Episode 140

Shion hadn’t forgotten what Hanette had said.

I want to set up a house independent of the Duke of Adelaira.

As long as you can live alone with yourself, you can be satisfied with that.

That’s why they were trying to find a territory where a castle or mansion was built, or where they could lay the groundwork for it.

‘There’s no suitable place.’

There was little land left that could be used as a residence.

Over the years, the kingdom of Allain expanded its territory or bestowed gifts on nobles.

Particularly well-positioned lands had been monopolized by the descendants of the founders or some aristocrats.

Of course, most of the land was owned by the Allain Kingdom, but it was not something that could be handed over just because they wanted it.

‘I can give you land if it’s a little less important.’

With just one piece of land, residences, roads connecting each region, agricultural products, livestock products, and special products are created.

If all the territories were owned by the nobles, the productive forces would be divided, thereby weakening the power of the royal family.

In other words, the kingdom of Alain was maintained only when the king and his immediate royal family had territory.

‘I can’t do anything like this.’

I couldn’t find the land I wanted.

At least there should be suitable land near the capital, but even that did not exist.

Even so, being far from the capital would be inconvenient or costly.

‘Should I think about making money as well?’

Rather than struggling to find a place to live, it would have been better to accumulate a fortune.

If you’re lucky, you might be able to buy land or buildings from some nobles.

Opportunities like that don’t come often, so I had to prepare in advance.

‘Then I have to choose one out of three.’

It was necessary to maximize profits while reducing manpower and costs as much as possible.

To do so, it would have to attract a lot of demand while guaranteeing scarcity, and should have focused on not competing with others.

It would be best if they could be sold to royalty or nobles, and if they had to go through merchants, they would have to get help from the two families.

‘It’s easy to manage… Is it a vein of gold?’

You can sell gold veins separately and send miners to mine gold.

It was a rather dangerous job, but if the working environment was thoroughly created, there would be no casualties.

I wondered if it seemed rather simple, as all I had to do was order them to work at set hours and take care of lodging and bonuses.

‘Special products require a lot of work.’

After securing seeds, special products must be grown according to a specific climate and geography.

Even the process of growing was difficult, so I had no choice but to pay a lot of money and hire professionals.

If it was a special product with low awareness, it would take a lot of time to secure a sales channel.

‘Tourist spots are difficult to manage, and they require a lot of people.’

Tourist destinations basically start by spending money and cultivating the land.

After that, you need to add artistic flair by arranging things like buildings, landscaping, and decorations.

We also need an employee to run the tourist attraction, but we would have to hire a small number of professionals and a large number of laborers.

In addition, we had to suffer in many ways because we had to spread word of mouth while maintaining the tourist destination for a long time, and even entertain guests.

‘… I think the gold vein is the best.’

There is no one who does not know about gold, and its value increases even more when it is made into a luxury item.

Aristocrats have long preferred gold ornaments and ornaments, and merchants also try to make profits by using gold.

Since the proportion of labor force is higher than that of professional manpower in mines, labor costs were slightly lower, and even if adequate wages and safety were guaranteed, many people would come.

‘Once I dig up all the gold, I can turn the land into a residence.’

If there is a gold vein, whether you are a noble or a commoner, your interest will naturally be drawn.

If the labor force stays, a shopping mall will be built around it, or merchants will try to open a road to secure a movement route.

In the process, a group could have formed and developed into a village or city.

‘Then I’ll have to think about it after that.’

Shion ponders over and over again and suddenly bursts into laughter.

I was trying to judge more carefully than ever, and I was thinking about the distant future.

Is living with Harnette really that important?

‘… It doesn’t matter. It’s Harnette.’

The existence of Hanette Adelaira had become a part of life at some point.

Even at the time of the engagement ceremony, they predicted that they would break up, but now they have become a relationship that cannot be separated.

If it hadn’t been for the 3 great demon kings and 4 great disasters, wouldn’t he have enjoyed a small but comfortable married life with Hanette?

‘I don’t like this as a friend.’

Shion looks back on her own feelings and is caught in a distant sense.

It was hard to understand with my head, but I could approach it with my heart.

‘If you’re looking at Hanette as a woman… … .’

“Shion, what are you doing?”

Harnette knocked on the door and came leisurely into the room.

Shion flinched for a moment and met Hannette’s gaze.

“… Why are you surprised to see me?”

“uh… I must have been thinking about something.”

“What were you thinking?”

“What do you think?”

“Why are you thinking of me?”

“I have to discuss with my sister what kind of land to get.”

Shion belatedly regains his reason and continues the conversation.

Harnette gave a suspicious look and sat across from her.

“It didn’t look very good. Where do you get it and use it?”

“It’s better than nothing.”

“You’re not going to build a house there, are you?”

