186. Will My Country Stay Here?


Hmm, I dug a lot.

I smiled at Clark, who was watching me, and checked the pit.

Like a sinkhole, a deep pit was forming downwards.

“After all, it’s convenient to use bugs.”

It’s not a standard, so I’m a little uncomfortable.

After using the bug, things get easier than I thought, so my mind is relaxed.

Looking at the deepening pit, Hana asked curiously.

“Sijun, but. Why is the ground only being dug here?”


One moved two steps, scratching the ground with his hand.

Whether the green field was made of adamantium, it did not even move.

One held out a red fingertip.

“look! Only my hand hurts! The ground doesn’t even move anywhere else!”

“That’s right. I wonder why they are only digging here.”

“Um, that’s it… ”

What should i explain

You can’t just say, ‘It’s okay if you don’t think about it, it’s a bug’…

Best of all, it would be better to briefly explain what happened in V. AGE.

The reason why this bug occurred, I decided to solve it briefly.

“It’s a guess, but I think the reason they only dig under this tree was intentional.”

“Intentionally? Why are you here?”

“That’s right… ”

Fantastic landscape of green fields.

And, in the still time, only near the tree moves.

There is only one reason.

‘Dead developer. To mourn him.’

V. The creator of AGE.

In other words, a developer who can be called a god in this world.

One of them died of a sudden heart attack while developing this space.

Unfortunate accident.

However, they did not stop, and continued development.

It’s sad that a colleague died, but because the release was just around the corner.

I had no choice but to hold back my tears, and in the end, V. AGE was released to the world.

‘..and, along the way, a bug was discovered.’

Clark, the fairy of time.

A bug has been discovered in the space she controls.

A bug where the ‘indestructible’ code was not written under the one and only tree.

In fact, it was right above the place where the fairy of time was hiding, so it was called a fatal bug among users.

The developers of V. AGE dismissed the bug in one word.

‘This is the last voice left by a colleague who was not with me. I will not modify it.’

I will leave my teammate’s footprints in the game.

A dead companion becomes a tree and is alive in the game.

The developers have finished explaining that, and it is safe to say that everyone who plays V. AGE knows this anecdote.


To explain it to others, let’s briefly summarize.

“romance. Romance is said to move hearts regardless of time… ”

“Ugh, I feel Shi-Jun… I’m freaking out… ”

“..I don’t know what you said, but I don’t want to understand.”

I can’t agree with this.

Well, it’s a story that only I know, so it’s inevitable.

Meanwhile, while recalling the anecdote hidden in the tree.

The tip of the deeply dug sinkhole began to appear.


Yoo Ha-yeon exclaimed happily.

“uh? Do you see the end here? I think it will break if I hit it a little! how will we do it?”

“No need to ask.”

Break it clean

Ha-yeon Yoo heard the voice and immediately took action.

Gather huge shovels in one place and craft a new tool.

Oh no.

A very gigantic Ohhamma falls down and knocks on the last door.

Soon, with the sound of kukugung, a light appeared from the sinkhole.

“It’s one. Can you make a space over there?”

“Of course! My powers are omnipotent!”

Since the space of light was actually captured in the eye, it is identified as a place that has been visited.

So, one opened up the space and moved us all.

At that place…

“Everyone, get off now! You bastards!!”

Clark, the fairy of time.

A fairy with light green hair with dark circles and a small body.

“You showed me the way with a sign..! You idiots with no morals!!”

She was yelling at us.

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.


[Repeat quest. Find the fairy ‘Clark’ who rules the time. If you don’t find it, you will fall into eternity.]

[Success Reward: Space Escape]

As if the fairy in front of him was Clark, the quest reward appeared on his retina.

One ticket per person fell into our hands.

Perhaps, by now, tickets have been sold to other people as well.

For those people, it was finally moving on to the next space.

And, Hana didn’t seem particularly interested in the ticket.

“Are you a time fairy? hehehe, would you like to be friends with me?”

“Hey, that’s a human. Don’t talk about human subjects…”

“From today on, you are my Tinkerbell! hehehe..!”

One pricked the little fairy with his finger.

Tears welled up in Clark’s eyes.

It seems that it was quite unfortunate that it was discovered in an unusual way.

“It’s one. don’t bother me too much I’m going to cry out loud over there.”

