125. Kiss Me!

125. Kiss me!


Why is it that the only thing I can give is my body?

‘I, the male singer… ?’

Was I really a male prostitute?

I turned to the woman who knew me better than anyone.

“Yoo Ha-yeon, I’m a male prostitute… ?”

“Are you going to keep yelling? Aren’t you out of your mind?”


Well, if it’s not a male prostitute, it’ll be a blood bag.

After hearing Ha-yeon Yoo’s words, I regained my composure again.

Han Yu-wol looking at me.

I asked her.

“How can I show my sincerity?”

Stone ball.

I was the type to ask what I wanted for a birthday present.

“It’s a question that can’t be found with sense, Si-Jun Han.”

“… ”

“Si, Sijun doesn’t have any sense… ”

It’s one

Did you go back to the Black Dawn again?

Half Hana sneaked in and took Han Yu-wol’s side.

Did Han Yu-wol expected that the dialogue would not progress?

He sighed and waved his hands.

“For now, go. I’ll tell you my favor after the battle is over.”

“… Why? From my point of view, it seems like the battle is over and they want to attack us exhausted?”

How are you, Si-Jun Han?

Seol-ha Lee asked sharply.

I was thinking the same thing, so I agreed with her.

“That’s right. You should be able to trust that woman.”

“I can hear everything, everyone. Are you hurting me?”

“Whether you take it or not… ”

Unfavorable answers.


But there is no other way.

‘While I’m wasting my time right now, he’s probably going to keep hurting people… ‘

He rejects Yu-Wol Han’s proposal.

This was decided by a majority vote.

I shouted confidently between them.

“Well then, see you later. We will go first.”

“Ha.. Han Si-jun..?!”

“It’s a good choice, Han Si-jun.”


Han Yu-wol smiles.

However, unlike her smile, her insides seemed to hide an insidiousness.

So, Yu-Wol Han disappears from sight.

We took a step towards the last executive.

“Han Shi-joon, be honest with me. Do you have a heart for that woman?”

“Sijun is a villain… ! It’s already gone… !”

“… transformation.”


Sadly, of course, criticism was unavoidable.


The last executive seemed to have penetrated deeply from the entrance to the academy.

Scattered debris.

Then, an injured student caught my eye.

I approached him with good intentions.

“There, are you okay?”

“Uh, yes. It’s okay. It was only slightly injured.”


It looked like that

I was told it was okay, so I tried to enter the academy.

“Come on, wait… ! to get into it… ?!”

“I’m trying to do that, is there any problem?”

“Okay, of course there’s a problem… !”

What kind of problem

Making eye contact with the party, I listened to his explanation.

“The monstrous villain went into this, and the seniors in the upper grades and the teachers followed him, but it didn’t seem to have any effect… ”

“It’s a long introduction. Just tell me.”

“right! Summarize it in three lines!”

Damn, it’s a waste of time.

At my words, the male student flinched and gave the conclusion.

“It’s dangerous out there.”


“Never go in… !”

The boy’s body was trembling.

Apparently, his willpower is about 2 or 3.

With his low willpower, he seemed terrified and fell out of the way at the entrance.

“Well, thank you for your concern. But it’s a useless worry.”

How to get away with worrying about anything.

We ignored him and entered the academy.

It was shattered with traces of the villain.

“How much money will it take to restore everything? ? If you give me a little bit… ”

“Lee Seol-ha. If the academy is broken, shouldn’t we start thinking about whether we can take classes?”

“Money is important to me… !”

The impressions of the scratched academy were different from each other.

Ha-yeon Yoo was excited that she didn’t have to take the class, and one classmate regretted that she couldn’t take the class.

I like the class, but my grades are bad.

‘… Come to think of it, one only slept during class… ‘

Why do you like alternative classes?

No, the moment you understand one.

I’m not going to be a normal person.

Anyway, we walked along the villain’s trail without much tension.

“From here on, the traces are vague.”

The moment when such traces are about to be cut off soon.


There was a loud sound hitting my ears.

Direction of sound.

“That’s the dungeon side.”

“Did you go there… ”

A villain who seems to be heading for a wide space.

We ran in the direction of the sound.

The door to the dungeon was already broken.

And in it was the guy I saw in the original.

“found. The last officer.”

I finally found it.

S-class villain Lee Gap-jun.

He was fighting in the auditorium with his seniors and teachers.

We were pushed.

“Ha, Si-Jun Han student..!”


Shihwa Shin, the homeroom teacher.

A look of exhaustion was evident on her face.

It seemed that it was not enough for her to deal with an S-class villain.

Shin Shi-hwa looked at us and shouted.

“It’s dangerous here! Leave this place to the teachers and the student council and leave now!”

