Chapter 186

Still couldn’t find the drinker.

The gray airflow was gradually enlarging its territory and eroding the land.

If left unattended, they would reach the Eldran supply base, and eventually the capital.

‘Wouldn’t that be the drink?’

Harnett looked at the gray currents several times before coming to a simple conclusion.

The gray airflow was realized as a product of magic, but there was no one who was the basis of magic.

In other words, it could have been that the Demon God himself became a gray stream and reestablished its form as magic and magic.

‘If there is no shortage of magic, that state will be maintained.’

He may have obtained a vast amount of magical power by giving his own body as a price.

Magical power will continue to be converted into magic, and the gray air current will slowly dissipate and encroach on the Caronbelaz continent.

Maybe he will try to swallow the sea beyond the Karon Belaz continent.

‘I have to get rid of them all.’

The Demon God left only mana, and that mana was working as a gray stream.

In other words, only when the gray air current was completely removed would the Demon God disappear.

However, the gray current was still increasing, and even erasing it all at once would not be easy.

‘… Can I offset it?’

Mana can be mitigated and destroyed as the same mana.

The same was true of magic derived from magical power, and when magic faced each other, the one with higher concentration and power of magical power gained the upper hand.

However, the magic that was continuously generated like the gray air current had to be suppressed with the amount of magic power to see the end.

‘There might be some kind of hidden ability.’

Since the opponent was a demon, I tried to look beyond that.

Because he invaded the capital of the kingdom of Alain and made full use of his strange abilities, and now he has even acquired the power of the four major disasters.


Just as Shion was deeply immersed in his own thoughts, he had to find more possibilities.


“… Why?”

“Don’t do anything weird.”

“Have I not done anything yet?”

“I said I would watch it twice. From the third time, you will have to be prepared. Okay?”

“… … .”

Shion swallows silence and meets Hanette’s gaze.

Golden eyes were shining brightly with determination.

Could it be that the will to protect oneself is engraved in those eyes?

“You were the one who asked me to wait. You were the one who said you loved me I won’t be taken away from you anymore.”

“… okay.”

In the first place, it was impossible to use that technique in the current situation.

There must be a target to kill, but the target did not even reveal itself.

Above all, I couldn’t die in vain leaving Hannet behind.

‘At first I stopped… … .’

Harnette circulated the mana within her body, then vigorously discharged it.

Then, the golden flame split into dozens of branches and escaped out of the city.

The flames touched the ground, drew a long line, and began to connect with each other.

At some point, a great flame rises and covers the whole area around it.

‘Then I have to push.’

In an instant, the gray airflow met the flame barrier.

The gray current tried to go further, but it couldn’t get over the flame barrier.

As time passed, the gray currents piled up, and the momentum was getting stronger.

‘I was expecting… It’s not easy.’

I wondered if there would be a difference in the amount of magic power.

Her own magical power wasn’t too small, but her opponent was a demon.

I threw everything away and even gained the power of the 4 disasters, but there was no way I was lacking in magic power.

‘Would it make any difference if I endured?’

Even if countless knights and wizards joined together, they would not be able to overcome its power.

It only increased the time to survive.

All the magic sword users and Setinos Quasars could gather and respond, but wouldn’t the same result be repeated?

‘It will only waste my magic power.’

It blocks until its mana is exhausted, and then retreats.

After restoring mana, spread the flames again to slow the progress.

If you repeat it, you will get tired before you know it, and you will retreat to the capital.

‘Even though I awakened the magic sword, it still doesn’t work?’

The demon’s immortality was destroyed, and Brecht’s flame grew even hotter.

However, even with overwhelming force, victory could not be guaranteed.

The Demon God was already far away from the concept of life and death.

In addition, the battle would never end forever because it was unknown even the source of magic power.

‘If I don’t finish, Zion will… … .’

“Don’t overdo it. If you can’t take it down now, you should save your strength.”

“You have to kill now to reduce the damage… … .”


A restrained voice pierced my ears.

Only then did Hannette shake off her anxiety and turn her head.

Shion held onto his shoulder and gave a calm look.

