166 – Festival (4)

Black Sun.

Its existence is terrifying. All the textures in the game only say that it is an incomprehensible existence.

Its shape literally resembles a black sun.

Unlike the sun, it wasn’t blazing, but it was a shape made up of terrifying monsters.

‘It must be Heinrich Himmler.’


He is the leader of the SS and is a notorious demon. I looked at Himmler. Above her white uniform was her black hair.

Himler’s head, as if the stars had disappeared from space, had no features.

She just had a black oval face.

“Do you have any questions?”

-What is it?

“What were you thinking when you came in here?”

This is the most questionable thing.

Apart from the fact that they are aiming for Seo Ga-yeon, Korea’s Hero School is the land of the emperor.

Coming here and aiming for Seo Ga-yeon means increasing the number of enemies. Even more so, the emperor is a being who interacts with other transcendental beings.

There is also a heavenly view that penetrated the logic of the world, and you can also encounter a king who is said to have torn the world apart with a boulder.

The Nazi Empire is strong.

Survive against the whole world. However, on the other side of it, the interests with different beings were more aligned. No matter how transcendent, it would be difficult to invade Germany and kill them.

Black Sun.

Because of one extraterrestrial being above the transcendent.

-Is that kind of a question?

Himmler watched me calmly with her interested gaze. Himmler’s face was missing, but she could feel it with her senses.

-But why do I have to answer?

At the same time, Himmler put her hand into her bosom.

What came out of her arms was a spear through which ominous demons overflowed. A three-pronged spear with the tip split into three.

There is a huge amount of demonic energy.

It is a divine instrument. A token of God bestowed directly by someone called the Black Sun. It looks like a trident, but that is a staff. The power that symbolized the Nazi Empire was remodeling.

They don’t handle cold weapons.

They handle firearms. Because that’s the best way to use the power of alteration.

However, the higher you go, the weapons they deal with gradually change.

You will handle a weapon in the form of a cane.

Black Sun.

It is an alien being. The Nazi Empire is a force that upholds an extraterrestrial existence in the form of an empire. The higher it went up, the more it took on the same form as the priest before the vaccine.

– Die.

Himmler spoke of death calmly.

The black spear was pointed at me. At the tip of the spear, the energy of death rushes.

‘Is it the highest rank?’

The method of accumulating power is the method of an apostle among apostles who shredded and killed billions of human beings, but that power was clearly belonged to a noble person.

In an instant.

Something that happened in the blink of an eye for an ordinary person. I quickly lowered my body and raised the black cloth. Sword Demon’s talent reacted. Divide seconds by tens.

Himmler’s actions were clearly visible.


The black sky responds to my will.


According to my will and image, the sword spirit soars in the dark sky. The sharpened power stayed in the black sky.

-Did you just believe in that one thing and jump at it?

Himmler sneered.

But it was also true.

The laws of this world are made so that lower ranks cannot hold on to higher ranks.

It can happen that the lower part catches the middle part. However, from the septum onwards, that disappears.

‘It’s because of the authority.’

The so-called sword master. The moment they reach that level, the user embodies the sword skill. Change the laws of the world with your own will. It affects the world

Swordsmanship, swordfighting, swordsmanship.

Those who have embodied power with such names do not allow a lower class to prey on a higher class.

-That’s funny. But let’s play

Even though Himmler’s pupils were missing, I knew he was smiling. The energy of death explodes.


The sound of a switch being turned on was heard in the image. Activate the Holy Spirit Eye.


I concentrated all my abilities on the dark sky. The spirit of death is approaching. Sungshin’s eye picks up where the connection is weakest. I cut it.


It feels like something is being cut, and the energy of death is being cut.


Himmler looked at me with curious eyes.

-It’s not an ordinary award. As a swordsman, I put a little bit of force into the sword.

“I wish I could give up like this.”

-There’s no way you’ve come this far. This is your one last chance to invade.

Himmler laughed.

-Before that.

Wash your hands. Towards empty space. Then, the circle formed around Himmler grew in an instant and created a barrier.

And this wasn’t the act of someone who wants what he does inside to be known to the outside world.

I feel disconnected from the outside world. It was a desperate tactic. Even with the eyes of the Holy Ghost, its composition could not be seen.

‘There’s no point in looking at it.’

It was because my magical talent was lacking.

“By the way, do you have the confidence to deal with the emperor?”

-No. The emperor in its original state is more than what you may think.

Himmler said so.

-The emperor was caught up in the civil war of the false beings due to the events of the Vaccine War. Its power is such that we can deal with it.

“I guess seven evils didn’t come out?”

-…… Do you know more than you think?

“As expected, the Seven Evils still can’t move.”

I was convinced by Himmler’s words.

The seven evils are now locked up because they overworked themselves.

-… ….

Himler looked at me calmly.


Relax your body lightly. He tuned his body with black shoes. Even a handful of blood reacted to my will, moving at my will. I looked at Himmler.

‘The difference in power isn’t as big as I thought.’

This is because Himmler created a barrier to avoid the emperor’s eyes.

Of course, it’s not an easy opponent just because it’s not as big as you think. It was only because he was a weaker opponent than I thought, and because he was obviously stronger than me.

