Chapter 112


“… … ?”

Harnette and Shion show a stiff expression while being startled at the same time.

Even though Oz Ternane could keep his promise, he was not convinced that the Duke of Ternane had stepped down first.

Perhaps the rumors had spread, or Dyne was lying.

“Well… I couldn’t believe it either when I first heard it. But I think it’s true.”

“You’re not kidding, are you?”

“It looks like fun too… I am not saying this as a joke.”

“Why are you allowing that?”

“How do I know?”

“… … .”

Shion was a bit taken aback, but quickly regained his composure.

According to the original story, Oz Ternane would be active as a monster hunter in the outskirts and then join the Silage Knights.

But now, holding La Blair, he went around to seal the demonic sword, and in the end, he communicated with the demonic sword of wind and requested to join the knights.

Although the process has changed, the result remains the same.

‘Why do you seem so reckless?’

If you look at Oz Ternane’s move, he was attacking without thinking.

Following the mysterious voice, trying to seal the magic sword through La Blair, attacking the magic sword user, and standing up to the Duke of Ternane.

He was so different from the Oz Ternane he knew, and seemed to be enjoying a risky act on the contrary.

‘Why did the Duke of Ternane suddenly give permission?’

If you are an aristocrat, you don’t view it positively when your child becomes independent without being prepared.

In addition, Oz Ternane was the daughter of a duke, and would be used for arranged marriages.

From the perspective of the Duke of Ternane, he had no choice but to try to capture it unconditionally because he would suffer losses after leaving Oz Ternane.

‘… Did you think I should leave you alone because you look talented?’

If Oz Ternane had defeated the family knights alone, he would have felt quite strong.

However, sending them out did not necessarily bring benefits, and the plans they had made in advance would go awry.

In other words, from the perspective of the Duke of Ternane, it was no different from a gamble, and rather, more anxiety factors could have arisen.

‘Then the Duke of Ternane would have put a condition… … .’

In order for the Duke of Ternane to grant the independence of Oz Ternane, there is something that must be premised.

It conflicted with Oz Ternane’s request, and since it was close to the fundamentals, it was not something that could be discarded just because it wanted to be discarded.

Perhaps the Duke of Ternane is trying to achieve a different purpose through Oz Ternane.

“Didn’t the Duke of Ternane tell you not to abandon your family name?”

“… uh? How did you know?”

“It just seemed so.”

“The Duke of Ternane said he would grant all other requests, but he said he wouldn’t allow me to give up my family name. what did he say… I think he said that he couldn’t insult the family’s lineage and the first head of the family.”

Shion quietly nodded and understood the Duke of Ternane’s intentions.

Perhaps the Duke of Ternane weighed Oz Ternane.

How best to use it, and how helpful the future results will be to you and your family.

After much thought, he must have accepted Oz Ternane’s request and left him as a member of the family.

‘I should have looked ahead to that… I don’t know what he saw.’


Just because Oz Ternane is strong doesn’t necessarily mean that he can achieve feats.

It would be a bit uneasy to just stand by, and Oz Ternane would not accept it if he directly intervened.

Perhaps he was even considering negotiating with Oz Ternane.

‘I’m sure there’s something I wish for… … .’

If you follow the instructions, you will be rewarded accordingly, or you may try to do Oz Ternane’s favor.

But I won’t force it, and I won’t try to do nonsense.

Because the conditions were included from the moment the independence of Oz Ternane was granted.

‘It’s difficult. what are you thinking… … .’

“Are you done with that?”

“They said they would call back later.”

“You didn’t do anything to Oz Ternane?”

“Yeah, did you just send them away?”

“… I do not get it.”

“I can’t even compete with knights, so what can I do?”

“You can call a stronger knight.”

“Can I catch that?”

“What is there to catch? You have to be strong to know how strong you are… … .”

Harnette recalls the time she fought Oz Ternane and puts on a disapproving expression.

If we had fought properly, we would have won comfortably.

Even he must have been weaker now, as it was the force he had obtained by relying on La Blair.

“You talk as if you’ve fought with the daughter of the Duke of Ternane. Have you ever fought?”

“Why am I fighting with him? It’s not even worth fighting for.”

“… You hate it a lot.”

“Oh, right. I hate it. I don’t know why I have to watch it.”

Harnette glared at Shion and put emotion into her voice.

In fact, it was difficult to see it as Zion’s fault, and in some ways it was a reasonable choice.

He was one of the few magic sword users, and he hated the Duke of Ternane terribly.

If Oz Ternane was captured and sent to the Ternane duchy, the same result would have been achieved.

