Because of Lin Feng, the nine divisions jointly started and improved the Longevity Seed Project.

Since the launch of the Longevity Seed Project, it has frequently surprised them.

Lin Feng successfully stepped into the foundation building from the entrainment environment, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger. Leapfrog battles are commonplace.


It even started to challenge the Nascent Soul later...

They really saw hope in Lin Feng.

But in the end, a trip to a spiritual realm broke them down.

The spiritual realm disappeared, and Lin Feng also disappeared.

"It's all the old man's fault. Why did you let Lin Feng enter the spiritual realm?"

"Fuck! Blame me? This plan was agreed by everyone!"

"I think the problem lies with Fatty Wang!"

"Fuck you **** shit, what the **** did I do?"

"It's you, if you didn't give the blood essence of the ancestors, would the spiritual realm disappear?"

"Made, are you going to fight?"

"I gave blood essence to activate the secret realm of aura and help Lin Feng absorb more energy. What the **** are you..."

"Hit it, hit it, whoever is afraid of it will be the grandson!"

"Come on, come on, I haven't exercised for a long time..."

Seeing that several people were about to pinch up.

But at this moment, Su Xun, the founder of the Night Watch Division, received the news. He just glanced at it, and his eyes lit up instantly.

The news is very simple, it came from the night watchman.

The night watchman found Lin Feng on the wilderness.

Naturally, this news came from Qin Yinren's master, the night watchman general Zhou Qiang.

The information not only said that Lin Feng was found, but also the cause and effect.

Including Lin Feng's killing of Huang Shigui, killing the greedy wolf thief, suppressing the cliff temple, and even hurting him with Zhou Qiang.

It also includes things about the Tiandaohui!

After reading the news, Su Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

He was the first to discover Lin Feng, and he was also the one who started the Longevity Seed Project.

Although he is not in charge of cultivating Lin Feng now, he is also paying attention to it all the time.

This is a common event for the nine divisions.

But while he was relieved, Su Xun was not in a hurry to tell the truth, but started to quarrel after watching the excitement:

"Fatty Wang has to bear the main responsibility!"

"Chen Nian, you are not a good person, but now you are his master in name, but you almost lost Lin Feng several times!"


The quarrel in the conference room became more and more intense. Before they even got started, the auras of the elders erupted, and the roof of the building was directly blown off.

For a moment, the entire night watchman headquarters was in a state of chaos.

Su Xun, the founder of the Night Watchman, looked at the roof that was blown away, his face turned green, and he yelled:

"Made, that's enough!"

"Don't hold a meeting with my night watchman next time, change the place!"

It hurts his heart, this night watchman headquarters was built with great difficulty, and it cost a lot of money, but a few old things just knocked off the roof of the building just because of their momentum?

He watched the excitement and finally saw his own head.

But when he roared, he was locked on by the momentum of the other eight people, and they all stared at him fiercely:

"Su Xun, why do you still feel bad for your broken building?"

"That's right, the plan has failed so badly, and people are gone. Do you still care about this?"

"Old ghost Su Xun, you started the plan, tell me now, what should I do?"

Su Xun laughed angrily at the words of several people:

"What should I do? Cold salad!"

After the voice fell, he got up directly, stepped into the void, and then transmitted the voice to the eight people:

"You two are arguing slowly, the old man goes back to sleep!"

For a moment, the remaining eight people were dumbfounded.

But soon, all eight of them came back to their senses!

Seeing Su Xun like this, it was obvious that he really wasn't worried about Lin Feng anymore.

Then there is only one possibility, Lin Feng appeared!

In the next second, the eight elders also took the initiative to use their own channels to inquire about the news.

It didn't take long for the faces of the eight people to show joy, and it was obvious that they had inquired about something.

Especially Chen Nian heaved a sigh of relief: "I just said that this **** will be fine!"

There is also Wang Fugui, who gave Chen Nian a hard look: "Smelly shameless, just occupying the master's name and not doing business!"

After the words fell, Wang Fugui also took a step forward and disappeared in place in an instant.

The rest of the people also shook their heads one after another, and then dispersed, as if Lin Feng's appearance had nothing to do with them.

But it didn't take long, and Zhongzhou City began to jump around.

The Tiandaohui strongholds that had been hidden for a long time were pulled out one by one.

The secrets of the Tiandaohui were easily erased by Xeon, without even leaving any traces.

This time, even if the Zhongzhou City Tiandaohui was not uprooted, at least its vitality was seriously injured.

Is this how the nine top elders make a move to make Tiandaohui better?

This is simply unprecedented. Although the nine top elders have already grasped many clues of the Tiandaohui, they have never done anything, just because they don't want to startle the snake.

And this trivial matter, in fact, does not need top powerhouses like them to take action.

Tiandaohui, all the forces in Zhongzhou City are in the dark, and the strongest is only out of the body. It is the task of the city defense army and the generals of the night watchmen to beat them.

How can you use a bull's knife to kill a chicken?

But this time, such a top boss made a move, and the existence of the Tiandaohui being mastered was completely wiped out before it even had time to react!

No one knew that the reason for all this was because Tiandaohui provoked someone they shouldn't provoke, Lin Feng!

His gaze returned to the wilderness again.

In the ruined temple, Lin Feng was still practicing, trying his best to sort out the foundation and heal his wounds.

With the passage of time, his condition stabilized, and his injuries had completely recovered under the powerful effect of the Golden Light Spell.

The Dao foundation in the body is more stable than before, and the Chaos Dao foundation is gradually being sorted out smoothly.

Gradually, a drop of liquid spiritual power began to emerge from his Dao foundation, but it was different from his previous spiritual power of various attributes.

This is indeed chaotic spiritual power, which is extremely docile in his Dao foundation, but once used, it is extremely violent, can restrain any attribute spiritual power, and has a strong corrosive effect.

At this point, Lin Feng was able to really use the chaotic spiritual power.

However, his task of sorting out is far from over.

Also at this moment, in the void of the night, a rich figure emerged.

Wang Fugui, the founder of the Commercial Department, arrived, but he did not bother Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is still a student of the Night Watchman Academy in name, and he is also a closed disciple of the old dean, Chen Nian.

It has nothing to do with his business department!

Oh, no, to be precise, there is a relationship, but a relationship of hatred.

The aura secret realm left by Wang's ancestors disappeared because of Lin Can this be called okay?

Wang Fugui has now officially taken over and started training Lin Feng.

He hasn't figured out how to take over, is he just like that shameless old **** Chen Nian, and directly accepts apprentices?

He can't do it, it's too shameless, Chen Qianhou just stared at Lin Feng, and got the title of master?

Have been paying attention secretly and giving help in a timely manner?

But this scale is not easy to grasp, and it is necessary not to be discovered by Lin Feng, but also to help Lin Feng as much as possible!

At this moment, Wang Fugui had complicated thoughts, and he also quietly sensed Lin Feng's state.

But with this feeling, Wang Fugui frowned instantly:

"what's the situation?"

He couldn't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power in Lin Feng's body, didn't he feel the existence of Lin Feng's Taoism?

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