129. It’s a big deal, watch the news

129. It’s a big deal, watch the news

“Excuse me..”

Ha-yeon Yoo entered the president’s office.

The chairman said to Yoo Ha-yeon with a tired look.

“Hey…, please take a seat.”


Ha-yeon Yoo sat down and looked at the chairman, Shin Hae-young.

‘What are you calling me to say?’

..No, the answer must be fixed.

Yoo Ha-yeon knew it intuitively.

The reason the chairman called him was because of the video floating around the internet.

The chairman put his arm on the desk and said in a serious tone.

“I don’t know where to begin with this, but do you know that Han Si-jun woke up from the hospital bed?”

“Yeah..?! Han Si-joon has come to his senses..?!”

“Come on, wait. Take a seat. You won’t be able to meet me even if you go now anyway.”

That’s right, I’m not allowed in.

Yoo Ha-yeon remembered that fact and sat down again.

Even so, breaking the door of the hospital room was a bit harsh.

Ha-yeon Yoo was a woman who could look back on the past.

“Anyway. Student Si-Jun Han came to his senses after two weeks. However, the situation outside is not very good. That video. You know?”


The video that went viral on the internet!

Yoo Ha-yeon went to the top of her head just thinking about the video.

“Yoo, Ha-yeon Yoo. Please relax the handle of the chair…”

“Oh, I’m sorry!”

Yoo Ha-yeon hastily lifted her hand.

However, the handle of the chair is already broken.

How angry Yoo Ha-yeon was, the iron handle was bent in an S shape.

“…I’ll have to buy a new chair.”

The cost of rebuilding the academy flashed before the president’s eyes.

“How far did I go?”

“Even the video of Si-Jun Han spread on the Internet.”


The chairman nodded and began to explain.

How does the outside world view the video?

What is the impact on the academy?

After hearing all the explanations, Ha-yeon Yoo went to her desk.


And got up from his seat.

“Hey, Si-Jun Han is expelled from school! That’s absurd..!!”

Withdrawal from the school.

It divided the villains and obscene acts, which are classified as evil in society.

Even in places with a lot of people.

There were many witnesses, and even a video was filmed, leaving evidence.

“Han Shi-joon kissed him to get his powers!!”

Yoo Ha-yeon was not afraid in front of the chairman and insisted on her opinion.

“Still, Yoo Ha-yeon. There is nothing we can do about the world’s eyes.”

Although there are many positive influences that Sijun Han had on the academy.

The world doesn’t know it, and it doesn’t want to know.

Chairman Shin Shi-hwa certainly had many memories of being helped by Han Si-jun.

However, Si-Jun Han is not the only student she manages.

So, rationally, she could not stand on Han Si-jun’s side.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. Student Ha-yeon Yoo. The results will come out tomorrow in a secret trial in the Heroes’ Association. In the worst case, you could go to jail.”

“… ”

Yoo Ha-yeon was desperate at the sound.

Because I’ve seen Si-Jun Han, who wanted to be a hero more than anyone else, worked hard.

If it wasn’t for the chairman, I wanted to cry right now.

That moment.

‘… Wait, why do you have to tell me that tomorrow is a trial? ?’

Surely, Chairman Shin Shi-hwa said ‘secret’?

Then, why did you tell me that secret?

Yoo Ha-yeon made eye contact with Shin Si-hwa.

She averted her gaze and muttered.

“Today, I may have made a mistake.”

At that moment, Ha-yeon Yoo could be sure.

‘This is an opportunity… ‘

She got up from her seat and headed out the door.

“Then let’s go back. Chairman.”

“… ”

Yoo Ha-yeon looked at the chairman who did not answer and left the door.

It was clear what she had to do.



I shouldn’t have thought like that.

The remote control button I pressed to appease boredom.

If I hadn’t pressed it, it would have been better than it is now.

– A video of academy student Si-Jun Han kissing a blood witch is on the Internet…

Voice from TV.

And, the faces of two men and women appearing on the screen.

-Hey, what are they doing in this urgent situation?!

– Sijun Han, what are you doing with that villain?!

Me and Han Yu-wol are kissing.

On TV, it was airing without a single mosaic.

“What the hell is that… ?”

No, why am I on TV?

Who took more than that?

A video that looks like it was taken from the corner of the auditorium.

After I finished kissing me on the screen, I was pushed by Han Yu-wol.

The end of the video was like that.