“I am still alive. I’m not hurt, and I know I shouldn’t be unruly. You can listen to me.”

“… … .”

Hannette comes to her senses belatedly and catches her breath.

She and Shion were dispatched to the Eldran supply base as an advance unit.

It would be fortunate if we could subdue them right now, but if it is impossible, it would be right to retreat.

It’s because the magic sword user, Setinos Quasar, and reinforcements haven’t gathered yet.

“Do you remember when the demonic swords gathered together?”

“… I remember.”

“It hasn’t materialized yet. Now may be the time.”

Considering the timing and conditions, this moment would have been the best time.

An invisible enemy, a force that corrupts this world, a fight that won’t work.

It was so one-sided and unfavorable that the last resort had to be forced.

“You mean we have to wait?”

“right. We have to wait until everyone gathers. If I waste my strength now, I won’t be able to fight at the really important moment.”

Among the magic sword users, Brandis and Uter did not join.

The Setinos quasars at this place were all Zion and Enrite.

The demon’s attack had just begun, so it couldn’t be seen as imminent.

So, rather than acting recklessly, it would have been better to prepare for the next one.

“Sigh… … .”

Harnette chews her lips as she gazes at the flames rising high.

The gray airflow had increased, but it was still manageable.

However, Shion’s advice was accurate, so I couldn’t just be stubborn.

“You are stronger than me. He may be the strongest among the magic sword users. You need to save your energy.”

“… I will do as you say.”

Harnette extinguished the flames and even erased the mana.

Then, the gray air currents that had been gathered rushed in all at once and began to spread out in all directions.

The gray airflow quickly drew closer to the Eldran supply base, scaring the soldiers away and backing away.

“White, you better retreat.”

“Yes, we should discuss countermeasures in the next castle.”

Enrite had already identified the characteristics of the gray air currents.

It was so bizarre, alien, and cunning.

Why is the Demon God so obsessed with destruction?

‘I can’t kill him by using magical powers or magic.’

Only one answer remained.

Shion also knew that, so he must have brought up the word to retreat without hesitation.

If you were a magic sword user, you had no choice but to accept it unconditionally.

‘The time has come to create salvation and destroy evil.’

* * *

The rear area of the Alain Kingdom, Keod Castle.

The troops stationed at the Eldran supply base retreated to the rear area.

In order to respond to this situation, the border area was also constantly monitoring and preparing to escape from the castle.

The gray current spread out in all directions centered on the slime dragon’s vanishing point, and the Eldran supply base and several villages were swept away by the torrent.

“… It’s not a bad thing to see. There was a loss, but the result did not come out.”

After receiving the report, Brandis came belatedly to Keode Castle.


Juter and Barhen followed, and the Royal Knights and the capital’s troops gathered.

Troops scattered throughout the world would also be assigned to each castle or supply base.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Now you don’t have to be swayed by the content, but the future is a problem. Unfortunately, it can’t be solved just by gathering demonic swords and demonic sword users.”

“You are right. Shouldn’t we find a way?”

Enrite and Brandis, as well as other demonic sword users, were aware of him.

What the seven demon swords told us, that is, the prophecy, only mentioned the results.

The conditions or process that reached the result were not explained in detail.

He only presented the fact that there must be seven demonic swords and demonic sword users.

“Wouldn’t it be possible to find out while fighting?”

Hannett came to a firm conclusion after much thought.

If the answer is not listed, you can find it yourself.

Even if you challenge, fall, and suffer, you have to endure somehow and move forward.

Only then will you gain enlightenment even when you are frustrated and struggling.

“Ha ha ha! That’s right! Staying still won’t give you an answer. You can tell by touching it yourself.”

Brandis sat up, satisfied with the answer.

Whether it’s discussions or countermeasures, nothing will change just by talking about it.

You have to move yourself and pour out all your strength to defeat the enemy.

It would have taken a little more time to give up in vain.

“I will believe you. I want you to believe in me too.”

Brandis left those words last and took the first step.

Other demonic sword users followed quietly and stopped in front of the castle gate.

“I will organize the matters that have been decided. Prohibit access to the gray aura, and fight while maintaining a certain distance. When it can no longer be defended, it abandons the castle and retreats. If you have a different opinion, say it now.”

