118. The Room Is A Little Small


Saved my life.

No, I almost lost my life.

I explained what happened there to teacher Shin Shi-hwa.

She asked me with a serious expression.

“To recap, you went to a club activity, and the villain Han Yu-wol appeared there?”

“Yeah, with the Twilight Outlaw’s cadres.”


Teacher Shin Shi-hwa sighed.

It seemed that he was more worried than he was because of the increase in work.

“It looks like two groups of villains are joining hands to take one. I still need protection, but my permission to go out has poisoned me.”

“That..is that so..?”

I think I was the purpose rather than one purpose…

No matter how much I think about it, Han Yu-wol’s purpose was not for one, but for me.

‘I’ll find you. Please wait.’

Ooh, that’s creepy.

Teacher Shin Si-hwa looked at me with self-blame eyes.

“hahaha. I’m sorry, student Han Si-jun. I keep going through bad memories.”

“At the time, it was a little bit like that, but now it’s okay.”


Shin Shi-hwa sighs when the ground goes out.

‘No, because one was not the purpose…’

But is she in a deep delusion?

He breathed out a sigh.

How deep did you fall..?

“Then I will go. cheer up. Teacher!”

Let’s take a seat for now.

I think she needs time to think.

I opened the door in the counseling room and tried to get out.

“Wait. Han Si-jun student.”



Sensei Shin Shi-hwa smelled the scent floating in the air.

Then he asked me like it was strange.

“Have you been drinking? Why does Han Si-jun smell like alcohol?”

“ah… ”

Is that the smell from my throat?

‘Stop spraying, Yoo Ha-yeon! Can we disinfect a little bit?’

‘no. This is purification, not disinfection. Stay still, Han Si-jun.’

‘Stay still! Aim!’

Yoo Ha-yeon sprayed a bottle of disinfectant on the wound on her neck.

As a result, my body was now wet with disinfectant.

When I told Ms. Shin Si-hwa of that fact, she blinked her eyes and answered.

“That..that’s right.. is that the way students are dating these days.. I see.. hahaha..”

She was trying to understand.

There was a little sadness in his voice.

‘Who the hell uses a bucket of disinfectant on teeth marks?’

I opened the door and came out.

Maybe the other kids haven’t explained everything about the case yet?

I was alone outside.

‘Well, I’ll just have to wait.’

With that in mind, I moved to the lobby near the consultation room.

And sitting on the chair, I thought about what Han Yu-wol had said.

“I will come. What does that mean?”

I live in the academy for 365 days at most.

If Han Yu-wol comes to visit me, she has to break through the academy’s security system.

‘What if, like the Twilight Outlaws, attack the Academy…?’

Can Yu-Wol Han break through the security system?

The answer to that was ‘no’.

This is because there was no route for the villain to break through the academy’s crime prevention system in the original work.

By the way.

Why are you so anxious

Han Yu-wol’s tone of voice seems to be coming.

When I think of it again, it feels like my body temperature is dropping.

“Senior Han Si-jun. Is the consultation over?”

“Oh, your senior.”

The first person to come out of the lobby was the student council president Jin Ye-sol.

She said as she sat down next to me.

“It was a club activity after a long time. I am sorry..”

“Iknow, right. Suddenly a villain appeared.”

The timing was not good.

After all, today is a club activity,

After all, Han Yu-wol returned there,

After all, this happened because I was there.

‘Fate x foot.’

I swear to myself.

It was not known exactly whether the fate of the villain or the fate of the playboy worked.

“By the way, junior Han Si-jun is pretty calm, isn’t he? Even if you were attacked by a villain?”

“Oh, that’s it. I think it’s because I’m experienced.”

“Oh, master.”

Was it because he was kidnapped by Han Yu-wol?

I kept my composure, even though she was bleeding.

But even though he kept his composure, he didn’t feel very good.

“I feel like I am bleeding. It’s really terrifying.”


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Jin Ye-sol answered lightly.

Then, after looking for a moment to ponder, he asked me.

“Then why did the blood witch kill the man and keep you alive?”

“Isn’t it because I have one-sided food?”

“no. Blood witches, as far as I know, unconditionally kill ordinary people they encounter more than once.”


Considerable amount of knowledge.

He was also the head of the villain club.

“I met Han Yu-wol more than 2 times, and are you still alive? It’s clear what’s going on with Han Si-jun.”

“Is… there is. I have only one body.”

“Is there something in that body? Junior?”

Then I have nothing to say.

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Jin Ye-sol got up from her seat and looked around me.

Whether there is something special or not.

“There’s nothing special about it except that it looks a little nice on the outside. I don’t have a lot of muscle.”


You hit me with facts all of a sudden.

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Jin Ye-sol sparked curiosity.

She said to me as if she remembered something.

“Actually, isn’t Han Si-joon’s junior body something special?”

“… Yes?”

“Could you lend me your neck for a moment?”

“… ”

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Jin Ye-sol.

She was about to drink my blood out of curiosity.

“It’s a bit…”

“I’m sorry. I thought that drinking the blood of a junior would help me understand the Blood Witch…”

Eating raw meat doesn’t mean you can understand the life of a lion.

Fortunately, Jin Ye-sol was a common sense person, so he listened to me and gave up his argument.

But he looked at me with regretful eyes, so it looked like he was only half-folded.

“Han Si-jun.”

Was it because I had a conversation with Jin Ye-sol on the subject of Han Yu-wol?

Looks like quite some time has passed.

Ha-yeon Yoo was approaching the lobby after the consultation.

