Lin Feng was carried by five qi-entraining bandits all the way into a mountain depression.

This is the current gathering place of the greedy thieves, and perhaps one of the many dens of the greedy wolf.

Previously, Lin Feng followed Dong's firm and encountered a greedy wolf thief, and incarnated as the second master, he once took over a greedy wolf's den.

But it is obvious that there are so many Tanlang dens, it is impossible for Tanlang himself to know how many there are.

Now that Lin Feng was captured by bandits again, it didn't need to be so troublesome.

No matter how many dens he has, this time Tanlang wants to use ordinary people to go to Huangshan Gui to exchange for Qin Yinren to be the wife of the village. When they get married, all bandits, big and small, will be recalled.

At that time, it will be stewed in one pot.

Of course, even if Lin Feng hadn't had a formal face-to-face meeting with Tanlang, the two sides were in an unstoppable situation, and Lin Feng also used the function of the magic sky mirror to change his appearance a little bit.

At this moment, Lin Feng looked ordinary, and he couldn't see his handsome and heroic appearance at all.

As for the aura, Lin Feng didn't even need to change it to hide it.

Because of him now, all the nine foundations in his body were blown up and turned into chaos.

That's why he, who obviously has the combat power of the Nascent Soul Realm, is an ordinary person without cultivation in the eyes of the five Qi Entraining Realm bandits.

Soon, Lin Feng was carried by five bandits through the checkpoints and entered the valley where the bandits' den was located.

In the valley, many bandits gather, most of them are ordinary people, and a small number of elite bandits are monks.

Even though there were no demon slayers to encircle and suppress them, the defenses were still tight. Lin Feng was brought back as prey and passed several inspections. After confirming that he had no cultivation base, he was sent all the way to the inside of the den.

The former greedy wolf thief, two alchemy realms, and many foundation establishment realms, are very powerful.

After Lin Feng encountered them with Dong's firm last time, he successively killed several Foundation Establishment Realm, even the second leader of the Alchemy Realm.

//114956/ "King Kong is not bad Dazhai Lord"

Today's greedy wolf's vitality still hasn't recovered, and Lin Feng in the entire cottage can only feel a strong aura of alchemy.

The rest of the strongest ones are just a few foundation-building atmospheres.

After just a little perception, Lin Feng figured out the details of the entire cottage.

Soon, Lin Feng was thrown into a woodshed full of people.

There are dozens of people in this firewood house, including men, women, old and young, and all of them are ordinary people.

These people were all ashen-faced, with despair on their faces. No one cried or spoke. They all silently waited for the fate to come.

Everyone knows what awaits them.

Even if they are just ordinary people, they will definitely not end well if they fall into the hands of these bandits.

There may have been people crying and shouting before, but they were obviously frightened. Now even though the group of people were trembling, no one dared to speak out.

An atmosphere of despair permeated among these ordinary people.

Without making them wait too long, the door of the firewood room was opened again.

Several ferocious bandits with weapons in their hands knocked on the door of the woodshed:

"Get out!"

Soon, everyone was gathered in an open area in the valley where the cottage was located.

The number is exactly one hundred people, and they are ordinary people who are used to exchange Qin Yinren from Huang Shigui.

A group of bandits looked at the group of ordinary people meaningfully, and after waiting for a while, a middle-aged man with restrained breath appeared on the scene, but made everyone tremble.

This person's eyes were cloudy, and the pair of triangular eyes added a bit of malevolence.

The big thief Tanlang, the leader of this group of robbers, exists at the peak of the alchemy realm.

As soon as Greedy Wolf appeared, many bandits clasped their fists enthusiastically to greet him:


"Meet the master!"

"The master is mighty!"

Immediately afterwards, Tanlang waved his hand, stopping many younger brothers from continuing to compliment him.

He was also not interested in paying attention to these one hundred ordinary people, but said loudly:

"Second master Heilang stays at the cottage, so don't let your guard down for a while!"

The second master was naturally promoted, because the previous second master had been slaughtered by Lin Feng long ago.

Hearing Tanlang's words, a bandit at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage stepped forward and clasped his fists respectfully:

"Don't worry, boss, the subordinates must guard the stockade!"

Greedy Wolf nodded:

"The demon slayers have already retreated, the only thing to worry about is the night watchmen coming to make trouble!"

"But don't worry, I've already reached an agreement with that monster, it's still the old rule, we help him breathe, and he helps us deal with the night watchman!"

"With this group of weirdos around, the Dingjiao night watchmen come and go, I'm still worried that they won't come!"

As soon as these words came out, the doubts in the hearts of many bandits disappeared, and they waved swords and other weapons and clamored:

"The boss is mighty!"

"Come one to kill one, one to kill another!"

"The night watchman dares to come and die!"


A group of people were very excited, and their fear of Da Zhou's monster slayer and night watchman disappeared in an instant.

Greedy Wolf continued:

"Prepare good food and wine, I will marry that little girl tonight, and my brothers will get drunk!"

Now bursts of cheers resounded through the sky erupted in the entire cottage.

They have been hiding for such a long time, and they haven't had a happy and happy life for a long time. Now that the opportunity came, a group of people howled like wolves that had been suppressed for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, Tanlang waved his hand, and several foundation-building men came out like cattle, driving a hundred ordinary people on the road, heading deeper into the valley.

Needless to say, it is natural to take these one hundred ordinary people to exchange for Qin Yin people in the hands of Huang Shigui.

Qin Yinren is a monk, and his energy is naturally far superior to that of ordinary people. Normally, a hundred ordinary people may not be able to catch up with one in the alchemy state.

But Huang Shangui agreed to let Tanlang exchange a hundred ordinary people for Qin Yinren, which shows that Huangshangui still values ​​Tanlang very much.

Lin Feng silently followed a group of ordinary people who were going to die deep into the valley.

He was also curious about where the weirdness in broad daylight was hiding.

During the day, the weird dare not show up and walk, only at night is their paradise.

Soon, Lin Feng's doubts were resolved.

In the depths of this valley, there is a dark cave, and the light in this cave is faint.

Tanlang led the people all the way deep into the cave, even in broad daylight it can make people feel icy cold.

All the way down the cave, when the light became dimmer, even ordinary people couldn't see their fingers, but these bandits still didn't light the but took out several luminous pearls as lighting for.

As it goes deeper, occasionally there will be a gust of wind blowing, making people feel cold all over.

Later, even Tanlang and other monks turned pale and trembled slightly.

But obviously, this group of bandits was not the first time to go deep into this cave, but they were all quite calm.

Not long after, Tanlang led people to drive a hundred ordinary people into a wide hall inside the cave.

All ordinary people don't know what they are going to face, but the cold alone has already made them lose their minds.

The hall in this cave is empty, and there are no frightening bones or other weird scenes as imagined.

It's still just freezing cold, just the occasional wind blowing.

But when they got here, Tanlang and other bandits cupped their fists at the air respectfully and bowed:

"Senior, people brought it!"

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