Chapter 136

The scene he saw then was deeply imprinted in Kaden’s mind.

The collapsed castle of Allied, the King of Hell that won’t collapse no matter what you do, and the undead swarming in.

Narak King tried to move forward, but Shion Regard once more blocked his way.

In the end, King Narak failed to overcome Zion Regiard, but was soon pushed out and completely annihilated.

“What do you mean?”

“If Your Majesty wants to subdue the Witchbeasts, it is better to put Shion Regiard first. Didn’t Shion Reggieard already kill the Shadow Dragon and the Hell King?”

“You mean to entrust everything to Shion Regard?”

“If His Majesty spares no support, Shion Reggieard will be able to do it.”

“… … .”

Brandis didn’t even notice that the teacup was getting cold.

A member of the Setinos Quasar was telling him to trust the Shion Reggieard.

In fact, the white apostle also highly evaluated Shion Regard, and the purple priest conveyed the meaning of his considerable skills, at least in letters.

Considering the existence of Hanette Adelaira and Oz Ternane, shouldn’t we accept it positively?

“Shion Reggieard lacks experience in commanding troops. If you give away too much, the other knights will resent you. Should I still give strength to Shion Regard?”

“Yes, troop command should be left to skilled commanders. Couldn’t you put the Setinos Quasar or an older knight next to it so that the other knights don’t have animosity?”

“… How much do you believe in Zion Regard?”

Brandis put aside complicated thoughts and came up with only one thing.

It was good that he was simply outstanding in his military power, or that he had made a lot of contributions in the meantime.

He just wanted to know what kind of knight Shion Regard was.

“Zion Regard knows what romance is like. That’s why I risked my life to protect my fiancé and many others. If it’s that kind of romance… I have no choice but to have faith.”

“Then I will ask. Can I follow you and believe in Shion Regard?”

“I’m not talking about the silver thief, but as Caden Athlore. I want you to know this part.”

Brandis looks at Caden, enveloped in silence.

It meant that he would believe in Shion Regard even if there was not enough evidence for it.

If he had been a silver phantom thief, he would not have been able to say that he believed because he was in an objective position.

“… Should I accept it as Miss Brandis, not as the king?”

Brandis smiles and raises the teacup.


Kaden is momentarily taken aback and doesn’t say anything.

Did Brandis even know how to call himself a sheep?

“As the king, I have to rule this country. So I can’t listen to Kaden Aslower’s mantra.”

The king was a position given only to one person and was looked up to by countless people.

Even a small mistake could not be tolerated, and he had to bear the weight of the crown until he abdicated.

Maybe he won’t be able to get out of the throne until he dies, but that too was a fate he had to accept as the ruler of this country.

“one… You and White said they believe in Shion Regard. If you believe in purple, then as the king, I am willing to accept your truth.”

Brandis empties the teacup with a serious look in her eyes.

The white apostle, the silver phantom thief, and the purple shrine fought against the Narak King along with Shion Regard.

If it were those three people, they would surely be able to appreciate Shion Regard’s true worth.

“You still look after Caden Aslower, Miss Brandis.”


Kaden smiles generously and shows his composure.

Miss Brandis was slowly approaching her.

Of course, he would still have to treat him like a king, but wouldn’t he change to Miss Brandis someday?

“Isn’t what you’re doing interesting?”

“… I just held the sword as a caden aslower.”

“Isn’t your heart moved because of Shion Reggieard?”

“Maybe it is. Shion Reggieard is fighting for Your Majesty and this country, but I can’t forget the past.”


Kaden shows a sad look as he shakes off his past.

He had an outstanding talent for swordsmanship, but was misused due to a momentary mistake.

I couldn’t accept the fact that I had cut my family, so I swore not to hold the sword until I died.

“I won’t ask you to forget the past. Everyone makes mistakes. Wouldn’t it be important how to overcome it?”

“… … .”

“Shion Reggieard would have risked his life for his fiancé. Even if she died, she tried to protect her fiancé. You must have something to protect too, right?”

“I thought the day would come when I could use the sword for Miss Brandis one day. But years passed and I still couldn’t hold the sword. It was still tied to the past.”

“How about now? Have you gotten over the past?”

“I guess I need to try harder. It seems difficult to use a sword for Miss Brandis.”

“Then what are you going to use the sword for?”

“I want to write for myself. I cannot forgive myself for being weak and bystander.”

Even though Kaden knew that he had to escape from the past, he was relieved of the given reality.

I wanted to forget the past, so I tried to bury it deep in my heart, and I didn’t want to look back anymore.

However, Shion Regiard had a great impact on him, and perhaps because of that, regret and anguish began to rise from his past life.

