Changshan didn't want his son Changhao to destroy the foundation again.

In desperation, Chang Hao could only nod his head in response, and sat down with his legs crossed honestly and began to strengthen his foundation.

And Chang Shan raised his head excitedly, he could still sense the battle in the tribe outside, even from such a long distance, he could clearly sense the specific battle situation.

"It's very good, are you all making trouble? Do you really think my Da Ri tribe is as easy to bully as Liu Shan of the Five Elements tribe?"

While Chang Shan snorted coldly, he took a step forward and soared into the sky. He looked back at his son who had practiced martial arts in the house again:


"You don't have any future, let me be honest. If there is a chance, your father will get you some strong blood as a congratulatory gift!"

After the words fell, Chang Shan had already dissipated in place.

When Chang Shan left, a figure quietly emerged from a dark corner not far from the house.

It was Lin Feng.

He took advantage of the chaos and touched it, but he sensed the aura of Chang Shan, a top powerhouse, so naturally he didn't dare to show his head.

He didn't get out until Chang Shan left to join the war.

Lin Feng sensed it and confirmed that there was no strong presence around, and then he quickly approached the house in a flash.

Just before, when he approached, he had confirmed that Liu Hong was on the top floor of this house.

And the fact is the same, at this moment on the top floor of this house, in a huge bedroom decorated with joy, Liu Hong is sitting in front of the window in a daze.

There is a huge mirror next to her, and her beautiful face is reflected in the mirror.

It's just that this face is extremely cold, as if lifeless.

Like a puppet, Liu Hong let the maidservants beside her help her dress up.

She had already put on the bright red ancient wedding makeup, which made her already charming face even more endearing.

In this world where spiritual energy has been revived, in Zhongzhou City, technological civilization and cultivating civilization have long coexisted. People in the city naturally wear white wedding dresses when they get married.

But this Yanhuo Canyon still retains the ancient habits, and it is still the ancient festive red wedding dress!

But on Liu Hong, the bride's face, there was no trace of joy.

The atmosphere was so oppressive and weird that even a group of maids who were in charge of dressing and dressing didn't dare to make too much noise, for fear of disturbing the bride.

But at this moment, when a girl was drawing Liu Hong's eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil, she subconsciously glanced out of the window, and screamed in the next second:




The scream came out, and the next second all the girls and servants looked at the window in unison.

I saw that the window that was closed at the moment was pierced by someone, and one eyeball just looked in through the window opening.



"Come here..."

But before the screams of these girls could be heard completely, there was a thud, and the paper on the lake on the window was ripped open.

At this moment, everyone could see clearly the people outside the window.

This is a rich middle-aged man, full of greasy eyes, staring at the still cold and lifeless bride Liu Hong.

"What a beautiful bride, I love you!"

Seeing this person and hearing this, all the girls and servants at the scene were frightened, and they all froze on the spot.

On the contrary, the bride Liu Hong, who has always been like a puppet, suddenly had a look of joy on her face when she heard the words "I like you", as if all the vitality in her body had returned.

But when she turned her head to look at the greasy middle-aged man outside the window, the look in her eyes dimmed instantly, and the recovered vitality dissipated instantly, and she became like a puppet again with a wry smile and shook her head:

"I was thinking too much!"

Hearing these four words, the first thing she thought of was Lin Feng.

What she remembers most clearly now is the four words that Lin Feng said by himself when Lin Feng danced with her under the bonfire in the square.

Unfortunately, how could Lin Feng come?

She would never allow Lin Feng to come to die, so no one would tell Lin Feng where she was going.

If Lin Feng really came, she still didn't know whether it should be a surprise or a sadness.

After all, in her understanding, although Lin Feng is strong, he is only at the Foundation Establishment level, so how could he possibly be able to deal with the huge Great Sun tribe?

Therefore, she made a choice to leave all her beautiful memories with Lin Feng, and then came to the Great Sun Tribe alone to fight for a chance for the Five Elements Tribe.

At this moment, Liu Hong's heart has died a long time ago. She is really like a pool of stagnant water. If it weren't for the four words just now, she might not have changed at all.

It's just that she couldn't imagine that the middle-aged greasy man in front of her was the Lin Feng she had been thinking about day and night.

And Lin Feng naturally didn't intend to show his figure right now, because at this moment, the reward for being rejected in public has arrived.

Naturally, when Lin Feng came to look for Liu Hong, he also had to brush up the rewards by the way.

Given his current relationship with Liu Hong, if he really wanted to show his body, Liu Hong might really agree as soon as he confessed his love.

It's all right now, although he has changed the appearance of his breath, it can be regarded as his confession in public, and the audience is the many girls in the room.

And Liu Hong's response was rejected, so the reward arrived in time:

"Public confession to Miss Liu Hong of the Five Elements Tribe was rejected, and I rewarded the True Fire Seed of Samadhi!"

"The host, please keep up the good work. The next time you confess your love to Miss Liu Hong in public and get rejected, you will be rewarded with the Great Rijinyan Fire Seed!"

Lin Feng frowned, and was about to make persistent efforts, trying to see if he could continue to confess his love.

Before that, he also wanted to try, but there were too many audiences, and each confession was rushed, so he hadn't had time to try if he could get all the rewards in one go with consecutive confessions?

But before he could open his mouth, a breath locked on him instantly, and then a figure flew into the air:

"court death!"

When Lin Feng turned his head, he saw a burly young man with wrinkled face holding a long spear with flames constantly emerging and directly killing him.

The characteristics of this person are extremely obvious.

He is tall and strong, with wrinkled face, but he is obviously only a teenage boy, and that iconic flame gun......

This is Chang Rong, the second son of the Great Sun Tribe.

He is at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm, but his strength is not weak, and he is known as the strongest arrogance of the Great Sun Tribe.

Originally, this Changrong was the chief Changshan's favorite But this Changrong was also abnormal.

Although she's not very feminine, she's so masculine.

The most important thing is that there is something wrong with aesthetics. I don't like handsome and beautiful men, but I like greasy uncles...

This is even more perverted than his elder brother Changhao.

Because of this, Liu Hong from the Five Elements Tribe came to her door by herself, so the marriage could only be left to Changhao.

But at this moment, Changrong charged in the air, a gun blasted out, and in the blink of an eye a fire snake galloped out from the tip of the gun.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and was about to kill Chang Rong.

But at this moment, he sensed many auras approaching quickly, and even Chang Hao on the ground floor also noticed the movement above.

Lin Feng could use his power to destroy these people, but the problem is that if this is directly exposed, won't all the previous efforts be in vain?

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