With Brandis’ remarks, silence began to permeate.

Soldiers watched their advance from the top of the castle walls, and the Royal Knights were always ready for battle.

In the meantime, Hanette ponders and watches the gate open.

‘… Why am I fighting?’

At first, he tried to subdue the demons in order to be recognized by his family.

She is not a foolish young lady, and as a magician, she can raise her name.

Even if you don’t rely on things like arranged marriages, you can prove your worth.

But at some point, that goal changed, and since I had already achieved it, I didn’t even have regrets.

‘I thought I’d be able to get married once I became stronger than Shion.’

Harnette went out of the city, sticking close to Zion.

Perhaps because it was the last fight, all kinds of memories and emotions flooded my head.

I should have gotten married already, but somehow I put it off until now.

What was it that scared you so much that you refused to marry?

‘Even if you believe in Zion… I didn’t believe in myself.’

The marriage itself was terrifying.

It was an unwanted engagement, and I couldn’t even predict what would happen after we got married.

Sharing a room with Zion, having a child, and being together for the rest of their lives.

What should I do if this makes me unhappy?

‘Now you can trust me. I think I know a little bit why I have to fight.’

Hannett turns away from the gray air currents that are gradually approaching and looks inside.

In fact, no matter what the world was like, it was good.

Even if a family member or friend dies, that too is unavoidable.

You just need to have one person by your side.

‘Zion… I just need you.’

He was standing here only for Zion’s sake.

As long as I can survive with Zion, I will not lose hope.

And following that hope, he would be able to draw a new future.

‘I don’t care about this world. I will fight only for you.’

Hannette recalled her will and summoned Brecht.

Then, Brecht’s flame burns fiercely and emits a brilliant color.

– You can’t satisfy your desires with a cause. A selfish heart makes desire overflow.

An unknown voice fills my head.

Hannette looks around in bewilderment.

– But your desire… You are only thinking of your own comfort and the comfort of one person. Isn’t it really selfish and altruistic?

Brecht spread his wings and howled loudly.

Then, the four magic swords reacted and began to spread their unique colors.



“This… … .”

-Your desire overflows, but sinks endlessly. I want to fill it, but I can’t fill it, and I want to empty it, but I can’t empty it.

Ferundira, the demonic sword of ice, Nailing, the demonic sword of lightning, Timer, the demonic sword of wind, Gerganber, the demonic sword of earth.

The colors flowing from the four demonic swords were gathering towards Brecht.

Enrite witnessed the scene and murmured a sentence.

“The one who inherits the five sources… will create salvation.”

– How can you save yourself if you don’t value yourself? There is no reason to perform salvation unless another life is spared.

Brecht is transformed into something while being enveloped in five colors.

Hannett mumbles over the word salvation and just watches quietly.

– Save yourself and those you want to protect. And by creating… Enjoy life.

Brecht turned into a single sword.

The colors of gold, sky blue, yellow, light green, and brown all blended together, sending out transcendent magical power.

Harnette already knew the name of the sword.

“Sword of Salvation… Is Ruen… … .”

Harnette grabbed the hilt and slowly took her stance.

This sword is not a weapon for killing someone.

It was only to lead this world to salvation and recreate it.

Harnette lightly swung Isruen.

Then, a beautiful color emerges from the five-colored blade and passes through the gray air current.

The dry land was soaked with moisture, and the decaying trees and grass regained their vitality.

“ah… … .”

“It was a good try, but… … .”

But the gray current still lingered, and reversed it.

The land was devastated again, and the trees and grass shrank and lost their color.

Shion frowns and recalls the other sentence.

‘He who embraces light and darkness will destroy evil.’

The sword of salvation, Isruen alone, cannot end it.

No matter how many times you create redemption, the gray current will corrupt it again.

In the end, either he or Enrite had to embrace the light and darkness.

‘I have to help Hanette.’

There were bound to be limits to using Isruen.

Even if it is used without restrictions, even if it is used to keep the gray current in check, it is unacceptable.

Hanette will have to wield Isruen until she dies.

