Chapter 167

“… … ?”

Hannette tilts her teacup and then pauses.

No matter how strong Lesia became, could she say such a thing about a demon god?

Shion aimed for the moment and immediately fired his sword, but the Demon God nimbly avoided it with a slight cut.

It would have been impossible to inflict fatal wounds if he had not immediately identified the location of the demon god’s hiding place.

“Can you keep up with the speed?”

“Well… that might be a bit difficult Ah, but it might be different if you try it.”

Lesia seems to be thinking for a while, but then tilts her head.

If you use Dran Calgonis, the dragon’s sword, your body will transform and your physical strength will increase.

In addition, mana is forged more sharply, and as the senses develop, the reaction speed also increases.

If he made up his mind and attacked, he would be able to counter the demon’s movements.

“Do you think you can do it if I help you?”

“Then you can do it. You just need to hold on to it for a moment.”

Zion did not doubt that.

Lesia was strong enough, and proved that fact by cutting down the Demon God.

In addition, unlike himself, he was not bound by the condition of darkness, so he was able to foresee other possibilities.

“… Can you kill the four great plagues?”

“I guess we’ll have to fight to find out. Still, in my opinion… Could I kill you?”

“Are you not sure?”

“I can’t. I’ve never fought before.”

“I think it is possible. If you cut the Demon God, you will be able to reach the 4 major disasters.”

Enrite also expressed a similar opinion about this.

It was also speculated that the powers of the demons and dragons combined to erase immortality.

The Demon God must have obtained dragon-related materials and made an artificial demon sword himself.

“Is it going to end if we just kill the four major disasters?”

“I don’t know. The demon is still alive.”

“Should I care? What can you do when you are so weak?”

“… … .”

As Lesia said, the Demon God was considerably weakened.

Because it was impossible to retrieve the power of the three great demon lords, he would not be able to become stronger.

However, the Demon God had produced three artificial swords, and there was still one left, so he could not be vigilant.

‘I think the last synthetic magic sword is the last resort… … .’

The demon was almost destroyed by two demonic swords a long time ago, and now it lost the artificial demonic sword and was defeated one after another.

Had he had the fear of defeat, he would have prepared at least some countermeasures.

Perhaps the existence of the artificial magic sword symbolizes the fear of demons.

‘Seal, dragon… What’s next?’

La Blair and Dran Calgonis had their distinct characteristics and the ability to match them.

Sealing the seven demonic swords was threatening enough, and even if a part of the dragon’s power was reproduced, they would not dare to oppose it.

If the two artificial demonic swords were this powerful, the last artificial demonic sword would have more ripple power than that.

‘What must I do to destroy this world?’

Shion retraces the plan from the devil’s point of view.

Seals the seven demonic swords to keep menacing enemies in check, and pushes the kingdom of Alain with the dragon’s power.

Eventually, if you get to that point, there will be only one enemy left to deal with.

‘… Four major disasters.’

Other magic beasts can be easily wiped out with a brief movement.

However, even the Demon God would be picky about the four major disasters.

Since they both have immortality, they won’t be able to kill each other.

‘If you can’t have it, you’ll have to destroy it… It’s the other way around.’

It can’t be killed, so even that power is taken away.

If only power was brought in, wouldn’t the four major disasters themselves disappear?

‘Then, was the last artificial magic sword made only to deal with the 4 major disasters?’

The immortality of the four plagues cannot be removed by ordinary methods.

That’s why he should have tried a different method using an artificial magic sword.

Perhaps, they could have judged the four major disasters as enemies stronger than humans and set them as their final opponents.

‘Here’s how the demon can choose… … .’

“What are you thinking other than talking?”

“I have a lot of original thoughts.”

“Well… It seems that it was. You don’t think too much.”

Lecia empties the teacup and lifts the teapot.

I tilt the teapot, but the tea water flows out little by little and then stops.

Shion naturally brought the teapot and stood up.

“How about talking about my thoughts again?”

“I don’t want to get scolded.”

“You don’t know everything about me, do you?”

“I only know the things you often think about.”

“You know everything important?”

“I don’t know the details. You can feel it little by little.”

“Do you know as much as you know?”

Shion left the room with a faint smile on his face.

At the same time, Lesia waits for another car to come, surrounded by silence.

‘Let’s be quiet. I don’t want to get scolded again.’

There was a time when I joked with Hanette about Shion’s thoughts and received a lot of criticism.

In addition, I couldn’t even refute because I properly pointed out the wrong part.

Lesia first realized that respect was then, and she had been speaking while thinking as carefully as possible.

“… Do you know how Shion feels?”

Hannette hesitated, then opened her mouth reluctantly.

Lesia looked at Hannette secretly and then asked back.

“You said you couldn’t tell me?”

“I don’t want to know what you think. I just want to know how you feel when fighting enemies.”

“emotion? Hmm… … .”

Lesia thought for a moment before picking up a snack.

Hannette quietly watches her and waits for her to swallow the snack.

“Aren’t emotions similar to thoughts?”

“You’re right. You have to ask Zion directly. by the way… I will not teach you.”

