I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 16 The wood type superpower is also a hot chick

A second passed as the seed struggled to break out of its shell.

Two seconds passed, and the seeds were still trying to break out of the shell.

Three seconds have passed, and the seeds are still trying to break out of the shell.

Bai Qianchun:

After being a hot chick with light-type powers, she now feels that a wood-type psychic is also a hot chick!

This is as fast as hatching eggs and you still want to make a lot of money by growing vegetables? Haha, it’s difficult!

Bai Qianchun reflected in her mind whether she had thought too well of the interstellar superpowers before, so that the one or two she encountered were not satisfactory.

But this idea was quickly suppressed by her.

There are definitely strong people, but all she has encountered are weaklings. She must not be scornful just because of these two few templates.

Bai Qianchun looked solemn, walked over and put the bag in his hand on the table, and picked out a seed of a small improved apple tree from it.

The balcony of her house is not large, but if it were a normal apple tree, it would be very tall. One tree would probably occupy most of the balcony, and would reach the balcony of the house above.

So in order to avoid the "tragedy" of losing money, she obtained the seeds of the small apple tree studied in the laboratory with the help of Feng Tangwei.

It will probably only be about two meters tall when it grows up, so it will be much more convenient to plant on the balcony.

Now this small apple tree is also suitable for planting in the small room of the starship.

With this in mind, Bai Qianchun buried the seeds in the soil and moved the flower pot to the ground.

Her dark eyes became distant and cold, and with a light soft color, she leaned over and touched the edge of the flowerpot. A green ball of light that gradually grew in size came out from her fingertips, like a child playing up and down. Jumping and jumping happily towards the embrace of the flower pot.

The moment the ball of light touched the flower pot, it shattered into countless small light spots, lingering above the flower pot, intertwining into a circle of vibrant dark green light covering the top.

The seeds in the soil seemed to be awakened. They broke out of their shells and sprouted two small green and lovely leaves.

Before Xiao Ye'er had time to say hello, she couldn't wait to grow taller in the next moment.

Thousands of branches are growing, and countless green leaves emerge from the branches. They are full of vitality and green, blooming into an infinite spring scene.

In the blink of an eye, the saplings grew into a two-meter-tall tree, and the passionate little white flowers crowded together and clustered on the branches, making the green apple tree particularly beautiful.

Immediately after the little flowers have reached their most beautiful stage, they begin to wither, using their hard work to give birth to small fruits one after another.

It only takes a minute for the fruit to go from green to fist-sized to the lovely red ripe form.

The secret of growth and transformation seems to be easy in her hands.

In contrast, Du Le didn't look at it. He groaned and suppressed his blush. At this moment, the seeds had just broken out of their shells, and two wilted seedlings grew out. They seemed to be a little malnourished.

It looks like he was raised by his stepfather!

Fortunately, Du Le kept his eyes closed the whole time, otherwise he would have crawled into the ground with shame.

The corners of Bai Qianchun's mouth curled up slightly as she plucked the red and particularly beautiful big apples hanging from the fruit trees with satisfaction.

But where to put it?

She held her arms full of apples and looked around, but couldn't find anything that could hold them.

She frowned, what a mistake!

In the end, she had no choice but to take aim at Du Le's bed.

Fifteen minutes later, Du Le opened his eyes and wiped his sweat, with a bright smile on his fair face. "Finally, it was planted. The previous green vegetable consumed a lot of wood-type powers, and the second one was too slow." , Old sister, how are you doing over there? Damn it!!!”

He was caught off guard and saw the big apples all over the bed. His smile was so shocked that his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets.

"This, this, these are apples?"

He swallowed and pointed with trembling fingers at the hill-like pile of red fruits on his bed. He was shocked beyond words.

Bai Qianchun, who was harvesting the eighth batch, heard the sound, glanced at him casually, and said lightly, "If your eyes are not broken, you should be able to judge for yourself."

Du Leman's face was red and he was in a trance, "That's right, it's Apple."

His eyes were glued to the pile of apples, and he looked at the apple tree in the flowerpot full of fruits. He still asked with some reluctance, "Did you bring it here from the Space Button?"

Bai Qianchun paused and turned to look at him speechlessly, "Do you think I am someone with a space button?"

Du Le:.

Yes, they were brothers and sisters who cherished each other before they boarded the starship. How could they have the money to buy a space button?

Du Le forced out a twisted smile with an aggrieved face, and had to admit that while he was working hard and holding back his energy to grow a small green vegetable, he had grown a bed full of apples like a hill.

Why are there such big differences between people?

Bai Qianchun seemed to think that the blow was not big enough, so she spoke again, "One flower pot is not enough for me. I also want to plant another cherry tree. You are so slow, why don't you lend me your flower pot too." "

Du Le decisively hugged the flower pot and said warily, "No, I want to plant it myself."

Bai Qianchun: "I'll pay the rent."

Du Le said firmly, "No, I must grow vegetables."

Is this an issue of rent? This is an issue of men’s dignity!

The two faced off for a while, but Du Le finally surrendered, "Okay, okay, there are stores on the starship, you can buy them, the price is only twice as high as outside, then you can grow whatever you want. You can plant as much as you want.”

Bai Qianchun frowned.

Du Le was keenly aware of her concerns, so he hurriedly helped analyze, "A flowerpot is only thirty star coins, but if you buy an extra flowerpot, you can grow a lot of apples, and you can make a thousand times more money." Star coins, is this world worth it?"

"And you just made 150 million. Now you are a rich woman. Do you still care about buying a flower pot that is twice as much?" He muttered sourly.

Bai Qianchun glanced at him with a very sure expression, "I care."

Du Le choked, then suddenly realized.

"That's right. You said that the vitality pill is difficult to make. There must be a lot of initial investment and scrapping. Recently, interstellar medicinal materials are in short supply and are expensive. Although 150 million is a lot, it is not much at all for research. Several laboratories in our school are researching a project, and the initial investment alone will cost two to three billion."

Bai Qianchun actually succeeded the first time and never wasted any medicinal materials:

She pursed her lips and said nothing, nor did she correct his misunderstanding.

With Du Le leading the way, the two of them arrived on the second floor of the starship one after another. There was a large shopping mall here, occupying nearly half of the space on the second floor, and the area was extremely large.

There are many types of goods inside, and there are even some rare things that are not available on the main planet, but the prices are twice as high as those on the planet.

However, this is an independent seller's market, and the high prices are understandable.

Du Le: Is this something that can be avoided by keeping your eyes closed the whole time? No, he wants to hide under the ground now. It’s so shocking!

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