194 – Alliance (5)

The Last Knight, The Lion King.

That being was one of the beacons of hope for mankind.

It is one of the meaningful forces even at the point where Power Inflation goes to the mountain, and later it is also destroyed with the apostle, which is similar to the dragon.

It clearly meant that the existence entered the realm of transcendence, and it was also proof that the power he possessed was close to that of an alien being and a natural enemy.

In other words, to put it simply, he is a person who should not die now.

“…… It’s the disappearance of the Lion King.”

“There are few people I know of in England, but that will spread sooner or later. The Lion King is a symbol of Britain.”

That’s why this mission must succeed, Baek Ji-yeon murmured.

“Then where are you going?”

“The place where the Lion King was last known is the territory of the Nazi Empire. Originally, if you’re kidnapped by the Nazi Empire, you can’t be sure of his life or death, but since the other person is the Lion King, the Association thinks that the Lion King is still alive.”

If you’re the Lion King I know, you’ll be safe for a week even if you catch enough.

But the question is, when did the Lion King disappear?

“The disappearance is estimated to have been yesterday. The Lion King has great abilities, but the association thinks it is about three days.”

“I see.”

“So the Coalition will start from France and invade the territory of the Nazi Reich. One causes a commotion, the other pursues the Lion King. This is the outline of the operation.”

“If I’m the bait, I’ll have to start first.”

“Yes…… And with a high probability you will die.”

“It’s okay. I told you, it could take one of my own lives.”

“I did.”

Baek Ji-yeon’s expression was still dark.

“It is so bittersweet. Ok, got it Anyway, even if I say it, I’m the one who will take care of it. Do you know where you are going?”

“Isn’t it Amiens, north of Paris, France?”

“Right. Towards the border area. You just have to collaborate with the other heroes there.”

“Did you deliver it already?”

“Of course. They have a lot of grudge against the Nazi Reich. These are children who say that their entire family was kidnapped and became a manic soldier, or that their lover died in Germany and was thoroughly dissected and became a high-ranking manic soldier.”

“I see.”

“They are vengeful. They are pitiful.”

Baek Ji-yeon looked at me.

“I will ask you one last time. Are you going?”


I laughed bitterly.

‘Supper is bad.’

I sent a text message to Hong Yoo-hwa with a sad smile.


I went straight to the warp gate. In this world where warp gates were commercialized, a trip to Europe was instantaneous.

Paris, France.

It took less than 30 minutes to get there. Of course, thanks to the official letter from the association, it did not cost any money.

‘The power is nice.’

I yawned languidly and walked around.

The faces of the people on the street were bright. A girl with a bright smile and her father smiling at her. And the boy who steals the wallet from his father’s back pocket.

It was a peaceful Parisian street. Outwardly.

After I took a picture of the boy stealing the wallet and sent it to the local police, I started moving.

‘Since you said you’re only sending more than the minimum prize, the Nazis will react too.’

All members of the Alliance participating in the Lion King Rescue Operation are extremely strong heroes.

Heroes of a level where it is not strange to create a family by creating a guild. No matter which country they live in, they can receive a huge price.

Although the association operates secretly, there are many people. Most of those who move are those with heavy hips.

On top of that, the Nazi Empire excels in intelligence and intelligence. When the Society doesn’t know who the prophecy is, there’s enough information gap for the Nazis to find out and attack.

‘If you think about it to the extreme, the Lion King wasn’t kidnapped by the Nazis, but maybe he got lost in a forbidden place.’

Considering the lion king’s disposition, it was possible.

He’s a formidable stalwart.

I stared at one side in Paris, France.

On one side was a cathedral.

The Round Table awoke in England, Olympus descended in Greece, and Asgard descended in Sweden and Finland.

And in France, gods and paladins descended.

They believed in the knights, and the Paladins were born. Compared to the vaccine war, the power is weak, but the group they belong to is a powerful group that ranks within the top 20 on a global basis.

It was a group.

I started moving. I used the alley. Put on a coat and wear the mask of deception.


A fire broke out under my feet.


At the same time, a golden light arose. Concept stat alchemy made the land stronger.

[The mastery of Phantasm Shinbo (S) increases.]

Move carefully with one leap. Move while jumping over a five-story building.