-Is this correct? The academy cadet kisses the villain. Even during battles with villains.

– Well, looking at this situation. Citizens’ resentment is on the rise. Because this happened in an academy built with their own taxes.

– Probably, I will be expelled. That seems to be the case.

Withdrawal from the school.

Wait, expulsion?

“Did you say that you are expelling me now?”

The news shouted as if they were going to kill me.

-The situation in which the petition regarding the expulsion of Han Si-jun student exceeded 400,000. Wouldn’t this be difficult to prevent?

– Oh, it seems difficult to stop.

The announcers on TV were speaking in tones as if they were relaying a soccer penalty shootout.

It seemed that he had no interest in my expulsion.

“Ha, more like expulsion than that… ?”

A video of the kiss was spread on the Internet?

Withdrawal from the school?

‘… What do you tell your parents?’

Mom, I got kicked out of school for kissing a villain.

Should I say it this way?

‘No matter how much I think about it, the reason is absurd… ?’

In the first place, isn’t my face ruined from the moment it was revealed in the news?

My lost reputation seemed irretrievable.

-The relationship between the two seems to have bloomed in the place where they were kidnapped…

-I don’t think it’s Stockholm Syndrome…

What is he saying now.


I didn’t want to hear the announcers anymore, so I pressed the remote control button.

Then, the room was restored to peace.


My mind was in a state of confusion.

‘You’re expelling me? Heartily? Me who dealt with the villain?’

If it’s true on TV.

I was pretty close to expulsion.


In an instant, there was the sound of a door opening.

I turned my head in that direction.

“It’s one… !”

Half one!

Yes, one could explain it to me.

I ran to Banhana and asked her to explain.

“Hana, what in the news says that I will be expelled, did you hear that?”

“D, I heard you. sight.”

“I know, one.”

Then it would be easy to explain.


Please explain, one!

The half who hesitated.

She was swiping towards the door again.

“Wow, what are you doing, Hana?”

“I’m sorry, Shi-Jun! Trial tomorrow! I’m looking for the person who took the video! Ki, wait, Shi-Jun!”


It came like the wind, vanished like the wind.

Left alone, I shouted into the air.

“… Is it real?”

D-1 until trial.

I had to go to trial for the first time in my life.


A quiet room with no light coming in.

There, a TV was turned on all of a sudden.

-He’s kissing them… ?!


Han Yu-wol put her finger on the remote control and turned down the sound.

Because there was no need for other people’s voices.


She took a sip of wine.

The scent of grapes lingered in his nostrils.

However, the thirst did not go away.

“It’s annoying… ”


The wine glass in his hand shattered and fell to pieces of glass on the floor.

Han Yu-wol’s gaze was focused solely on the screen.

“My, that I kissed like that… ?”

I’m confused.

And the fact that I showed this to others is shameful.

Han Yu-wol wanted to kill the person who took the video right now.

However, on the other hand.

‘My first kiss happened like that… ‘

Because the good feeling remained.

She decided to refrain from invading the academy.

“How did I… ?”

Han Yu-wol got up from his seat and stared at the screen.

It was the same posture as the video on TV.

“Hey, kissing like this… ”

Hold my hand like this…

Han Yu-wol started practicing alone.

She didn’t even realize that her heart was beating so fast.

That moment.


“Vice-Captain! Did you hear the news?”

“… ”

“What, what were you doing?”

“… nothing.”

The person who opened the door and entered is Angela, who specializes in hacking and stealing.

Han Yu-wol quickly regained his posture and shouted.

“You’re not even knocking, what’s going on?”

“No, I got the information. Would you like to see this?”

“… ”

Han Yu-wol concealed her shame and received the paper in a clear way.

There was a lot of interesting information floating around.

“Trial, and then, confusion. Can you properly punish Han Si-joon, who f*cked us up last time?”

“… ”

Han Yu-wol found this information interesting.

However, ‘damage’ to Han Si-joon is not possible.

I was engulfed in such trouble.

‘Wait, why am I worried about that… ‘

Did Han Si-joon take any damage?

‘It has nothing to do with me.’

She made up her mind again as usual.

Han Yu-wol realized what was best for her.

She said, throwing the information to Angela.

“I want to participate in that plan.”

Best action.

It means that I can meet Han Si-joon again.

‘Even if Si-Jun Han takes damage, I’m okay.’

Even if the result is not good, I can meet Han Si-jun again.

Han Yu-wol’s heart was beating fast.

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