Eleanor had never been able to solve a problem on her own until now.

Mostly with someone’s help, using the power of the key.

That’s how I got through the difficulties.

And now I thought I wanted to get out of that way.

Someone’s help is definitely a happy and reliable law, but… … .

“I don’t want to see someone get hurt on my behalf anymore.”

I didn’t want to live dependent on others for everything.

He hated having someone else take the place of the wounds he had to bear.

Even if it is unreasonable and indiscreet.

If you were the one who should have been hurt originally, then you have to endure it yourself.

“So it’s okay if the teacher doesn’t have to deal with the ill will towards me anymore.”

Eleanor knows.

I don’t know, but I know.

In the meantime, how much Oz has been clearing away the reckless malice directed at him beneath the surface.

I could tell just by looking at her self-confidence, as if she was satisfied.

“No need to worry.”

Eleanor pulled out the sword hung from her waist with her left hand.

Even if it lags behind a greatsword in terms of splendor and destructive power, it can do more.

Each weapon has its pros and cons, and the sword, one of the most common weapons, was well balanced.

Power, finesse, speed. It is the most suitable center.

He started learning swordsmanship for efficiency, not for his own desire.

“I now… … .”

She’s still blocked by the wall and can’t move forward. can’t grow

But that doesn’t mean she won’t sit still.

She kept knocking on the wall. I mobilized every means possible.

Even so, the wall could not be pierced or crossed yet… … .

“Because it’s strong enough.”

The wall was being pushed back little by little.

She forcibly crammed all of Justitia’s skills into her body.

just remember It is still impossible to put it into practice.

But just by knowing, the way she can do it increases.


Eleanor sent the magic flying towards her with her sword.

showed such skill.

The power of ‘Harmony’, which makes the opponent’s power one’s own, is obviously great, but it is foolish to try to absorb everything.

Even her power has limits. I confirmed that in my fight with Kang Chul.

Even the one I’m holding now is a longsword with a smaller area and less strength than my usual greatsword. The acceptable limit for the power of harmony is also low.

‘I have to show it.’

Slash and shed and move forward.

Although Eleanor was steady and sluggish, she was attacking Oz with a sure-fire method.

‘Even if it’s not flashy, cool, or beautiful!’

Oz was blocking Eleanor’s approach while increasing the number of cover nearby.

He is also the standard of wizards.

‘It’s okay not to worry, that I’m already strong enough!’

Eleanor stuck out her tongue at the way that made the opponent’s approach itself uncomfortable, but did not back down.

‘I have to show it!’

narrowly narrowed the distance. If it’s a reasonable wizard, it’s the same as being defeated at the point where you’ve come to this situation.

But the opponent is Oz.

Even though he is a wizard, he is an unfair genius who uses close combat to a high level.

It can’t end with this, can it?

“Kuh… … .”

The thing that hinders movement is the earth attribute magic [stalagmite].

Even though it was momentarily restricted, Oz’s [Physical Ability Enhancement] lightly evaded the sword wielded by the warrior.

‘Humanly, that’s really mean!’

A method of attacking from the root with all means used by the opponent.

It’s unmatched to be lethal.

Even though it must have been clear that he was in such a staggering state, with blurred eyes, and infinitely weak.

“Eleanor, I knew from the beginning that you were strong.”

“… … No, if you’re going to say that, you can’t block it all.”

outside of the obvious specifications.

The opponents he has fought so far have been absurd monsters, but Oz is a monster equal to him.

“As expected, a teacher is a teacher.”

My heart seemed to be broken at the sight of lightly blocking the blow of the whole body.

I even admired him for being able to sacrifice himself for others even though he had that much power.

But no. That’s not it.

“But Master is too arrogant.”

Yes, it is arrogance to believe that you can do everything yourself.

“That mindset is so cool and brilliant, but I can’t let it take over my stage.”

Even if that’s a tragedy.

If you are the main character on the stage.

“Open it——.”

You should face the middle of the stage, not hide behind a blackout screen.

“——The warmth of kindness.”

Eleanor slashed Oz’s defenses that created a stalemate.

Oz doesn’t blink an eye. As if everything had been expected, the next method was to press Eleanor.