“… There is nothing I can’t live with.”

“Oh, really. how do you live there There is no place for people to live.”

Even Harnette knew there was no good land.

In fact, it was a reward for defeating the 3 major demon kings and 4 major disasters, and the king giving up the territory itself had a symbolic meaning.

Being granted a territory in itself was an honor that would last forever, and it was also an honor to elevate one’s family and oneself.

“It means I will live later, not now.”

“What are you going to do later?”

“We need to gather people while increasing the value of the land.”

“… Is there any way?”

“I’m not sure, but I have a plan.”

“Hmm… … .”

Hannette was dubious, but asked no more.

As always, Shion must have had an idea.

As long as he didn’t risk his own life, he could trust him.

“Is there any land you want to receive?”

“I think there is a vein of gold there.”

“A gold vein? Are you talking about gold?”

“It’s golden.”

“How do you know that?”

“I did my research beforehand. It’s hard to find, so it must be somewhere.”

Shion did not want to hide this fact from Hanette.

Because he was a colleague and companion who was given territory with him.

Of course, if you ask in detail, shouldn’t you come up with a suitable excuse?

“… You’re right. do whatever you want.”

“You don’t have to follow my thoughts. Tell me what you think.”

“I don’t have the land I want. That’s why it’s tailored to you.”

Hannette did not want to fight with Shion over trivial matters.

I wouldn’t know if it came with a castle or mansion, but if it was just land, I just accepted it.

In addition, it was not easy to use it as a residence, so it was to follow Zion’s judgment.

“Can you really do that?”

“You killed the Narak King too. You are right to do what you think.”

“That’s not right. If it wasn’t for my sister, I wouldn’t have been able to kill the Narak King.”

“… … .”

Hannette tries to say something, but then shuts her mouth.

Shion tried to die because of him, but at the same time he was resurrected.

What kind of feelings does Shion have for herself?

‘You said you could marry me now… … .’

Hearing that, Hannette felt a very brief shudder.

I couldn’t tell if the thrill was from fear or excitement.

I just vaguely noticed that my feelings towards Shion were changing little by little.

‘I don’t care what my feelings are. If only you would stay by my side… … .’

Hanette looks at Shion and calms her trembling heart.

Until that time came, he had to achieve what he wanted.

‘I haven’t done anything yet. I just depended on you.’

There was nothing I could do on my own.

He just followed Shion and subdued the Shadow Dragon and the Narak King.

If he himself was a magic sword user like Shion, he would surely be able to rise to a similar level.

‘Let’s get married when I’m as strong as you. I think I’ll be able to understand it then.’

* * *

The mansion of the Duke of Adelaira, Hanette’s room.

Shion and Hanette were facing a customer.

Enrite had contacted me first, and an appointment had already been made regarding it.

Enrite couldn’t always keep an eye on it, so it was decided to leave it to Shion periodically.

“Can I live here? I think it’s better here.”

Lesia pours tea into a teacup and looks around the room.

He had already emptied the teacup three times, and at the dinner table, he responded with a smile as he ate delicious food.

Roberns was very satisfied with the response, and tried to treat it with all his heart.

Since Lesia is known to be Enrite’s younger sister, she was trying to be polite to Setinos Quasar.

“There would be nothing wrong with a cathedral.”

“I can hold on, but the food is not delicious. The food here is better.”

“… Didn’t you say that in front of Cardinal Selena?”

“Don’t do it. I don’t want to hear you say you’re going to kill me.”

Lecia sips her teacup with a gentle smile.

Shion was a little relieved, but he couldn’t completely erase the anxiety.

“The resemblance is similar… They have very different personalities.”

Harnett looked at Lecia and slowly opened her mouth.

Except for the color of her hair and eyes, she was virtually identical to Enrite herself.

However, his personality was close to the opposite, and he wasn’t on good terms with Enrite.

Of course, from a personal point of view, Lesia felt more comfortable.

“Is that why we can’t be friends? It might be better if I change like his personality.”

“No, don’t do that. You will think I am making fun of you.”

“How can you make fun of this?”

“Cardinal Selena considers you an enemy. How would you feel if your enemy copied your actions?”

“… Why would you want to go there?”

“That’s why you’re making fun of it. If you look for the reason, it seems to contain hostility.”

“Well… I can’t understand what you’re saying.”

Lecia gave up thinking and emptied the teacup.

Shion is at a loss for words and resigns himself to it.

Hannette pondered for a moment before opening her mouth belatedly.

“I’m asking this because I’m curious, do you have similar skills to Cardinal Selena?”

“Why are you asking that?”

“Well… just. You and Cardinal Selena look a lot alike. Then I wondered if our skills would be similar.”

“… Would you believe me if I said I was stronger than Enrite?”

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