After Lin Feng's words fell, a group of people dared to neglect, and immediately lined up again neatly.

Even Tianzhu, who had completely collapsed with ashen face, obediently returned to the queue.

After several confrontations, he had completely fallen into Lin Feng's hands. How could he have the arrogance to fight against Lin Feng?

Immediately afterwards, Liu Shan began to organize a group exercise class again.

This time, there was no need for Liu Shan, the instructor, to remind him. As soon as he issued the password, many experts in the Aperture Realm moved in unison.

Before the queue had finished rehearsing, a voice sounded in the temple:

"The training of the reserve battalion has passed the acceptance test. Commander Lin Feng will award 10,000 military merit points, instructor Liu Shan will award military merit points 1,000 points, and all soldiers will reward military merit points with 100 points!"

When the voice came, everyone's military achievements also followed.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Three days, many people feel that it is longer than three months, or even three years.

For the past three days, they were always in a state of tension, for fear that if they made a mistake, they would be grabbed by Lin Feng and killed.

Although he still couldn't escape Lin Feng's clutches, at least he had passed this level.

At this moment, many people finally had the will to regret it.

I regret why I listened to the old man Tianzhu's nonsense and came to this ruined temple.

The opportunity was not found, and a bunch of people died.

What was even more frustrating was that Tangtang was forced to train for three days at the Leaving Aperture Realm, and if he failed to pass at this moment, he would even be killed by Lin Feng.

It's just beyond words.

But then, another reminder sounded in the barracks:

"The training acceptance of the reserve army has passed, and the second round of assessment begins!"

"The second round of strength test assessment will be carried out by Huben Army!"

The sound just fell, before the group of people could react, they heard a neat clattering sound.

It was the sound of armor colliding.

Everyone looked along the place where the sound came from and saw a large team outside the barracks walking towards the reserve army camp.

The leader is a crimson armor.

There are hundreds of golden armors on his left and right. After the golden armors, there are silver armors, black iron armors, and bronze armors.

This is an established team.

At first glance, there are more than 100,000 armors.

Especially the crimson armor at the head, even though it is empty, it is crushed by an invisible momentum as he walks.

A group of people, even the most powerful Tian Zhu's expression changed rapidly.

They have just passed the queue training, and they have ushered in a new round of assessment, the strength assessment.

Although I don't know how the assessment will be done, but with the previous experience and the ruthless Lin Feng watching over him, a group of people can't help being nervous.

Just as everyone was shocked, this team had already stepped into the reserve army camp neatly.


In the next second, the group of tiger and ben army armors all stood at attention.

The Red Flame Armor headed by it was powerful, and a cold and mechanical voice came out:

"The strength test is divided into two rounds, the first round tests the individual strength, and the second round tests the overall strength!"

"The single-body test is based on the state, and our Tiger Army is dispatched to correspond to the existence. If it is better than our Tiger Army soldiers, it will be considered a pass!"

"After defeating a soldier from the Tiger Army of the same realm, you can choose to increase the number of soldiers, or you can choose to increase the strength of the soldiers to continue the assessment!"

"The group test is the same!"

"Continuing to fail the test is considered a test failure!"

After the voice fell, everyone's expressions changed again.

Sure enough, there is nothing good to come to this temple.

These armors are all cold and emotionless existences, they don't know pain and they don't fear death, because they don't have life themselves.

Moreover, these armors are not weak just by sensing the breath, so this test may not be easy.

Even judging from the military merits in the queue acceptance just now, there must be military merit rewards in this strength test, and if the assessment continues, whether it is increasing the number of people or improving the strength, the military merits will definitely be higher, but at this moment, no one cares about military merits at all.

More people want to quickly end this weird trip to the temple.

That is to say, the gate of this temple is closed, and no one dares to run around, otherwise, I am afraid that some people would have already retreated and fled.

Then, as soon as the voice of the leader of the red flame armor fell, he hooked his fingers at Tianzhu and other exiting realms:

"You will be personally assessed by this seat!"

The reason is very simple, the breath of the red flame armor corresponds to the state of leaving the body, and it is the peak of the state of leaving the body.

Even if the aura state of this group of Aperture Realm experts is different, such as Tianzhu and the leaders of several tribes are at the peak of Aperture Realm, there are still many small realms in the front, middle and back.

But the leader of the Huben Army, the Red Flame Armor, is out of the Aperture Realm.

Therefore, all of these out-of-aperture realms have to face this Red Flame Armor.

Hearing this, the existence of Tianzhu and other peak realms is not bad. After all, they are also at the peak of the Aperture Realm, so they are still a bit confident.

But others collapsed.

Especially those who have just stepped into the Out-of-Aperture Realm for a short time are even more devastated.

Let them face the pinnacle of the out-of-body state like the Red Flame Armor and still survive?

As if he could perceive everyone's thoughts, the Red Flame Armor snorted coldly:

"This seat will control the strength corresponding to your respective realms!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it is to suppress their strength to test them. Although it is still dangerous, it is still much better than facing a peak out of body state.

Soon, Chiyanjia pointed to one of the tribal powerhouses in the early stage of Leaving Aperture Realm.

In the next second, a flame appeared from his body.

The flames shone, making the armor even more powerful.

Then, the leader of the Red Flame Armor raised his hand and slapped it down.

The face of this tribe changed in the early stage of leaving the body, and he quickly counterattacked with all his strength.


In an instant, there was a terrifying explosion sound, but it was the tribe's out-of-body-level powerhouse who was directly slapped into a fleshy pulp and exploded!

The complexions of the many out-of-body realms who had just breathed a sigh of relief immediately collapsed.

Is this the initial strength of the Leaving Aperture Realm?

The gap is so big?

It's too easy to die, isn't it?

If they could not clearly feel that there are several extremely powerful auras locking them in the entire barracks, some people would have already run away directly.

This is too scary!

While everyone changed their colors one after another, the leader of the Red Flame Armor pointed to the second one:

"it's your turn!"


Another slap, the face of this Leaving Aperture Realm changed drastically, and at the same time, he was frantically running his cultivation base and defending with all his strength, and he didn't dare to fight recklessly.

In the end, he somehow withstood the blow.


Chi Yanjia's icy voice came, and then pointed to the third person.

Seeing that someone passed the assessment and the rest of the Out-of-Aperture Realm was a little relieved.

And almost at the same time when Chiyanjia started to assess these out-of-aperture realms, Lin Feng had already started the assessment here.

He was judged to be at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and the one who came to assess him was naturally a black iron armor.

In the end, there was no doubt that with just a wave of Lin Feng's hand, the black iron armor flew back upside down, and the chest of the armor was dented.


Immediately afterwards, a prompt sound came from Lin Feng's ear:

"Pass the assessment and reward ten points of military merit!"

Lin Feng curled his lips, he naturally looked down on mere ten points of military merit.

In the next second, he said directly:

"All the black iron armors go together!"

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