And what followed was binge drinking and smoke.

Oz’s attack, apparently to render the opponent incapacitated.

“You know what?”

However, seeing Eleanor through the smoke, Oz immediately prepared the next magic.

I didn’t think I would have been knocked down from the start. It is not easy to subdue the effort of seven battles.

So I was prepared.

“I am surprisingly good at lying.”

I was preparing… … .

‘This creepy… … .’

Stay alert. I thought so and acted that way.

Even so, my instincts keep ringing the alarm as if I shouldn’t be vigilant.

Oz checked the situation while preparing for the next magic.

A strange device for handling the great sword, a swordsmanship first introduced.

Willingness not to back down.

‘Did I miss something?’

What you see isn’t everything.

You shouldn’t think that you are the same as the Eleanors you’ve seen so far.

She is not flashy and easy to understand. If he was in that state, he wouldn’t have used such an ordinary swordsmanship in the first place.

‘then… … .’


Oz thought about it and almost instinctively shook his head.

A solid line was engraved on his cheek, probably because his judgment was a little delayed.

“Memorization… … ?”

Despite dodging the attack, Oz couldn’t help but be stunned.

Anyway, Eleanor, who likes flashy and conspicuous things, chose a shady and inconspicuous method.

Oz couldn’t help but feel chills at that fact.

She needs the attention of others.

It is said that the trauma has been lifted to some extent, but the fundamentals do not change. no, it shouldn’t have been

Nonetheless, he used memorization.

He used a method that could be said to be in direct opposition to his inclination.

‘Are we getting closer?!’

The moment Ellie spoke of came closer. The time comes when Eleanor can understand and accept everything.

Mental growth has begun to accept the memories of pain and helplessness.


intermediate magic

[Stone Wall]

Oz erected a wall accompanied by physical force to check the situation.

It cannot be cut with the power of harmony, and since what she is holding is a long sword, it will inevitably take time to pulverize it with force or skill.

‘In the meantime, if you build a family again… … .’

However, Oz was finally able to notice when Eleanor emerged from the fog.

Greatsword and Longsword. one in each hand.

The overwhelming mass of the two weapons pulverizes the rock walls of Oz.

In this battle, Eleanor always fought with a long sword.

The greatsword was fixed on his back and he wielded it with a strange device.

“Hey, you impostor… … .”

“Sorry. teacher.”

However, all of that was a device to plant prejudice that he would not be able to wield a sword with one hand.

She had the ability to handle both at the same time from the beginning.

yes, that’s for sure

“I lied.”

designed for combat.

-I can’t make detailed plans like my mentor, but… … .

I fell for her lies

Oz was delighted rather than resentful at that fact.

“I love everything about the teacher, but there is no way I didn’t learn the greatest strength of the teacher.”

The time to choose a time when the mind and body are weak due to the two-week forced march.

A deception that mixes everything from a word spoken to every action.

“… … That’s great.”

Cheongchuleoram (靑出於藍).

Oz couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that Eleanor had defeated him in her own way.

* * *

“Well… … .”

Eleanor checked her body first before savoring her victory.

“I think I will break my wrist.”

With my current skills, it was too much to handle a longsword with one hand and a longsword second.

Like that, Eleanor wanted to hold on to her swollen wrist for a while before approaching Oz, who passed out.

“… … It’s the master’s defenseless appearance.”

The eyes that always stare at someone with sharp eyes are somewhat locked.

How long has it been since you’ve been able to look at something like this?

Most of them woke up right away when approached, and when they weren’t, they were in a dying state, so there was no choice but to be fresh.

“… … .”

Eleanor remembered the smile Oz had at the end. It was the first time I had seen it in a long time.

It was a smile like that of a boy, like that clear blue sky.


Remembering that expression, Eleanor kissed Oz on the cheek as if he were taking spoils.


It was clear sexual harassment.

“… … .”

And Lucia, who was watching the fight between the two, quietly turned her head.

I don’t know why, but it was hard to see him like that.



Lucia, who had been turning her head like that, answered in surprise at Eleanor’s voice calling her.

“Help me become a teacher!”

“Yeah, that’s right. I guess.”

