Chapter 171

Setinos Quasar and the magic sword users tried to get as far away from the Eldran supply base as possible.

It was to prevent the monster’s attack from reaching the Eldran supply base.

Of course, if the demons approached, the troops would retreat on their own, but he gave the order to stand by considering the situation.

‘It’s good to spread out and move, but… … .’

Shion was advancing slowly along with the Lihines Knights.

Brandis and Walter, Juter and Barhen were acting separately with their distance apart.

In order to distract the slime dragon, the power was divided into two branches.

‘Doesn’t this make the king a bit vulnerable?’

Hanette, Enrite, Lesia, Oz, and Saeran were staying next to Shion.

All of them were magic sword users, and some of them could remove immortality.

Unlike him, Brandis had no choice but to focus on defense rather than attack because it consisted only of seasoned strongmen.

‘It’s fine if the demonic swords resonate, but… … .’

Resonance has never been achieved by anyone other than El Tesoicb, Acid Rain, and Brecht.

Of course, it could suddenly manifest during battle, but I had to rely on luck.

Above all, reaching resonance did not necessarily kill the slime dragon.

‘Slime dragons recover quickly.’

It was one of the characteristics of the magic beast called slime.

Permanent slime, dissolving acid, excellent regenerative ability.

Therefore, they had to stick to long-distance combat rather than close combat, and had to put an end to it by pushing it at once so that it would not become a long-term battle.

‘We have to destroy the nuke… … .’

Each slime has a nucleus, and body transformation and unique abilities are activated by the nucleus.

That’s why the slime protects the nucleus first, and as long as it is destroyed, it will lead to extinction.

However, the slime dragon could regenerate even the core if immortality was not erased.

‘It’s difficult to find.’

A slime dragon’s nucleus is exactly the same color as its slime, and can move freely within its body.

It is almost impossible to find it with the naked eye, and even if the mana is finely divided, it cannot pinpoint the exact location because it continues to move.

If you want to kill the slime dragon with certainty, you have to attack enough to cover that huge body, but no one has been able to pour out that much magic.

‘Still, there are many things I can do.’

Since slime is semi-solid and composed of slime, it was possible to take advantage of compatibility.

Evaporation with flame magic, freezing with freezing magic, or applying the scalability of thunderbolt magic.

Of course, since attribute magic had to be implemented, it would have to be entrusted to magic sword users or wizards of that attribute.

‘In that respect, the king might be better.’

First of all, the king possessed overwhelming force.

Had immortality not existed, the 3 demon kings and the 4 great plagues might have been annihilated by the king early.

In addition, since there were a blue sage who handles all attribute magic and 3 princesses with a magic sword of ice, he should have been able to actively deal with any situation.

‘I’ll check first… … .’

Shion felt an eerie sensation and instinctively emitted magic.

Magical power was welling up from beyond the forest.

I already recognized the owner of that magical power, and I could see that he was heading this way.

“All scattered!”

Shion pushed the darkness into the acid lane and threw it out quickly.

Then, a light darkness spreads and crosses the forest.

It would be fortunate if the darkness of Acid Rain permeated, and if it didn’t work, I just chose the next best thing.

‘It’s as expected.’

Shion senses the weak darkness and runs quickly.

The slime dragon had a lighter darkness compared to the 3 demon kings.

Perhaps even that darkness came from the artificial magic sword.

‘Because I can’t kill you with acid rain… … .’

Shion heads to Lesia and looks out from time to time to where the slime dragon is.

Although he was attacked, he would soon recover and try to attack.

Before that, he had to create an environment in which he could resonate while keeping the slime dragon in check.

“Lesia! Can you hit it at this distance?”

“I don’t know either?”

Even while running, Lesia held her stance and grabbed the hilt.

It’s something I’ve never done, so I couldn’t be sure.

But once you commit, the answer will come out, and if there is a problem, you can go there and solve it.

Right now, he only thought about killing his enemies and protecting his allies.

‘… Could it be here?’

Lecia’s orange eyes sparkled and magical energy wrapped around her body.

Magical power flowed from the white scales, and gray horns sprouted from it before anyone knew it.

With Lesia’s magical power at the center, the powers of the dragon and the demon began to mix.

Soon, the pure white color spreads along the blade.

‘Even if I can’t kill you… Should I cut one down?’

Lecia maximized her vision for a moment and then swung Dran Calgonis.

A reddish figure could be seen through the trees, albeit briefly.

Considering the position of the enemy and the speed at which it moves, it is possible to cut off at least one body part.

Lecia’s sword energy shot out, and the slime dragon’s breath followed.

Sensing that it was inevitable, Shion was the first to block it.

After that, Enrite held out El Tesoicb, and Hanette hurriedly created flames and wrapped them around the two.

‘I have to stop it.’