‘I didn’t come all the way here to see that.’

When I was prepared to die for the first time, I realized what was truly precious.

When I wanted to die one more time, I wanted to take revenge because I had lost something precious.

I would rather give up this world than sacrifice something precious.

‘I will protect my partner. If it’s a world my partner can’t live in, it shouldn’t exist.’

– Is that your darkness?

A strange voice came over me.

Shion grabbed the hilt and began to search for the direction of the voice.

– There must be both light and darkness in this world. If only light exists, how can it be called light?

“… … ?”

– Just because it’s bright doesn’t mean it’s good. Being warm does not give you the grace of life. If it is not dark, you will not even feel the light, and you must overcome the cold to gain life.

“… … .”

It was a strange logic, but it seemed to make sense.

But now I wasn’t comfortable enough to hear these words.

‘What do you mean?’

– The darkness you have. There is a mixture of light there. Why do you think they are mixed?

‘Why are you asking me that?’

– You are well aware of malice. I realized the truth in endless malice. Even if you have bad intentions, if you appear to have good intentions, you are treated as good. Fools can’t see the hidden malice.

‘… … .’

– But you… Showing good intentions as bad intentions. Malice only for you, good intentions for others. Isn’t that really selfish?

‘I’m not stupid enough to live for others. If it’s for me, my partner, and my colleagues, I’ll hold a grudge.’

– That thought is to destroy evil. Evil must be erased as evil. Dumb people try to erase evil with good. And… Don’t you have good intentions?

At the same time as the answer, the acid rain pours out a dark blue color.

Coincidentally, El Tesoicb was also shining silver.

– Destroy malice with your malice. And find a moderation with good intentions.

“The time has come to let go.”

Enrite let go of El Thesoicb without hesitation.

El Tesoicb quickly left, and Shion intuitively grabbed El Tesoicb.

‘The one I have to kill is… only one.’

Shion sensed his destiny and crossed Acid Lane and El Tesoicb.

Then, indigo and silver intertwine with each other to create something new.

“… … .”

Only the blue hilt was in Shion’s hand.

The blade was not even attached at all, and only a sense of emptiness wrapped around the hilt.

However, Shion pulls his arm and prepares to cut horizontally.

‘Sword of Destruction… Lynn Neygarn… … .’

Shion hurriedly threw out without even containing his mana.

Then, following the movement, a huge shape draws a trajectory.

Its shape was long and thick enough to exceed this area, the Allain Kingdom, and the Karon Belaz continent.

“Extinct as it is, demon.”

The long and wide blade passed through everything and touched the gray air current.

The sword of destruction, Lynn Neygarn, destroys only evil.

That is why objects that were not judged as evil were never cut.

Lynn Neygarn split the gray current and headed to the other side.

The separated gray air currents immediately disappeared and were no longer created.

Because the gray current was the true evil, it reached the end of annihilation.

“uh… her… … .”

“Wow… … .”

“Will I see this before I die?”

It was a fleeting moment.

The gray airflow disappeared cleanly, and the decayed world regained its original appearance.

Isruen had changed to Brecht before I knew it, and Lynn Neygarn had returned with two magic swords.

“Whoa… … .”

“Sigh… … .”

Shion and Hanette sigh and look at each other.

In the end, it ended by killing the demon.

There was only one thing left.

“Shall we marry now?”

“Give me the ring.”

“… I didn’t bring it.”

“What did you do without getting ready?”

“I’m going to a fight, but who’s got the ring?”

“I can’t read the real atmosphere.”

“Don’t force yourself.”

“Ha ha ha!”

Brandis smiled cheerfully and approached the two.

Many suffered, but these two were the true contributors.

It’s a marriage of public officials, and I had to declare what I wanted because I wanted to see it so much.

“It is the king’s name. I will officiate Zion Reggiard and Hannette Adelaira!”

“… … ?”


Not only Zion and Hanette, but also the soldiers on the wall were taken aback.

Enrite let out a laugh, and Uter showed a calm expression as if he had expected it.

Lecia watches the two of them and has a small wish.

‘Love sounds like a lot of fun. Shall I try it too?’

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