“It’s dangerous.”

But. It wasn’t very dangerous for me, who had gone through various dangers.

Rather, Yoo Ha-yeon’s confinement was more dangerous, but in my opinion, this place was not very dangerous.

‘At first, he didn’t have much attack power… ‘

Gap-Jun Lee.

His unique ability was a body as hard as a tortoise shell.

He said he was born with Hyunmoo’s ability, but only his defense was on the high side, and his attack was seriously low.

When I was playing the game, I had these thoughts about Episode 4.

‘what. I think Lee Gap-Jun’s S-class is rice?’

A villain who only defends and has no attack power.

If I had time, I could use that villain as an infinite punching bag.

If only given time.

The reason why Lee Gap-Jun became an S-class villain despite such low attack power.

“Han Si-jun. Does that person have numbers on his body?”

“Oh, that one?”

Time bomb.

It was a terrifying weapon that increased its destructive power by absorbing the surrounding magical power as time passed.

Therefore, we had to penetrate Lee Gap-jun’s defense before the time bomb absorbed countless magical powers.

Gap-Jun Lee looked at us who had just joined the war.

And then he said with a smirk.

Towards half.

“Pink hair girl. Why are you here?”

“Ugh… ”

One half was terrified.

Why does an unknown man pretend to know?

I despised it with those eyes.

Yoo Ha-yeon looked at Ban Hana and asked.

“Damn, do you know that person?”

“I never knew such a man, motherf*cker.”


I also agreed with that.

‘But, how does Lee Gap-Jun know one?’

Do you remember seeing it passing by?

Banhana belonged to the Black Dawn, but a few people forced her to use her powers.

This was how it was known.

But, what if Banhana’s identity is exposed in this place where there are many students and teachers?

‘Absolutely not.’

The moment Lee Gap-jun opened his mouth.

“Pink bitch. Why isn’t the Black Dawn here?”

I aimed at his head and pulled the trigger.


A bullet that flies quickly.

His defense was quite high, so I used much more magic than usual.

Such a bullet hit Lee Gap-jun’s head.

His head was bent backwards from the impact.

“Have you done it.. did you do it?”

“No, Ha-yeon Yoo.”

How do you say that

Ha-yeon Yoo who memorized a magic spell.

As if responding to him, Gap-Jun Lee raised his head.

“Okay.. someone is talking! What the hell did you learn at the academy?”

A villain who talks about the level of education.

Only smoke was rising from his forehead.

It was clean and there were no injuries.

‘Of course, that’s unreasonable.’

Putting a bullet in his head, I realized I couldn’t take him down the normal way.

How did I clear it in the original?

When I was a tanker, I crushed a time bomb underneath.

When he was a warrior, he had items that could pierce Lee Gap-jun.

But now?

Absolutely, it doesn’t come to mind.

I decided to ask one more time just in case.


-what. is it work human.

‘Can you lend me your strength right now?’

If you kiss 4 people, you will live.

Kissing 5 people gives you strength.

Since Fenryl’s contract is so made, I asked him just in case.

Fenryl replied as if he understood what I was saying.

– The contract. that is. not. keep it 5 people.

‘No, it’s not that I don’t do it.’

I’m going to kiss someone later.

Do you want to borrow it now?

-refuse. do.

I’m stubborn on the subject of witchcraft.

If you get Fenryl’s power, you can easily break through Lee Gap-jun’s defense.

With the power of an S-class, the power of an S-class beast.

However, Fenryl repeated only the words to complete the contract unconditionally.

‘With the current number of personnel, Gap-Jun Lee’s defense can never be penetrated… ‘

There was one way.

How to put a time bomb in Lee Gap-jun’s body.

His internal organs have no defense applied.

So, it could be easily dealt with by putting it in one of the holes in his body.

“But, it’s so psycho-like… ”

Shin Shi-hwa, Mr.

Student Council President Jin Ye-sol.

My harem group.

With this combination, you will never be able to break through Gap-Jun Lee.

While he was thinking like this, the time bomb that Lee Gap-jun was holding continued to absorb magic power.

… can’t

I turned to my companions.

Then, he bowed his head 90 degrees and handed over an apology.

“I’m sorry, kids.”

“suddenly? What did you do again!?”

No, I’ll do it from now on.

She must be looking at this situation now.

I shouted towards the empty space.

“Han Yu-wol! Are you there now?!”

An auditorium filled with silence.

But I once again.

Stronger than before.


“I will show you my sincerity!! Kiss me..!!”

“Hey, aren’t you crazy bastard?!”

I have to believe it.

The auditorium stiffened at the sound of my cry.


“… ”

Between them.

Han Yu-wol appeared.

The corners of her lips were like a crescent moon.

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