“Shion Reggieard is trying to confront the Narak King, but I just tried to run away. Even though my allies were dying and the monsters captured the castle, I didn’t step forward. I felt so pathetic.”

“So you’re going to hold the sword for yourself?”

“Yes. I’m sorry Miss Brandis, but I’ll have to grab the sword for me. I can’t do anything like this.”


Kaden answers honestly and later has regrets.

I should have said that I would use the sword for Miss Brandis here.

But it just couldn’t be, and it would be a disappointment to Brandis.

“hahahaha! Did you finally be able to say that too?”

Brandis was very satisfied with a smile on her face.

I had been thinking about when I would hear something like that from Caden.

He knew that day would never come, but at least he could hear it before he died.

“Now you’re saying something you like. yes. We must not rot that talent.”


Kaden was a little startled and couldn’t even raise his voice.

Brandis was showing a different reaction than expected.

Why am I happy even though I revealed my selfish thoughts?

“Until now, you have only shown a passive side. And trying to win my heart, it looked really funny. Are you coming to your senses now?”

“… I guess I was uncomfortable with what I was doing.”

“Do you think I would like a guy who is afraid of the past? You are busy living in the present, so why are you obsessing over the past?”

Brandis recognized that ability from the time he met Caden as an enemy.

That’s why, after catching him himself, he pardoned the crime he had committed so far and tried to use it as a Cetinos quasar.

However, after knowing the situation, he could not send it to battle, and he reluctantly entrusted it with reconnaissance and intelligence missions.

“You are right. You must lift the sword for yourself, not for me. How can a guy who can’t even protect himself follow my orders?”

“… … .”

“Since you want to change yourself, I will give you a chance. Set up a ball with your sword and come back. If I can be satisfied, I will give you my day.”

“… … ?”


Kaden didn’t understand the words for a moment.

There was no way Brandis would put up with such a condition in the first place.

Even if your thoughts about yourself change a little, you won’t be able to completely erase your feelings for your ex.

“Didn’t you understand what I was saying? It means that I will hang out with you for a day if you make a mark as a knight. Or do you not like the conditions?”

“Yes? Oh no. I will obey the king’s command.”

“It is not a royal name. Let’s just say Miss Brandis, whom you like, did you a favor.”

“… … .”


Kaden tried to read Brandis’ thoughts with a serious expression on his face.

Brandis just watched Kaden, barely holding back a laugh.

‘Shion Regard… You really change a lot.’

* * *

The mansion of the Duke of Adelaira, Hanette’s room.

After the sun had set, a dark night had arrived.

The moonlight and starlight harmonize to draw the night sky, and a cool yet lonely wind blows over the window.

Shion was lying on the bed with Hanette, looking out the window.

“What are you looking at?”

“I am looking at the night sky.”

“Can you see it here?”

“very little.”

“Why are you only looking at me meanly?”

“You can watch it together.”

Shion stretched out his left hand and naturally hugged Hanette’s shoulder.

Hanette is embarrassed inside, but is led by Shion’s hand.

“… Have you become very brave?”

“Wouldn’t this be okay? If you’re in a bad mood… … .”

“There is nothing I can do. We’re not even normal.”

Harnette stretched out her left hand and grabbed Shion’s waist.

Shion is surrounded by a strange atmosphere, but can’t bear to say anything.

“I was fine then, so why are you giving me strength?”

“Then and now are different.”

“What is different?”

“At that time, there was an enemy in front of me, but now there is only my sister.”

“Are you uncomfortable with me?”

“It’s not uncomfortable… You must be a bit ashamed, right?”

“Is it okay for you to hug me, and is it embarrassing for me to hug you?”

“Well… for now?”

Hannette frowned and hugged Shion tighter.

Shion is startled but inadvertently pulls Hanette’s shoulder with all her might.

“under! It’s not even funny. do you like me?”

“Then who else would you like?”

“I don’t want to hear that. I want to know your heart.”

Harnette slowly let go of her hand and returns to her original position.

Shion also released the harness and slowly opened his mouth.

“Actually, I don’t know. It seems like he likes you, and sometimes he doesn’t.”

“You don’t say you hate it, do you?”

“I don’t hate it. If you don’t force yourself.”

“yes? I must do more in the future!”

Hannette raised her voice in disapproval.

Shion laughs and accepts even that action with ease.

“Still, it’s a lot better than before. You do listen to me.”

“What did you do? I don’t have anything good to hear from you.”

“You must mean that my sister believes in me as much, right?”

“Well, now I don’t know. Didn’t you try to die before me?”

“Because I almost died, I realized how important my sister is.”

“… If you can’t speak.”

Harnette gives a blunt answer, but smiles softly.

Only then does Shion take her eyes off the window and turn her head to Hanette.

“Still, one thing is certain. I think I can marry my sister now.”

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