“Oh, don’t cry. This damn number 292… It’s all because of you.”

The world plan I was making.

Is it sad that it failed?

However, there was not much sympathy.

In the first place, he was like a devil who gave impossible quests and enjoyed torture of hope.

To her, we would be just toys.

“By the way, I am the owner of this space. You act like an opener.”

“Wow, that’s rude! Dare, what do you think of my room!”

“Sim-Jun! This is a complete garbage dump!”

“… agree.”

Clark’s house is like a garbage dump.

A shabby TV set on a shabby desk, and a bag of popcorn that looks like it’s been around for a while.

Since it is an underground space, the air is humid and there is a musty smell.

“If people and guanyin are in a place like this, their mental state will not be good. uhh really… ”

“… Do not sympathize, human. I am the ruler of the world. This is Clark, the ruler of time.”

“It must have been in the past.”

“… I am still the ruler, but I am the ruler… You are the ruler… ”

Fairy Clark, who mumbles words that are close to self-hypnosis.

I felt a little pitiful, but after meeting her and completing the quest, there was nothing to do in this place.

I told them to take out their tickets.

“Come on then. Now let’s go. Do you already know the next space? You’ll just have to rip the ticket and get it ready as soon as it comes out. The other heroes will arrive before us.”


Everyone nodded.

However, only one creature could not melt into the atmosphere.

“Come on, wait a minute! Don’t you guys dream of ‘eternal life’?! I’ll make it happen! Time does not pass in this space!”

Fairy Clark twitched her ears as if she had pulled out the spleen.

He seemed to be thinking, ‘How about this?’


“Hmm, I don’t really need it. It can prolong the lifespan of a person.”


“me too! I’m going to increase it too, so I don’t need it!”


“I wish I could live with Han Si-jun for the rest of my life, but… Well, you can do that over there too, and it doesn’t matter.”

“… to?”

… Why am I getting goosebumps on my body?


Fairy Clark didn’t seem to have thought of rejection.

He blinked his pale pink eyes.

Seol-ha Lee and Yuna Na, who were not interested from the beginning, began to rip tickets.

“If you stay in that kind of grass for the rest of your life, you’ll have a mental illness that doesn’t exist.”

“… A person must have an end to live happily.”


Seol-ha Lee and Yuna Na who left first.

Following him, Ban Hana, Yoo Ha-yeon, An Da-il, and Han Yu-wol also disappeared.

There were only two people left, me and Clark.

“… ”

Don’t say anything

I can’t comfort myself…

“Hey, fairy.”

“Why, number 292… ”

“Will the country stay?”

“… !!”

At that voice, the fairy’s eyes lit up.

Then, he cursed at me.

“Don’t lie! this garbage! You’re never going to stay!”

“Oh, are you smart?”

Of course I’m not staying here.

It was just something I said.

Still, I’m sorry…

“Is there anything you want? Would you like to hear that?”

“Hey, that’s a lie.. isn’t it…?”

“Of course, I don’t say two words with one mouth.”

I know what she wants.

Knew it right

Fairy Clark looks at me with anticipation.

“Rip your ticket! My friend is in that space!? Bring that friend! Being alone makes me feel lonely and bored! To be honest, humans are just fine as long as I have my friends!”

“Ugh, that’s right. friend.”

Ruler of space.

That guy must be a friend.

However, that guy is close to Shin Hae-il.

The reason is probably because the interests of the two were just right.

If that guy responds harshly…

I may not be able to bring you here.

“I will try. Maybe that friend is an old grandfather?”

“Not her! really! Don’t play with me on human subjects!”

Seeing Clark so angry, I smiled.

He took the ticket out of his pocket and tore it up.

Vision and space are reversed.

And, what you see in front of you is a space that is no different from the scenery you saw for the first time.

Distant castle.

The sea covered in black.

Asphalt road with cracks.

There is only one difference from the first.

It was only the fact that one step had moved.

“The wall of space has now been broken… ”

Now I just have to go to that castle.

However, the situation in front of me was not so good.

A-class beasts run wild, heroes fight, and the wounded appear in Yeosu.

After passing through the city center, which is like a battlefield, we must head to that castle.

‘It won’t be easy, but… ‘

I will go in the future.

The world can’t be destroyed.

I quietly walked forward.

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