“… … .”

For a moment, it seemed that Hanette’s heart was being conveyed.

When Shion collapsed fighting the Narak King, he had listened to Hanette.

Above all, since I vaguely knew Shion’s thoughts and feelings, I couldn’t refuse that request all the more.

“I shouldn’t have taught you the way you said, but… you are a little different I don’t know if I should know.”

“I’m not trying to do anything with it. just… So… … .”

Emotion took precedence over reason, and he could not control his wandering mind.

I want to forget the scene at that time, but I can’t get it out of my head.

Wouldn’t it be possible to shake off the lingering feelings if you know it now?

“I can understand your heart. Instead, I want you to know this one thing. It’s not that I know the thoughts or emotions in detail. After I felt it first, I made a guess by repeating similar actions.”

“You mean you could be wrong?”

“I can’t see it being accurate. Still, I’m sure I felt it, so I hope you’ll judge it on your own.”

Lesia gazes at the door for a while, then turns her attention to Hanette.

Harnett listens carefully, slightly nervous.

“Zion… I feel fear every time I fight. I hesitate and sometimes suffer. I think there are times when we move in a hurry.”

“… … .”

Harnette was relieved to hear that.

Shion was no different from himself.

Nevertheless, I wondered if he was restraining his emotions to wield the sword aloof.

“But not necessarily. There are times when I don’t feel emotions even though I’m fighting. When do you think that would be?”

“… … .”

“It took me a while to realize that too. There were some kind of set rules.”

“What are the rules?”

Lesia raised her left hand with a serious expression on her face.

Riding on his left hand, only one index finger was extended, pointing at someone.

Harnette just blinks her eyes, not understanding the meaning.

“What do you want to say?”

“… you are the rule I can feel my emotions when you’re there, but I can’t feel anything without you. What does this mean?”

Harnette looks down at Lecia’s index finger and realizes something.

Lesia fell into silence for a while, then opened her mouth belatedly.

“This is my guess, but Shion thinks it’s something that has to be fought. Isn’t that why you only focus on dealing with enemies when you are alone?”

“… … .”

“When you’re by my side… … .”

“I got it. You don’t have to talk anymore.”

Harnett sighs with difficulty and chews her lips.

I didn’t want to hear any more.

After listening to the end, it felt like guilt would burst out.

Lesia’s thoughts may be wrong, but why does it feel like the truth?

“I will say one last thing. Although this is speculation… Shion tried to be sincere whenever you were by his side. Maybe it’s because you were there that I’ve endured so far?”

“that’s… … .”

Hearing a knock on the door, Harnette clears her throat and adjusts her posture.

Shion entered the room with the lady-in-waiting and looked around.

“Didn’t everything happen?”

Shion sits down and looks at Hanette.

Harnette’s expression darkened, and even her eyes looked depressed.

What kind of conversation did he have while he was away that led to such a state?

“… Lesia, did you fight with your sister by any chance?”

“You didn’t fight?”

“Or did you say something bad?”

“Wasn’t that a good word?”

“What did you say?”

“uh… that is… … .”

Lecia couldn’t hide her embarrassment and started looking for an excuse.

Shion shows suspicious eyes and slowly twists his eyes.

“Shion, nothing happened.”

“sister… … .”

“Because it’s okay.”

Harnett smiles awkwardly and pulls Shion’s sleeve.

Shion tries to ask more, but reluctantly shuts up.

‘There must be something you want to hide from Hanette.’

Even Zion had a secret he couldn’t tell others.

Hannette would be like that, and so would everyone else.

If you persistently dig into private parts, wouldn’t Hannett take it unpleasantly?

‘What did you say and do that… … .’

* * *

Sevnil Castle, the outskirts of the Alain Kingdom.

A crimson color emanated from somewhere and covered the whole place.

Every time it touched the ground, pits formed, and the few trees and weeds disappeared in an instant.

The walls of the city continued to collapse, and the city was filled with corpses and blood.

No one could stop that attack, and even the wizards trembled in fear.

“Even now, throwing away your last name… … .”

“There’s nothing I can’t say! If we run away, who will guard the castle!”

Seongju answered firmly, but couldn’t bear to move his feet.

The monster with a huge body was shooting bright red spheres with its mouth open.

It was not easy to even respond to it, as it flew from quite a distance and had considerable destructive power.

“It looks like the four major plagues have attacked!”

“not. Among the four major disasters, there is no one who looks like that!”

The 3 Demon Kings and 4 Major Disasters had existed for a long time, so they were clearly distinguished even in the Alain Kingdom.

In terms of size, it was close to the 4 major disasters, but since it had a different color and shape, it should have been seen as another monster.

“Have you contacted the purple shrine?”

“Yes! I even sent a letter to the capital!”

“In another castle… … .”

In an instant, a crimson light burst in.

The lord of the castle and the knights tried to avoid it, but magic was already seeping out.

The surrounding area is dyed red, and the castle and buildings are smashed and debris rises.

The soldiers began to leave the castle in fear.

“You mean only humans used this good thing! I won’t be defeated anymore As a true dragon, I will destroy everything!”

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