And by getting information, Himmler was extremely wary of me.

‘They’ll try to kill me.’

And it aligned my interests.

-Today this place will be your grave.

“It must be your grave.”

Himmler raised a corner of his mouth and aimed his spear at me.


The demons move in large numbers.

Each country is in a state of emergency. South Korea responded the fastest, followed by the United States and Japan.

‘This crazy.’

Seiichiro, who was dispatched from Japan, gritted his teeth. In the distant sea, the United States was aware of this situation.

It happened in the country right next door. It was said that Japan’s information power was clearly inferior to one number, no, below a few numbers.

– Sorry. What happened in China is so unexpected.

“Okay, how are things going?”

– Seriously. The Nazis made up their mind. Perhaps one of the humanity-friendly transcendents will die.

“What about the government?”

-We are responding as quickly as possible, but…….

The agent of the government was speechless.

It means someone who transcends someone else’s country. His own country did not want the neighboring country to be strong. Seiichiro was dumbfounded by that behavior.

If Korea is in danger, the next country is Japan.

‘It would have been nice if we changed it too.’

It’s ridiculous, but this was Japan.

Seiichiro sighed inwardly.

“How big is the enemy?”

– Measurement is not possible. The number of sorcerers alone exceeded 100,000.

“Crazy bastards.”

100,000 Magicians.

In other words, it meant remodeling 100,000 unrelated people. The Nazis became the main enemy of the world, and it was also the reason they could survive.

Seiichiro raised his sword.

There were heroes dispatched from different countries around them. It was the warp gate and the power of Korea. South Korea declared a state of emergency in each country and raised its alert to the highest level.

Someone for the sake of the Emperor’s eyes, someone for the revenge of wanting to kill demons, someone for a sense of mission, and someone for wealth.

Although each wanted different things, the purpose was the same.

Heroes and guilds were quietly approaching to attack the demons.

“Whiyu, aren’t you kidding?”

“Ken. Do not be alarmed.”

“Worry. Relax. If you’re so nervous, nothing will work out.”

“There are a lot of SS units?”

“There are so many heroes. Anyway, magicians are a problem. Rumor has it that there is an existence that slaughter magic soldiers. Are you aiming for that existence?”

There are many heroes.

It was the elite troops of each country. The vaccine war sent paladins and priests, Japan sent shamans and samurai, England sent wizards and knights of the round table, and Northern Europe sent valkyries and warriors.

Their number reached 1,000 water mirrors.

Although the number is overwhelmingly small, the 1,000 heroes were rather confident. Because all of them are the strength of every one hundred and one thousand thousand.

There are no hunters who hunt monsters because they cannot become heroes.

The opponent is the Nazi Empire. They use the dead hunters as witches. It doesn’t dare to cause meaningless sacrifices, and it doesn’t strengthen the enemy’s strength. Those who are familiar with the basics.

-Hmm, a lot of people have gathered here.

Someone said quietly.

But the heroes there were clearly audible.

“…… My God, why the author?”

“Are you really trying to break up? Against Korea?”

The commotion spreads.

It was a phenomenon that appeared because the person who was supposed to be here showed up. It was an extremely rare existence. And he was famous too.

“Joseph Dietrich, Hermann Goering has appeared!”

“Immediately, contact the mainland! Ask for more support!”

“Damn it, I was aiming for a jackpot, but I ended up leaving Lee Seung today…….”

The heroes were agitated.

Seeing the scene, Hermann Goering smiled. Those who don’t know that Himmler is here will be annihilated today.

‘Not bad.’

The emperor is weak.

The same goes for other transcendentalists. I heard that Chun-gyeon had to take care of his core because he was dealing with a certain power. The king is busy calming the land where the apostles almost descended.

It means that it is the best time to strike the emperor. As soon as I knew that, I immediately carried out the operation on a large scale.

‘Still quiet.’

Above the sky.

Those who watched the scene thought.

Other Transcendentalists did not arise in their own world. There was no sword star that was said to have split the sky. Even the horse that smashed Taesan was silent.

‘You guys are still foolish.’

Doesn’t step forward even though he has power. Because I decided it wasn’t my job.

Focus on sublimating one’s nothing above everything else. It was madness.

‘We have secured Seo Ga-yeon’s safety.’

The rest was endorsed.

I will find Lee Seo-ha soon. Because I set aside the sixth star, which is good at tracking. As soon as I thought of Lee Seo-ha, the corner of my mouth went up involuntarily. The emperor quickly erased his expression. From now on, he intended to deal with those who ate the world. Thinking of Lee Seo-ha, they committed too many sins to deal with them.

Again and again.

I was definitely walking on top of the sky, but I heard the clear sound of my shoes. A watcher appeared from above in the sky.

Dazzlingly beautiful golden hair.

Eyes like amethyst that can see through everything. The emperor looked at the sorcerers with awe.

“It’s funny, you bastards who don’t know if this is my grave.”

The emperor personally came to the place.

“Today is a significant day. It will be the beginning of the destruction of those idiots who dare to call the empire without knowing the subject.”

The emperor decreed.

And the emperor now has the power to fulfill that will.

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