Episode 180

It would not perish right now.

It will take quite a while for the powers of the Demon God and the Dragon to merge into one.

I was just patiently waiting for that time to come.

“The end… see… … .”

My senses were gradually fading.

He wouldn’t suffer because of it, but after a little more time he wouldn’t recognize himself.

It was only used as a material to reach the worst beast, and then it ended.

“This is my… last… … .”

The demon sits down slowly and stretches both arms.

They couldn’t regain their power from the 3 great demon kings, and the 4 great calamities ended up being annihilated before they knew it.

I wanted to see the scenery of wiping out this world with my own hands and turning it into ashes.

But now, even that has become futile, and only by sacrificing oneself can a possibility be created.

“Why me… Do you wish for ruin… … .”

He knew nothing about his own birth, and his desire for destruction came from instinct.

That’s why, even after being defeated by humans and demon swords, he tried to revive again, leaving behind the 3rd demon king.

“I don’t need a reason… That’s what it has to do… … .”

Necessity, destiny, absolute.

This world must be destroyed.

No matter what happens in the process, the outcome should not change.

“When doom comes… It will lead to creation… … .”

Even if this world and life disappear, its form is not fixed.

Rather, they would try to create a new world and life, moving toward a different result.

There is no need for a logical reason there.

Because it was the law and providence that maintained this world.

“Then is destruction… … . Reaching Genesis again… It will be equally destroyed… … .”

Even knowing that fact, the demon god fell more and more into desire.

No matter what I do, the law won’t change, and I couldn’t go against my own desire.

Therefore, in order to prove the value of their existence, they tried to fulfill their role faithfully.

“for me… Destruction is everything… … .”

The demon god murmured slowly in a pitiful voice.

No living being will understand itself.

Because he was the enemy of all living things, and he tried to overthrow their foundations.

“Unless destroyed… Why do I exist… … .”

At some point, the sensation completely faded.

It cannot be seen, heard, or perceived.

I couldn’t even feel that my body was moving, so I could tell that I was heading towards the end.

“My ruin… It will call the end of the world… … .”

* * *

royal palace, royal palace.

Brandis called Enrite and asked about the battle with the slime dragon again.

Enrite first told the position of Shion and Hanette, and then added the truth about them.

Of course, Brandis was not too surprised because he had already predicted it.

“… Is that why you didn’t tell me?”

“At that time Hannette Adelaira died, and Black risked her life to slaughter the enemy. I can’t believe it unless I see it with my own two eyes, and since it was an emotional affair, I didn’t dare to offer a mantra to His Majesty.”

“I didn’t say anything wrong. Didn’t Black hold the enemy until Hanette Adelaira was revived?”

If you look closely, it would be that Hanette lied to herself.

But it was an urgent situation, and I couldn’t figure it out because I was busy moving.

Above all, unrealistic phenomena occurred one after another, to the point where even Enrite’s words seemed suspicious.

“… If it was just a little bit later, Black would have been killed. The enemy would have died, but I think it would have been a sad thing for someone.”

“I have no intention of asking for guilt. Didn’t I allow it as an oath?”

I had already made up my mind, so there was no need to worry.

For this, the condition was given that he could defy the king’s order.

Not only himself, but the bureaucrats and knights shouldn’t blame those two.

“Black would have gone into battle even if it hadn’t become the Cetinos quasar. Wouldn’t Hannette Adelaide be the same?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I think so too.”

“They both did a lot for this country. Descendants will point fingers at me if I try to convict them for just such a thing.”

Of course, this information will not be disclosed to anyone.

The knights who were there must have seen it clearly, but they couldn’t know the details.

It was a promise and a secret that he would carry with him until he died.

“one… Reprimand must be made. There was also a way to move with other knights. You can’t win a battle if you rush at it recklessly just because you’re angry. Black would have risked his life to kill him, but that’s the wrong way.”

“Your Majesty is right.”

“I will pass this time. Let you advise Black on my behalf.”

“I will obey the king’s command.”

That said, it was a smooth finish.

Brandis hadn’t forgotten the oath he had made with Zion.

Most of all, because he clearly mentioned what needed to be pointed out, he could give Zion a warning.

“I will end the matter of black at this point. I have something else to ask you.”

“What are you curious about?”

“… The foreshadowing has not yet appeared. Could it be that the demon was involved?”

Enrite, immersed in silence, figured out the meaning.

Sentences left behind by the seven demonic swords.

