even stop?


Narsha slowly opened her eyes. Leonard was looking at the bed with a serious face.

He said.

“What do you think? Do you look okay?”


When I moved my gaze, wondering if I had brought a bouquet of flowers, I saw Karios lying on the bed. It was just that the blanket was covered up to the neck, so I couldn’t find it.

Narsha finally opened her eyes properly. I looked down at Karios with bewildered eyes.

“what? Why is he here?”

“I brought it because it was collapsed nearby. The fever has subsided, but how does it look to you?”


I called you because of this

what else do i say

Narsha glanced at Leonard.

Then, as if to strike down, he put his hand on Karios’ forehead.

“There is still a feeling of heat left.”


Chirp- Chirp- Chirp-

The sound of birds chirping in my ears. Sunlight shimmering in your eyes.

Karios opened his eyes.


I lost my mind in the snow, but I saw an unfamiliar ceiling. It was the first bedroom I had ever seen.

Karios slowly raised his upper body.


The body was exceptionally light.

I didn’t feel the energy that had bothered me for a while, and the energy that had always been empty was restored. It was like being born again.

Karios turned his shoulder joint and looked around.

“Where is this…?”

The door to the bedroom opened just in time.

Soon after, Leonard came inside. Leaning against the wall, he asked casually.

“Are you awake? body?”

“good night. Very lively.”

Karios awkwardly raised his thumb.

Then Leonard weakly shook his head.

“Say thanks to Narsha, not to me. It’s okay because you treated me all night.”

“Somehow strangely, he said he was in good shape. Where is Narsha now?”

“I’m sleeping in another room.”


The conversation ended with those words.

After that, there was an awkward silence. It wasn’t awkward with Leonard, but since it was the first time I’d met since the Annals of Gates, I had nothing to say.

No, I had no face to speak to.


Karios lowered his head.

As we stared at the blanket in silence, Leonard said.

“Do you have anything to say?”

“I’m sorry, Leonard. Annals of Crab-”

“No, not like that.”

A voice that resolutely cuts a sincere apology.

Karios raised his head again. A benevolent smile crept across Leonard’s lips.

“Do you have anything to ask?”


Karios’ eyes were red with emotion.

It was what he believed.

Everyone dismissed it as nonsense, but suspected that it was another duke, but only Leonard trusted it.

The claim of the Immortal Knights to descend from the Witchbeast.

Karios restrained his overflowing emotions and said.

“Soon there will be a demon south. Everyone doesn’t believe it, and even the imperial family doesn’t give any support, but I want you to be with me too. I want you to help protect the northern part.”

But it was a strange thing.

The moment he said that, Leonard’s expression suddenly darkened. I blinked my eyes in disbelief and asked.

“The imperial family doesn’t provide any support? don’t everyone believe it? What are you talking about?”

“Yes, because the royal family’s trust was completely destroyed by the Annals Gate-”

before the words were finished.


Leonard stormed out of the bedroom. It was a rare sprint.

Karios stared blankly at his empty seat.

“Have I done anything wrong?”


I ran like crazy and went into the study. I rummaged through the drawers where the weekly newspapers were kept.



In this week’s paper, and in last week’s paper.

There were no articles published about Masu Namha. It was all nonsensical content. Apparently, everything Karios said was true.

An actual gate that did not exist in the original work.

As a result, the trust of the Immortal Knights fell to the bottom, and the imperial family did not accept the unprecedentedly advanced claim of descending from the devil. The variable gave birth to a handshake.

I put the newspaper down stunned.


In a week, hundreds of thousands of monsters will rush to the northern part of the continent.

In order to stop that wave, the support of the imperial family is absolutely necessary. You must build a fort with at least ten thousand mages.

However, when I listened to Karios’ story, it seemed that there were not even 10 people gathered, let alone 10,000.

In short, there was no answer.

You can’t give up either.


After thinking for a while, I pressed the call button on the desk.

After a while, the butler entered the study.

“Did you call, Master?”

“Post a notice throughout the empire right now. Adonis Street will hold a winter magic camp.”

“All right.”

The butler immediately supported him.

Before leaving the study, I asked for the first and last time.

“How many people should we limit?”

“Without any limit on the number of people, all full-time wizards who have completed the academy can receive it. There is no need to cover the series.”

Demonstration Namha, whose royal family support was rejected.

But it wasn’t completely hopeless.

It was a fight with a good chance if only the minimum conditions were met, and there was no major difficulty in supplying the most important manpower.

If it was the aftermath of Leonard’s character traits, “scarlet arrow” and “sword arrow,” men would not know about it, but women would be ignorant of it .

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