I became immortal in Tianzong Sword

Chapter 466 The Condemnation Monument

【Are you ready to stand up and solve your worries for your eldest son? 】

Yuan Ling asked in her heart.

Jiang Sibai replied: 【The current situation is not an ordinary change of dynasty. There are also practitioners, demons, immortals, evil spirits, evil spirits and other elements mixed in. The situation is too complicated and he cannot handle it alone. 】

Yuan Ling said helplessly: 【So you just use the simplest and rudest way to simplify complicated issues, right? 】

Jiang Sibai shrugged and didn't answer, that's what he meant.

He still had to coax the good old Taoist Heron, who seemed a little frightened.

To be honest, Jiang Sibai's killing was a bit more ruthless this time, and the quality was extremely high, which also formed a great deterrent.

It can be said that he talked good and bad, and he coaxed Taoist Hen, and then asked Taoist Hen to explain to Gongsun Zhi's subordinates.

As for Jiang Sibai, he calmly decided to take a break.

After all, grandma gave good things, so I have to thank you, right?

So the two entered the dreamland of Taoyuan again, and then Yuan Ling went to play elsewhere as expected.

It seems that if she wants to have a clear self-awareness like him in the Taoyuan dream, she has to improve her cultivation level.

Jiang Sibai came to the hut, naturally thanking his mother.

"You don't need to thank me, Ling Ding'er is a good boy, this is a gift from me."

Jiang Sibai was dumbfounded, the hell picture scroll of feelings was given to Yuan Ling.

It seems that Yuan Ling has been completely loved by her mother, so that's good, life is peaceful.

Thanks is the main thing, and the next thing he has to ask is whether his approach is feasible.

To be honest, after doing all this and then asking again, it is really a cut first and then a play.

But Bai Sitong was very tolerant of this, she even threw out a stone tablet in preparation and said, "Don't I know about my son's temper? I have already prepared it for you."

Jiang Sibai took the stone tablet, but saw three characters engraved on it in simple seal script: Stele of Condemnation!

Jiang Sibai immediately understood that this is the matching treasure that Bai Sitong made for the picture scroll of hell directly with great supernatural powers.

This condemnation tablet is neither gold nor jade, and even has no substance. Its only function is to tear the souls who are judged guilty into the picture scroll of hell.

This can be regarded as the entrance to the picture scroll of hell.

At the same time, Jiang Sibai also sensed another use of this 'convicted monument', which is to divide into countless places and suppress places!

Jiang Sibai felt it for a while, and then said with emotion: "I didn't expect my mother to do this kind of thing."

Bai Sitong didn't understand all of a sudden, and asked, "What's wrong with Mom?"

Jiang Sibai said: "Didn't Hei Tianzun fall out with Aunt because Amu always likes to break the rules?"

Only then did Bai Sitong smile and said: "Who said I don't like to follow the rules anymore? It's just that I don't like the rules he made."

In fact, Jiang Sibai had a vague feeling that Hei Tianzun belonged to the kind of temperament that set all rules and regulations to death, while Bai Sitong didn't have any set rules, and it was very likely that the rules set one moment ago would be invalidated by himself the next moment.

These two Tianzun's personalities are simply two extremes. In fact, they can complement each other, but they turned against each other before.

Jiang Sibai asked some more questions before he 'offline' satisfied.

After a night passed, Yuan Ling chose to go to autism.

She had made up her mind to meet Bai Sitong, but in the end she turned into a brat and played wild all night. She felt that she might be sick.

Jiang Sibai began to set up the projection of the condemnation monument within the scope of Zhouzhou County.

Once the Conviction Monument is projected, it means that this area has been connected to the Hell Scroll. Once an evil spirit enters, the Conviction Monument will naturally play a role to draw the evil spirit into the Hell Scroll.

In this way, the area of ​​Zhouzhou County suddenly became extremely clean, even cleaner than before the world catastrophe.

The only bad thing is that the drought is really serious.

Jiang Sibai didn't wait for Gongsun Zhi to gather information about the drought situation in various places for him. The traffic is slow and the transmission of information is slow these days, so it is easy to delay things.

Therefore, the Great Earth God stomped his feet directly to recruit younger brothers.

A group of white-bearded grandpas were called over in such a way.

"Report the drought situation in various places, the old rules, give me the jade slip, be more detailed."

Jiang Sibai gave an order, and the white-bearded grandpas squinted their eyes and got busy.

More than 20 pieces of Lingyu quickly gathered information from all over the world.

Without further ado, Jiang Sibai rolled up Lingyu and sprinkled water while studying.

This is really sprinkled.

He will not look to see if the land is fertile, because fertile places generally have better water conservancy facilities, and no matter how dry they are, there will be salvation.

He mainly goes to those barren places where water conservancy and irrigation are scarce and can only be irrigated by people carrying water.

Void spiritual energy erupted from between his eyebrows, and then formed a large rain cloud, bringing ample 'artificial rainfall' to these barren lands.

Don't water too much at once, otherwise the crops will be drowned.

He is a man who understands farm work and knows where to measure.

After going around like this for a month, he made sure that the crop fields in the entire Zhou County were watered at least once, and those places without water conservancy facilities were watered at most three times.

In this way, it finally lasted until the autumn harvest, and the people of the county and the government were greatly relieved.

This calamity year is over.

As for how to survive?

Needless to say!

Although this year is not a big harvest, but under such a severe drought, there is actually a small bumper harvest. In addition, Gongsun Zhi held a big sacrifice in the newly built 'Earth Temple' on the spot after the autumn harvest was completed. What's going on?

After the great sacrifice, Jiang Sibai and Yuan Ling only felt that the incense and vow power on their land god seals swelled like bubbles.

At that time, Yuan Ling had a thought: This must look good if it is smashed.

Jiang Sibai felt it was a waste, and then simply used the rapidly expanding incense and vow power in the divine seal to water the tree stump in the small courtyard in Sanshanling.

The big mulberry tree was cut down when refining the picture scroll of hell, and now Jiang Sibai is looking forward to what it will look like when it grows back like this.

The root system under the tree stump has been filled with the power of incense and fire!

Jiang Sibai looked forward to it for a while, and then returned to Changru City to sit in charge.

His big son, Gongsun Zhi finally decided to send troops eastward!

Although Luodu is in the south, Luodu, which has fallen, has been slaughtered by the rebels long ago.

It can no longer even serve as a spiritual symbol of Dayan. Even if Gongsun Zhi exhausted the manpower of Zhou County and defeated the enemies entrenched in Luodu, what he would get would be a wasteland full of bones.

So Gongsun Zhi, who had already understood what he should do under Jiang Sibai's education, just kept silently carrying the talisman given to him by the dead Yanhuang, as if Luo Du was still carrying out the Yanhuang's imperial decree.

That is to hold the festival and put down the rebellious bandits in the north!

This can be regarded as taking advantage of the last majesty of Dayan imperial power.

But then again, if Gongsun Zhi can really calm down the world and recreate the universe, then why is it not the continuation of the Dayan royal bloodline?

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