I waved to her with gladness.

“Yoo Ha-yeon is here..”

For a moment.

What’s in my hand…

What is in Yoo Ha-yeon’s hand is a medicine container that seems to contain something.

What was inside was slightly predictable.

“Yoo Ha-yeon that…”

“Han Si-jun. Let’s disinfect.”


Yoo Ha-yeon has become a disinfectant ghost.

She was approaching me,

I had nowhere to run.

“You guys are young.”

Wherever you look, this is youth..

I hear Jin Ye-sol’s voice like that,

I was forced to disinfect.

‘Oh, the smell of soju…’

The wound on the neck was quite stinging from the alcohol.


After suffering comes happiness.

As the saying goes, I have heard good news.

“Han Si-joon, the detention is lifted from today.”

“G.. Really?”

Was time the solution?

It felt good for a moment, but I looked at Yoo Ha-yeon, just in case.

“Isn’t that what the plan is?”

“..even if you let it go, it’s a mess. Would you like to just go back in?”


It’s kind of like going back in.

Yoo Ha-yeon announced to me that I was about to leave the dormitory.

“instead. If you make one more mistake, then you will go to the depths of the Sarangbang.”

“Are you talking about the door in the room?”



Yoo Ha-yeon said that if I made another mistake, I would send her there.

The door was always closed, but it gave off a gloomy energy, so I didn’t want to think about it that much.

It seemed that it would be better to forget it from memory.

‘Next time, I won’t do anything wrong..’

With Yoo Ha-yeon’s help, I got out of the women’s dormitory.

The outside air that I felt alone after a long time was refreshing and refreshing.

‘Is this how a person fresh out of prison feels…’

Prisoners in a prison that are strangely understood.

I walked towards the men’s dormitory.

And after climbing a few stairs, I was able to return to my house after a long time.

‘If you open this door, Banhana and Nayuna will be there.’

Faces I haven’t seen in a long time.

We met face-to-face in club activities, but it didn’t last long.

Because of Han Yu-wol’s intrusion, we couldn’t talk for a long time.

“Finally, I can sleep comfortably.”

Feeling like a new born.

I will never sin again.

I opened the door thinking of a new life.

“Hey guys. I’m here!”


I opened the door and entered the room.

“Hey guys?”

But I don’t know why, but the house was empty.

A situation where no one responds.

‘Is it possible that Han Yu-wol has come..?’

Han Yu-wol, who declared that he would come to visit from his side.

Then this chilly atmosphere was explained.

If Han Yu-wol is here…?

‘Nayuna and Banhana can be dangerous.’

I immediately took off my shoes and went inside.

Was it because Banhana and Nayuna were living together?

The room was a bit messy.

I turned the corner and moved to a space that was no different than the living room.

“Hey guys! I’m here..”


I walked into the room, but there was no sign of anyone.

‘..not in my room.’

What the hell was that

Was it just beyond space?

Nayuna and Banhana looked like they were in the same room behind the mirror.

Without knowing it, I was doing a show by myself.

‘It’s a shame.’

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Just like when I was a kid at home alone.

‘… I know everything is there. Come out now.’

It felt like fighting villains in my imagination.

Feeling such shame, I entered the space behind the mirror.

His vision turned black for a moment, but soon he saw the familiar structure of the room.

“Ah, Shi-Jun! You’re back!”

“Yes, one. My brother is here.”

“Simyeon. It’s not my brother.”

“That’s what it means.”

Half Hana welcomed me back.

But why was Banhana here?

The reason was easy to see.

“Simyeon. Yellow is dead.”

“..I see.”

Na Yuna looks at the wall and shouts ‘I’m trash..’

Maybe it was because he was thrown in one shot by the villain Vibrant Won?

She was exhaling a severe cyclone.

“Han Si-jun. I guess I’m trash.”

“The opponent is an A-class villain. Well, it could be. What are you so discouraged about?”

I stroked Nayuna’s yellow hair looking at the wall.

It was an act of consolation.

That moment.


Ringing knock sound.

Someone had knocked on the door from outside.

‘Ha.. Is it Han Yu-wol..?’


Han Yu-wol doesn’t use such a normal method.

I was scared for a moment, but I regained my composure.

“It’s one. You are the owner of this room.”

“Ah, okay. I’ll go…!”

Banhana nodded and walked towards the door.

“Who..Who are you..?!”

“… ”

Unanswered opponent.

Only the crackling sound kept ringing.

“What… what! Reveal your identity!”

Banhana raised her claws and put her eyes on the lens on the door.

It was a function that the outside party could see.


Concentrated half.

But she quickly took her eyes off the lens.


“What..what? Why is that one!”

Maybe Han Yu-wol?

Bad memories that keep coming back.


At that moment the door opens,

A familiar voice came out.

“The room is a bit small.”

“Yoo Ha-yeon..?”

The person who knocked was Yoo Ha-yeon.

Behind her was a large bag.

No way.

“Do you want to live here..?”

“Yeah, it feels like the old days and it’s good. no?”

“It’s not…”

It seems a little narrow.

Yoo Ha-yeon said as if it didn’t really matter.

“Well, the person who is uncomfortable should go out first.”

“This is my house!”

“… ”

At that moment, a subtle current flowed among the women.

Is this a catfight?

Yoo Ha-yeon smiled in a situation where her eyes were focused.

“Good luck in the future.”

So the total number of people living together became 4 people.

What would the dormitory manager say if he saw this situation?

Perhaps, I will faint.

Such a thought suddenly occurred to me.

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