115 – Each story

This was a story about three days after Yulken arrived in Whitewood.

Hearing the news from Elfelt, he opened his eyes wide and judged whether the story he had just heard was really true.

It was because the news was so unbelievable.

“Kellag, he asked for negotiations?”

“That’s right.”

“I can’t believe it.”

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Kellag is the current leader of the foreign tribes.

If Yulken was infinitely cold and callous towards his enemies on the battlefield, Kellag was even more brutal and berserk.

A man who can be said to be an infantile dictator who never followed Yulken, who originally did not like war, even though he asked for negotiations countless times.

Such a man offered negotiations as soon as a clash broke out with House Loveheim’s forces in Whitewood?

It was even more strange that I didn’t feel that my back was dirty.

“Send as much time as possible to scout around. They’re always behind the scenes, so I don’t know what they’re going to do. After all, the content of the negotiations must have been a truce, right?”

Yulken asked as if he could predict it.

That’s right, basically, immigrants often suffer from food shortages.

That’s a big reason why they want to plunder large and small villages in the north.

So, at this point, the request for negotiations means that they do not have enough energy to fight a big fight right away, so the purpose of going back for a while and preparing for maintenance is probably higher.

However, the answer returned through Elfelt was quite different from Yulken’s expectations.

“Your Highness, actually it is… … .”


“There is no truce, but they say they will return if they achieve their goals.”


Yulken’s eyebrows twitched slightly at the unexpected answer.

“They asked for a symbol of domination. They said that if they had that, there would be no war on their side in the future.”

“Ha, that doesn’t even sound funny. It is a treasure of Hespania, but it is also a legacy left by our ancestors.”

It is no exaggeration to say that the symbol of dominance is the treasure that played the biggest role in making Hespania the largest and most prosperous city in the north.

That alone was able to withstand this barren northern climate, allowed farming to be done all year round, and allowed people to play in grass instead of snow.

Even if the emperor of this country asked for it, a mere foreign nation would make an offer that he would refuse without hesitation?

At this point, Yulken wondered if the other side was deliberately provoking it.

“These are the ones who couldn’t be eaten in the first place. Wasn’t that the first patriarch given as a token of submission by defeating the foreign tribes during the conquest of the north?”

If you go into the source, the symbol of domination was originally the thing of the foreign peoples.

However, the thing that did not play any role in their arms was received by Elgrun, the first owner of Loveheim, while conquering the rampaging alien tribes.

The name of the symbol of domination was also given as a token of submission that they would not be active anymore, so it was named that way.

In short, now they are violating even the promise of their ancestors and committing plunder, but now they are asking us to present the symbol of domination.

What a ridiculous skit this could be.

“The bugs that would be fine even if they were annihilated soon… … .”

Yulken gnashed his teeth at their shameless attitude and growled.

The evil that the aliens committed in the north was at a level that was difficult for Yulken to describe.

Even so, they were not completely destroyed because this side had to take damage for the war, and it soon returned intact to the people of the family he guarded and the residents of the north.

However, they boasted of it as if it were thanks to their strength, and instead offered negotiations.

Even if the liver had jumped out of the boat, he wouldn’t be able to commit such a thing.

‘That’s more of a concern. I’ll have to watch the situation for now.’

Yulken basically hates foreigners, but he doesn’t think they’re very stupid.

Since they also have brains and accidents are possible, I never thought that they would be accepted when I handed them this proposal.

If so, it was the right choice to see that this action had a different meaning.

As mentioned earlier, provocation.

By making an unreasonable proposal, making the other side take some action, examining it and concocting a ploy.

Second, it is possible to assume that, after making such an unreasonable proposal, he saved up enough strength to use force when negotiations broke down.

“First of all, tell the soldiers not to be vigilant, and be consistent with silence over there. Even if they are provoked, don’t be easily overcome.”

“I understand, Your Highness.”

Yulken always judges the situation as calmly as possible.

Even if their power is superior, they do not try to exercise their power recklessly.

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Looking back at the situation right after he arrived here, he lightly subdued the aliens who attacked Whitewood and did not bother to pursue them further.

This is because the more victorious it is, the more calmly it is the time to look at the situation.

‘I miss my wife and daughter very much today.’

Yulken felt his head pounding at the actions of the aliens, which were quite different from before.

At times like these, it would be really nice to have a beautiful wife and lovely daughter who could heal a tired mind, but that was something I hoped for but also something I shouldn’t have hoped for.

Yulken later warmed himself up with the alcohol Elfelt had brought and went to sleep a little earlier.

My body wasn’t too tired, but maybe it was because my head was complicated, and as soon as I laid my head on the pillow, my breathing quickly faded.

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Like this, no matter how much he was the ruler of the north, he had his own set of grievances.

* * * * * * *

In the darkness, only the shaggy beard of a man sitting in the high chair could be seen whitish.

The man who was bowing down in front of him conveyed the news from his subordinate to the person in the seat of honor without even thinking of looking up at the opponent’s face.

“There seems to be no sign of agreeing to the negotiations.”

“I kicked my last chance. What was their reaction?”

“Yes, I am consistent with my silent answer.”

“Call him right away. I will hit them in two days.”