[There is a modified motorcycle at the end of Paris. Ride it.]

The electronic witch indicated the location with text. I was guided to the place where the motorcycle was.

It would be nice to use a warp gate, but Paris was the only warp gate closest to Amiens, the border area.

I rode a motorcycle. There was a panel in front of the motorcycle. The panel turned on and an SD-type electronic witch appeared.

[I will contact you here from now on. You can do it in words It even has a voice recognition function.]

“Really? Then how long will it take to Amiens?”

[It’s about 110km to Amiens Cathedral, so it’s a third of the distance between Busan and Seoul?]

“…… It’s dirty.”

[Don’t worry. It’s a motorcycle with a top speed of 300 km/h because it’s been through several modifications. I spent a lot of effort trying to find it.]

The electronic witch opened her chest with her old hem-do. The sight made me laugh out loud.

“Then let’s move.”

I drove my motorcycle to the battlefield. The motorcycle boasted tremendous speed, as the electronic witch boasted. It runs at speeds exceeding 250 km/h in an instant.

After running like that for a while, I saw the city area in the distance.

Stare at one side.

At the end, I could see the dark sky. It is the sky engulfed by demonic energy.

There were many people under him.

Those who look like heroes, and those who fail to become heroes and live the life of a hunter. Women trying to seduce them to make money from them, and the strong smell of alcohol.

Although it was organized, it had a strangely stretched shape.

Well, it was worth it. This is because this is a border area that has been maintained for decades.


The Holy Spirit of the Black Flame, seated in the heart, shuddered. Not hemolysis This was the trait of reverse heaven that was hostile to demons.

‘So hostile.’

It was the first time in my life.

Maybe it was because of my influence. No, it’s not hostile…….

Jerking around.

I could feel the presence. Popularity towards me.

When I looked around, I saw two men and women in uniform. Black uniform. The Taegeuk mark hung on the heart. It was proof that he was an employee of the association.

And the black uniform meant that they were in charge of dark work. The man looked at me expressionlessly.

“Are you the ‘alpha’ of this mission?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Not bad. I think they sent the right manpower this time.”

“It looks great. However…… It’s a very familiar mask. Are you the Korean dark hero, Masked Man?”

“A masked man?”

The man frowned.

“What a strange nickname.”

“Still, my skills are certain. Is it because you overpowered the enemy against two magicians and villains alone?”

“…… There must be a reason why Baek Ji-yeon insisted on assigning her to this place.”

The man who said that far looked at me.

“Then, let’s start with the briefing. This operation is a simple operation. The ‘bait’ attracts the attention of the Nazis. And the ‘net’ wipes out the enemies caught in the bait. In the process, while attracting attention, the ‘Eye’ unit searches for the whereabouts of the Lion King.”

“Don’t worry about finding the Lion King. The British royal family was very impatient. If he doesn’t find the Lion King, he has no one to protect the British royal family, so he’ll be really desperate to find you.”

I thought while listening to the plan.

Not a bad strategy. Although they are extremely lax, it is because all of them are operations where more than a grade is invested.

If it’s a prize level, it’s like each person’s fighting sense, or because they’re confident in their own strength, so let’s do it on our own.

He’s too proud to follow other people’s orders, so he probably won’t listen.

I listened to the outline of the strategy and nodded appropriately.

And after a while, all the other teams arrived.

“Then, the operation to rescue the Lion King begins now.”


A man was sitting on a chair in the dark.

“As expected, he is a man I can acknowledge. Posting in action already.”

Adolf closed his eyes. It’s been a long time since I had such an adversary. He has a chill down his spine, and his instincts tell him to kill his enemies now.

But for a man like that, there is a death worthy of him. Not yet.

“I will admit that I was arrogant. But this time it won’t be easy.”

The first time I got hit with a rather sharp jab.

From noble mtl dot com

The wound was still not completely healed. Most of Schutzstaffel’s personnel were judged to be impossible to resurrect.

What hurts most of all is the fact that Himmler is dead.

In the skirmish, he and his empire were beaten by the masked man.

But this time will be different. Because this time, it is the land where one’s power is within reach.

“You can look forward to it, Masked Man. I’ll give you the best night ever.”

It’s still too early for you to die.

However, he only gave himself. A terrible nightmare that will never be erased for the rest of his life.

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