Eleanor was helping the fallen Oz.

However, because of the height difference between the two, Oz was dragged on the floor, so he needed Lucia’s help.

Lucia stood on the other side of Eleanor and supported Oz.

‘Why come now?’

It was hard to look at the two of them.

It had been known since long ago that Eleanor was outright favoring Oz.

It is not the first time or two that she has been victimized by her obsessive behavior.

It was awkward nonetheless.

I didn’t like something.

“Lucia, listen carefully.”


“That monster is targeting me. To be precise, using my existence to throw the empire into chaos. Right?”

“Yeah, right. It was an almost random explanation, but I remember it well.”

Lucia had already explained the situation to Eleanor for a long time.

You can’t sacrifice Eleanor just because you want to stop Oz.

So, after asking her opinion, Eleanor made a decision.

“If that happens, I will be a target wherever I go.”

So be it.

It won’t differentiate between inside and outside <Skientia>. People’s reckless malice will be everywhere.

As time goes by, more and more people will think of her as the culprit.

She will gradually become isolated.

And her role as a friend is to endure the process together… … .

“I’ll ask the master.”

“… … What?”

Could it be that he wants to leave <Skientia> and go out into the world alone?

Lucia’s complexion began to turn blue from such a family.

I was complacent.

It never occurred to her that she could make such a decision.

“While I am away, keep an eye on the other girls so that they do not approach the master.”

This is an achievement he has made.

So no one can take advantage of that gap.

“Wait a minute… … .”


“Are you thinking of leaving Skientia like this?”

Lucia asked with a nervous heart, but Eleanor smiled colorlessly despite her worries and denied it.

“It can’t be. Master held out for two weeks for me. If I leave now, everything Master did for me will be for nothing?”

“Uh… … That, right.”

I want to do that, but in that case, Oz’s efforts so far will be in vain.

It is because Oz tried harder to protect Eleanor than to prevent the alienation.

“I have something to check on. He’ll be in Skientia, but it looks like he’ll be away.”

Through this battle, something inside is changing. Eleanor wanted to ascertain the identity of the drastic change that had happened to her.

Because there must be someone who knows about it.

‘Ellie would know.’

If you are the incarnation of the key inside her, you will surely know.

she got stronger

Even though Oz was in a weaker state than usual, he was able to win.

“Master is mine. will make it so The saintess is away, so it doesn’t matter… … . know?”

Yes, her pride, which had been crushed by repeated defeats, was restored by this victory.

Eleanor’s wicked desire began to rise again.

“What are you saying Baekyang is going to do?”

“Of course.”

Eleanor began to tug Oz’s cheeks as if to avenge what had happened to her the other day.

“Baekyang will definitely play tricks. While I’m away, if there’s no one to interrupt, then they’ll use their numbers.”

“Ah, anyway, isn’t it Ki-woo? Still, this is the situation… … .”

Will he really try to take care of himself in such a tragic situation?

Oz’s determination and Eleanor’s determination.

Even after hearing that heavy story?

“under! Rather, this situation is an opportunity, right? If it were me, I would aim for it unconditionally.”

Eleanor snorted as if it were not the same. do it yourself

If so, Baekyang, who has a similar disposition to herself, would be the same.

Actually, Lucia is also dangerous, but… … It’s still fine.

“Because Lucia is my ‘friend’. I believe you will do well. Baek Yang betrayed me even though he was my ‘friend’. He’s a very bad boy. You think so?”

“Yes… … .”

“You shouldn’t touch what your friends value. right?”

“Yes. right.”

Of course, don’t be careless.

If there is something he wants, he has the aspect of a king who wants to take it by force and resourcefulness. Eleanor’s sharp restraint pierces Lucia’s heart.

It was the moment when it became clear that the same blood as Justitia was flowing inside her.

“Because Lucia is a trustworthy ‘friend’. I’m asking for this know?”

Even if not now, Lucia belongs to the risk group enough.

More than this is hard. There’s nothing good about making enemies anymore.

So he was gaslighting her regularly.

‘I don’t trust Lucia either. I should ask Marie too.’

Of course, even that didn’t make me feel safe.

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