Jiang Sibai led Dabai wobbly on the mountain path, not sure if he couldn't reach it in one step, but just liked to relive this familiar feeling.

He walked unhurriedly, as if he were an ordinary traveler, and soon looked travel-stained.

And when he walked to Changru City, Gongsun Zhi was moved by the dusty feeling.

"Father Ya!"

Tears welled up in his eyes, as if in a state of extreme emotion.

Jiang Sibai gave him a strange look and said, "I've already prepared the food you asked for."

Gongsunzhi said with red eyes, "Yafu, you worked hard for me."

Jiang Sibai was dazed for a moment, then said, "Don't talk about that, I'll teach you how to use it."

As he said that, he took out a 30L wooden barrel and said, "This is the purified fairy food spirit dew. After being diluted a thousand times, it can be eaten by ten thousand people for about half a year."

Gongsunzhi looked at the wooden barrel in surprise and said, "Yafu, you mean, just the fairy food spirit dew in this barrel can do this?"

Jiang Sibai nodded.

Gongsun Zhi said with great emotion: "In this way, the people under me will be saved!"

Jiang Sibai said: "In the future, the grain harvested from the farm can be used for refugees, and can be used to recruit more people to expand the farm."

"You can use this dew of rice millet as military rations, especially in times of war. It can solve the pressure on logistical supplies."

"Of course, if there is a shortage in the place, it can also be used. Anyway, you can allocate it yourself."

Gongsunzhi was greatly moved when he heard this, and he said, "I never thought there would be such a miraculous thing in this world, Yafu, this bucket of spiritual dew must be priceless, right? Don't worry, the child must be used wisely."

Jiang Sibai waved his hand and said, "You just need to use it, I still have thousands of barrels in stock."

Gongsun Zhi was stunned and said, "There are so many such spiritual creatures?"

Jiang Sibai said: "So just let you use it with confidence. I happened to contact the original sect a while ago. My master does this. These are his stocks."

Gongsunzhi was even more moved when he heard this, and he said, "Yafu, you have been wronged for the sake of my child!"

Jiang Sibai: "???"

He was shocked, where did Gongsun Zhi's thinking go?

"Don't think about it, I'm fine."

Gongsunzhi said: "Father Ya, I have heard from my master and his elders that you and your aunt must have some misunderstandings with the original sect, and now you have bowed to the original sect for the sake of your child, and you have come to ask for these supports...all of this, my child Always remember."


Dabai next to him couldn't laugh anymore.

It lay on the ground and patted the floor desperately with one paw, and its six tails swayed happily behind it, not too happy at all.

Gongsunzhi looked in astonishment when he heard the sound, and suddenly found that there was such a big six-tailed snow fox behind Jiang Sibai.

"This kid is so funny, he thought you and Yuan Ling eloped! Hahaha, it's so interesting."

Jiang Sibai's face darkened, he knocked on Dabai's head angrily and said, "What's so funny?"

At the same time, Jiang Sibai has already faced Taoist Heron and sentenced him to death in his heart.

Want to become a teacher?

Yes, in the next life.

In this life, you should give Gongsun Zhiying a calamity and prevent disasters. In the next life, your merits and virtues will be enough, and you will be guaranteed to go to the Heavenly Master smoothly.

Jiang Sibai cursed a certain talkative guy in his heart, and then said to Gongsun Zhi who was still shocked by Dabai: "Don't look like this, things are not what you imagined."

"This is Dabai, the beast raised by my master, and the senior who watched me grow up."

Gongsun Zhi hurriedly bowed and said: "Gongsun Zhi, I have met Dabai Patriarch."

Patriarch Dabai...

Dabai just thinks that this kid is really good at talking, he likes it.

So it said: "Well, hello, I didn't expect Xiaobai to have a younger generation."

"I don't have anything good for you... I have it, let me give you a bag of dried fish as a snack."

As he said that, he really took out a bag of dried fish from nowhere.

Jiang Sibai looked at the bag of dried fish and was speechless for a moment, then said to Gongsunzhi immediately: "That's Jiaolong's dried meat, if you go back to eat, remember to eat less at a time, if you can't bear it, practice martial arts more, if you can't help it, remember Get your concubine ready."

Gongsun Zhi was startled when he heard that, this 'Dabai Patriarch' was indeed a fox of the patriarch level, and his attack was something of the level of jerky dragon meat.

Then Jiang Sibai said again: "Teacher Dabai, you should save a little on your inventory, there are not so many 'good ingredients' in this world."

Dabai asked strangely: "Why, are there no demons in this world?"

"I just saw that this kid raised a giant horned deer. It should look delicious."

The sad Elk Horn King shivered down his spine, while Gongsun Zhi couldn't help but dripped down in a cold sweat.

Jiang Sibai said: "The monsters in this world all take the practice route of illusory body, unlike the monsters in our hometown who all take the route of physical body strengthening, so most of them are not delicious."

Dabai immediately showed Husheng's desperate expression, as if he didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Jiang Sibai quickly relieved and said: "It's okay, let's find something higher-end to eat, it won't be bad after all."

Only then did Dabai get out of his grief, and then he said, "Speaking of which, I also eat vegetarian fruits. At worst, I'll eat something lighter in the future."

Gongsunzhi confirmed that this 'Dabai Patriarch' might have a strange taste, and he actually likes to eat monsters.

He didn't know that this strange taste was brought up by his Yafu!

The real gourmet must be his Yafu.

Gongsun Zhi didn't stay long, and he hurried away carrying two barrels of dew.

He is still very sympathetic to his subordinates. After all, Mr. Wen has been very busy with food matters. Now that he has a solution, he must let his subordinate, the chief minister, put down his worries.

On the same day, Mr. Wen expressed his disbelief that there is such a miraculous thing in this world, so he tried the Jiji Linglu on the spot.

Then he was full.

It is said that I haven’t been hungry for a month, and I’m so energetic that I can’t sleep, and I handle official business in the Yamen all day long.

In this regard, Gongsun Zhi couldn't help but feed Mr. Wen another drop of jiji spirit dew next month, and then paired it with Ningshen scented tea to refresh...

This kind of '007' beater is really easy to use!

And Gongsunzhi himself did not escape.

He ate some of the 'Dragon Dragon Meat' with the mood of trying, and then he knew why Yafu asked him to prepare a concubine Ji.

At that time, a hot current swept through the whole body, and then gathered in the lower abdomen...

He really didn't have concubine Ji by his side at that time, so he could only carry the heavy Overlord Spear and play big guns in the yard all night, and then gradually calmed down the restlessness in his body at dawn.

A mouthful of dragon meat is really too strong.

And the benefits are real, as his physical strength has become stronger, and his marksmanship has been compulsively raised to a higher level.

Gongsun Zhi looked at the bag of jerky with lingering fear, thinking that if he ate all of it, who else in the world could be his opponent?

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