Like himself, Brandis was conscious of the contents.

“The black sword was thinking similarly to Your Majesty.”

“Hmm… What do you think?”

“I am also suspicious of drunkenness. Although it has lost its power now, in the past, it was a monster that shook the continent of Karon Belaz. You can also try to find strength in other ways.”

Brandis slowly turned his back and paced around the desk.

The King of Narak and the King of the Great Sea were definitely eliminated, and the Immortal King was assumed to have been absorbed by the Demon God.

Two of the three artificial swords were destroyed, and Lesia had been using the other one.

All plans failed, but I couldn’t erase a faint feeling of uneasiness.

“Should I go out of my way to find the demon?”

“I dare to speak my mind. There are still monsters outside the front line. It is not an environment for humans to live in, so as the battle continues, the damage to our allies will increase.”

“… Do you mean we have to wait for the demon to attack?”

“If you want to defeat the Demon God, you must do so.”

Simply annihilating the Demon God did not mean that the Alain Kingdom would win.

To minimize casualties, to protect innocent people, and to keep the foundation of the country unshakable.

I couldn’t even throw away what I had in order to annihilate the enemy.

“You are right. Killing only demons won’t end it.”

Brandis looks out the window for a while, then turns to Enritte.

As Enritte had said, there was no reason to cross the front line at the risk.

Rather, even if there was a slight loss, they would have to wait for the demon to approach them.

“And all of this is speculation, it never actually happened. Since the time and place have not been set, we do not know how long it will take.”

“That is also true. Could a harbinger appear after I die?”

However, Brandis could not shake off his anxiety contrary to his words.

Even the slime dragon stirred up the kingdom of Alain and threatened the strong.

What would have happened if Shion and Hanette had continued their fight while remaining dead?

‘I would have been killed. Even if we win, the damage won’t be small.’

It was such a strong enemy.

Nevertheless, the signs did not appear until the slime dragon disappeared.

How much more bizarre demons had to appear before it could be fulfilled.

‘If Black and Hanette Adelaira are mentioned in the omen… … .’

The two have already proven their skills and qualities.

It met the conditions and had ample potential.

Maybe just the two of them can overcome the crisis.

‘I can’t entrust everything.’

should not be assumed.

You have to act cautiously, considering what if.

Because the wrong choice can lead to the worst outcome.

‘I will have to hold onto it this time.’

He shouldn’t have let a precious talent die in vain.

He has recorded many achievements in history, and will continue to fight for the kingdom of Alain.

But there was another reason that was really important.

‘Until the wedding is held, I will not even allow you to die.’

* * *

Rivdad Magic Society, First Training Room.

Walter had written to Harnett and vacated his schedule ahead of time.

He knew that Harnett had become stronger than before, and that his mana had changed.

He had prepared a separate place to address his curiosity as a wizard and his doubts about the two magic powers.

“Do you know why I called Miss Harnette?”

“… Is it because of the two magical powers?”

“There is one more. I want to know how strong Ms. Harnett has become.”

Harnette sensed an unusual atmosphere from those words.

Since Walter was a wizard, he should have noticed the changes he had undergone at once.

In addition, since the two magic powers were also left in doubt, Walter had no choice but to show interest.

“Last time, the power of magic was high, so we stopped sparring. But… The reinforcement work is over, so you won’t have to worry about that.”

Walter looks at Harnette with anticipation.

Even though it was only right in front of my eyes, the transformed magic power was being transmitted.

I couldn’t feel the second magic, but if I bumped into the magic, it would flow out on its own.

‘I’ve never seen a case where the color of an attribute changes.’

Generally, the color of attribute magic is fixed to one.

Even if the color and concentration of magical power were different for each magician, it did not change because the result reached was the same.

However, Hanette changed the color of the flame and burned the slime dragon with that power.

‘It must be a talent. I can’t follow you, but… I have to find out the principle.’

Two magic powers, attribute magic color transformation.

He achieved what no one else had been able to achieve twice by himself.

If he could master even one of them, he could overturn the history of magic.

‘No matter how long it takes… … .’

“No. I can’t stand this.”

Harnette answered firmly without changing the color of her face.

From the moment the magic is activated, Brecht’s flame is always engraved.

Even if he wanted to adjust the destructive power and attack range, he could not completely suppress it because the power of the magic sword was added.

“What do you mean?”

“If you misuse the magic, the building will burn down. Will you be okay though?”

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