Shion blew darkness into the acid lane and collided with the crimson orb.

I could have avoided it, but I had to neutralize this attack because of my allies.

If the darkness dwells, it would be easier to cut it down, but now I couldn’t even hope for that.

‘I will protect you. certainly!’

Standing next to Shion, Enrithe threw out El Tesoicb with all his might.

I couldn’t entrust all my responsibilities to Zion.

Because he was also a Cetinos Quasar, and he was also a human being.

As long as I am alive, I will not sacrifice anyone.

Following the will of the two, Acid Rain and El Tesoicve shone.

Indigo darkness spreads out and blends with the silver color.

Eventually, darkness and light became one, and the crimson orb was pushed out little by little and its shape began to distort.

‘It’s resonating.’

Shion quickly noticed that the resonance had changed.

In the past, darkness and light had been separated, drawing out near-ultimate power.

But now, the darkness and the light have merged into one, and the blue and subtle color was being dyed anew.

‘This can’t be… … .’

The newly born magical power erased the crimson color as it was.

Nothing was swept away or broken.

It affected only the target considered evil and completely purified it.

‘He who embraces light and darkness destroys evil… … .’

For some reason, it came to embrace light and darkness, and only extinguished magic that could be called evil.

In other words, the sentences heard from the seven demonic swords were realized as they were.


The slime dragon howled loudly, unable to bear the pain.

One arm had been torn off by the pure white sword, and the cut section was bubbling.

Even though he only allowed one attack, he had no choice but to panic because he couldn’t recover.

“Huh… heh… cahihe… … .”

The slime dragon can’t help laughing even though it feels the pain.

It seemed that he now understood the reason why he suffered.

The 3 Demon Lords and the Shadow Dragon must have been defeated because they fought against these humans.

“You are not weak. Humans are still… … .”

The slime dragon looks down at the rotting arm, recalling memories of the past, albeit for a moment.

Demons and dragons treated humans as weak, but in the end, the whole body was torn apart by humans.

Although humans used demonic swords, demons and dragons were more advantageous.

Nevertheless, he was defeated because he thought that no one could surpass him.

“I will not repeat the same mistakes.”

The slime dragon opens its eyes and spreads crimson magic.

He lost one of his arms, but was able to get it back by converting mana.

Magic that was converted once was permanently lost.

“Big… ugh… … .”

Slime dragons grind their teeth and endure magic conversion.

The crimson magic seemed to flow slowly, but soon began to gather in the cut section.

Eventually, as the concentration of magic power increased, a bright red color flashed and something poured out.

“Whoa… uh… … .”

The red slime bends weakly, then becomes stiff and forms an elongated shape.

After repeating contraction and expansion, another body fills the empty space.

In the end, the new arm was completed, and it was showing the same movement as before.

“With all my might… I will kill you.”

The slime dragon converts magic again and twists the body.

Then, slime gushed out from both shoulders and formed a single shape.

They looked similar to the heads of slime dragons, and before they knew they were opening their mouths the same.

Because they ate two, they had two more heads.

“It is over.”

Three crimson orbs are created simultaneously and split the air.

The spheres are constantly being created, and they pour down violently in all directions.

It was to destroy the land itself, no matter where humans were.

“There is no escape! You will have to stop it until you die!”

The slime dragon bombarded indiscriminately and wasted its mana.

Even if it disappeared permanently while converting magical power, its restorative power still remained.

It was only possible because of the demonic sword of eternal life, Zile Verza, and even at this point, I didn’t feel any fatigue.

“With that much force, I… … .”

The slime dragon was startled and discovered human magic.

But it had already reached him, and before he knew it, his right leg froze.

Lightning followed, followed by a raging firestorm.

It didn’t even do much damage, but every corner of his body was getting stiff little by little.

“What are you going to do with something like this!”

The slime dragon broke all elemental magic and tried to pour magic again.

However, the magic came again, and the pure white sword flew again.

They obviously wiped out the nearby area, but why are they still alive?

“How long are you going to run away!”

The slime dragon was entangled in all sorts of magic, but now it completely ignores it and condenses the magic sphere.

You could make him stop for a moment with these tricks, but he couldn’t extinguish himself.

It was just a waste of time, and the longer the fight lasted, the more humans would be at a disadvantage.

“It’s annoying!”

The slime dragon gave one of its arms back to the pure white sword and fired spheres in that direction.

Even if they could block one, they would not be able to withstand all three at once.

It was to deal with the most dangerous humans first and then eliminate the rest one by one.

“Well? Whoa!”

The slime dragon belatedly let out a scream while watching the pieces of flame.

It looked ordinary from the outside, but intense heat was engraved on each piece.

It felt different from the fire magic from earlier, so another human must have intervened in the battle.

‘… This flame is more dangerous than the white one. We have to find and get rid of this human first.’

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