Even though he referred to him as ‘that person’ without revealing the name of the person, the man with a bowed head quickly recognized the meaning.

“What do you think Yulken will do?”

“I will use it as a negotiating loss. After all, they are their masters, so if they were to capture them, they would try to get them out at any cost.”

From their point of view, Yulken was an outlaw who brutally murdered his own people, who could be called family, but it was the same even if he changed his position anyway.

Even from Yulken’s point of view, the aliens who harassed and plundered the northern residents were only objects of hatred.

So, at this time, we had to set aside the vengeance and hatred that came from the difference in position for a while and take care of the bigger benefits.

‘I don’t care what happens to that man’s life, as long as he can fulfill his long-cherished wish anyway.’

You have to somehow succeed in what your ancestors couldn’t do.

It was like the lifelong karma of a man named Kellag, who was the head of the foreign people and was called the leader.

“Tell your compatriots about this too. Hurry up because we have to finish the preparations within two days.”

“All right. Everyone must have been waiting for the leader’s words.”

The man with his head slightly raised and a deep smile disappeared without a trace.

Only the very light warmth that remained there tells us that someone was there.

The conversation between the two of them was scattered in darkness.

* * * * * * *

Exactly two days after the letter from Yulken arrived.

Ariel was performing her official duties today as well as usual, but her heart was not so comfortable.

If there is no reply by tomorrow, I have ordered that reinforcements be sent to Whitewood, so it has to be.

“Why don’t you eat this while eating?”

“I have no idea.”

Ariel, who firmly refused the snacks Edgar had brought her, couldn’t take her eyes off the papers.

It’s not clear what kind of situation my father was in, but there was no way the snack would go into his mouth.

In fact, I barely ate dinner tonight because of it.

It was fortunate that Edgar was at his side feeding him, otherwise he would hardly have had a drink.

Seeing Ariel swipe through the papers as if being chased by something, Edgar smiled wryly and brought a chair and quietly sat down next to him.

Ariel fixed her gaze on the desk as if ignoring it, but Edgar couldn’t let it go.

“If a person made it by hand, you should eat it at least once with sincerity in mind.”

Edgar picked up a snack with his fork and held it out to her.

Ariel, who opened her eyes wide and turned her head, looked blankly at the snack on the fork and at Edgar, then asked back in disbelief.

“It’s a hand… You mean you made it yourself?”


“… … .”

Having said that, Ariel found it difficult to refuse any more.

In the end, as if to declare surrender, he opened his mouth small and took food that he did not know whether it was a small snack or bread stuck in a fork.


Ariel, who began to taste it slowly, opened her eyes wide and looked at Edgar suspiciously.

Even though it tasted good, it was so good.

As far as she knows, Edgar can cook very basic dishes, but remembers that he couldn’t taste this much.

“… You made it yourself, right?”


Edgar looked at Ariel with a mischievous smile as if he had expected this kind of reaction from Ariel and asked back.

“Because it is so delicious. When did you learn to cook?”

“Well? Didn’t I make it?”

Ariel, who was eating the second one with her own hands, put on a dazed expression for a moment at Edgar’s reply as he slapped him on the back of the head.

“… I heard you just made it yourself?”

“It was said that it was made by hand, but no one said it was made by hand. Was that made by Shuri?”

“… … .”

Hearing Edgar’s innocent words, Ariel gripped the pen with a feeling of pity, ready to break it.

I’ve been wanting to be quiet lately, but why are you playing pranks when people are so uncomfortable?

But on the other hand, I thought I knew the reason, so I couldn’t say anything.

“… Are you saying that you just didn’t eat properly?”

“I know. Then, from tomorrow onwards, will you have a proper meal?”


She presumed that Edgar had intentionally left out the word Shuri made it and changed the nuance as if he had made it himself.

If you do, she will be forced to eat at least one of them, even out of guilt.

It could be seen as a special measure for her who refuses to eat properly and even refuses snacks.

“I know how you feel. But just because you wear a face and skip meals doesn’t mean you get a sharp number.”

“… Heh, I wish I could have said it.”

“Are you a great person to listen to with words?”

Edgar laughed lightly and took another snack with his fork and put it in Ariel’s mouth.

three in total. Having completed all the quotas he brought to feed Ariel.

It was truly a revolutionary achievement.


Meanwhile, as soon as Edgar finished speaking, Ariel put the pen down as if tossing it on the desk and jumped up from her seat.

Then she went over to his side, took a quick look at him from his face to his legs, and then sat down on his lap and leaned on his back.

“It’s not even a cat, it’s hugged all the time.”

“Tell me what you like. Because of you, I lost the energy to work anyway.”

“Then you should take care of it.”

Edgar, giggling, reached down and gently wrapped his arms around Ariel’s abdomen.

Compared to him, when I felt a fairly small body, I felt a sense of affection for some reason.

At the same time, I didn’t want this woman to have any worries or dangers.

If that’s an unreasonable story, at least not to let everything go to the worst.

‘Tomorrow will be the turning point.’

With that promise for tomorrow, Edgar listened to Ariel’s whining, wiping all his worries out of his head as much as possible.

At least, I hope that she can go to bed safely today.

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