“Am I right?”

“What is right? Why are you accepting that?”

“Stubborn again. Shouldn’t I admit this?”

“How do you admit this? You are just lucky.”

“I heard that luck is also a skill… … .”

“It must be only you.”

“Whoa… … .”

Dain swallows silence as he overhears the conversation between the two.

It seemed to be talking about Oz Ternane, but I couldn’t figure out exactly what it was.

I wondered if they didn’t look like close friends because they exchanged words naturally while arguing with each other.

‘You can get married, why are you doing that? Hmm… … .’

* * *

The capital of the Alain Kingdom, Selzrode.

Robbins was invited into the restaurant by an old friend.

Even before becoming the head of household, they had been close, but at some point they kept their distance and only listened to the news.

But it had to be, and the old friend must have been aware of it.

If each of them were to take responsibility for their family, their position would of course change.

“… Long time no see.”

Robbins greeted his old friend calmly.

We could meet at official places, but we didn’t bother going to each other.

Since the new dynasty was established, they have been in conflict ever since, and the nobles were moving along the power structure.

Now, an old friend contacted me to meet alone, so the place was secretly created.

“It hasn’t been a long time. It looks like you’ve been doing well so far.”

An old friend got up and asked how he was doing.

Recently, the power of the Duke of Adelaira has skyrocketed, and there was no one who didn’t know about it.

He was just a friend, but also a competitor, so I just casually tried to talk to him.

“Are you asking knowingly, or are you deliberately pretending not to know?”

“Let’s say both.”

“Still. Nothing has changed since then.”

Roberns laughed and took a seat across from him.

An old friend laughed along and sat down in a chair.

“yes? I think I’ve changed a lot.”

“At one time I thought so too. Now that I’ve come… You just became the head of the household. People haven’t changed.”

“Ha ha ha! this friend… It used to be no fun, but now you know how to joke.”

“A seat is what makes a person. You should know that.”

“Think the other way around. Aren’t seats made by people?”

“That person was also created by the position. You and I, as well as the king up there.”

“If you keep going up, only the first king and first family head will remain. Then who made their place?”

“… It was created by humans and witches.”

“Puh ha ha ha!”

An old friend bursts into laughter and is haunted by old memories.

Clearly, even before becoming the family head, there were many times when he would laugh like this.

Robbins always repeated old-fashioned words, but it was an unexpected reaction and another pleasure to himself.

Wouldn’t it be possible to get along even more closely if they hadn’t crossed each other as family heads?

“I know what you mean. But… Your opinion gives me strength. How will you retort?”

“Humans had to survive by fighting demons. That’s why humans banded together to fight against the witches. Among those humans, the one with strong arms and dignity became the head, and laid the foundation to establish the country. Can’t you understand after I’ve said this?”

“… Are you trying to say that humans and monsters were used as seats?”

“Humans and monsters exist on this land, and they are still fighting each other. As a result, a seat was created, and the king and the first head of household sat there and established the kingdom of Alain.”

Robbins calmly finishes his speech and sips a glass of water.

An old friend feels a strange longing with a smile on his face.

“Efforts do not guarantee a place. You need to have the ability to rule humans.”

“Me and you, the king and nobles are lucky humans. Aren’t you holding on to wealth and honor just because you were born with blood?”

“… Are you going to insult the founders of the Alain Kingdom?”

“The first king and the first family heads are worthy of praise for their achievements. Sitting down is not something anyone can do. It is also not an easy task to prosper while maintaining its position. but… We only inherited what they had built. Do you still think I am wrong?”

The old friend finally erased his smile and poured a drink into his glass.

Robbins watched the scene, then opened his mouth again.

“Why did you call me? What do you want to say?”

“You are really… Boring yet fun. Your daughter is similar in that respect.”

An old friend brought a glass of wine in front of Robbens and mentioned the reason.

Robbins quickly understands the meaning and just looks down at the glass.

“Don’t your daughter and son-in-law have great skills? I’ll have to call the Marquis Regard, too, but… I will leave that up to you.”

“Did you just call me for this? I could have sent you a letter.”

“… Can you resolve my daughter’s enlistment by letter?”

Robbins widened his eyes in amazement.

He would not have been able to ask for his daughter to join the team, even if it was because of his pride.

In addition, there were rumors about her daughter recently, so there was no choice but to raise more questions.

“I have the same title as you. You’ve heard rumors, but my daughter’s skills aren’t bad either. How is it? Would you like to enlist the only daughter of the Duke of Ternane to join the Knights of Lihines?”

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