213 – Vigilance (3)

“Hey, I prepared hard for this in my own way, but it collapsed at once.”

It was a one-eyed being wearing glasses.

A handsome man with short golden hair. An ominous dark red inverted cross was engraved on the gray robe.

The man was smiling despite the collapse of his plan.

Demons that seemed to be made of shadows were kneeling in front of the smiling man.

-What should I do?

“Do you know who did it?”

-… Still figuring it out. Too fast, I killed a thousand demons in an instant.

“Interesting. There are very few beings among our gigantic monsters who can pick and choose only Majin like that.”

The man smiled and looked at Pyongyang. Bondi, this place would have been the home of demons today.

A third of the insignificant life here was to be used to make an altar to the gods, and a third was to be sacrificed to their god, and it was also a place where an event that would decorate a page of history would take place.

I was thinking of throwing the rest to the Nazi Empire that cooperated…….

“Find out right away. Once planning begins, the most important thing is to block variables. But if there’s a monster that has reached the transcendental level nearby, the plan will be very, very difficult, right? Find out by any means.”


The demons were scattered in all directions.

But the man knew that more than half of those beings did not come back alive.

“Hmm, did a real apostle descend?”

The contact was lost for a moment.

And all the demons died. Although Lee Seo-ha didn’t know it well, the blackness he possessed cut off all connections with demons in an instant and absorbed them all.

The man thought.

A being that exercised this much power only skipped the demons. It means that the hatred for Mine is very strong. It was clear that the most annoying being in the plan being implemented now.

I tried digging up information from the insignificant things in exchange for saving their lives, but the insignificant things said the same thing in unison.

The black abyss overturned the land, and it ate all the demons. There was no way that beings who abandoned others for their own survival would tell lies about their lives at stake.

Then it really happened…….

‘The problem is that I can’t think of anyone with this kind of power.’

The man brushed his hair.

He thought it would be a very easy task, but it turned out to be more troublesome than he thought.

‘The schedule is tight because one axis died.’


The most insidious evil. Its fighting power is insignificant, but it is an existence that has risen to the throne of great evil with the special science of genjutsu.

How absurd he was when he heard the news that the being was killed by a student while out playing.

“Tsk. Today seems to be getting longer…….”

Men. I thought while brushing his head.

He slipped a black book into his arm and stood up. To exercise power here, the eyes of others were annoying, but it was just annoying. I put too much effort into this plan to distort it with just this much variable.

“That much, you can kill it again.”

The man smiled brightly.

A statement that could be made because he had that much power, and that he was an existence with that much evil and conviction.

From noble mtl dot com

Vocal music.

That’s what the world refers to as a man.


The power of vigilance.

The ruins where the power is dormant are places that cannot be recklessly pushed. It is already divided by the boundary, and it is a place where one determines what kind of being will inherit one’s power.

Therefore, only beings with a flash of wit and the conviction not to fall into evil can overcome the trials that make up this ruin, reach the place where the power of the boundary is, and gain that power.

The problem is that the owner of this boundary is a very prudent person, so the difficulty of the ordeal is high.

-No, what kind of ordeal was going on for three hours in a row!!

There are so many of them.

Yeongchun was nervous and glared at the place where the ordeal had taken place.

‘Well, there is no problem.’

It wasn’t a problem that I could solve with my eyes closed, but it was a problem that I could break right away if I saw the beginning of a certain test.

Things that could be a little confusing were easily solved because I had talent and reading (-).

-No, what kind of a bastard has so many tests!?

-Master, there’s no way this moth-like creature could have hidden a power comparable to that of Reversal’s Ki!

Youngcheon and Heukcheon said while running wild.

Actually, I was getting tired too. What kind of bastard’s test comes out for 3 hours without a break.

‘The level is higher than when I first tried it.’

Although the level of difficulty increases depending on the level, it felt particularly unkind to me.

It’s not that I don’t understand.

It’s just that the things you want from the existence that inherits the power you’ve accumulated throughout your life will only increase a little. It’s just that it’s annoying that it’s directed at me, and it’s just that I don’t want to deal with it.

I went inside. Like a game, each time you go to one area, the location changes.

I saw a huge door, and I saw a statue with a lion’s head engraved on it.

[There was a person who became a demon impulsively. There was a man who became a demon to avenge his family. Can this man really be a good devil?]

A voice came from the lion’s head.

The circle and the X were left behind, but I stepped towards the X as if it were natural.

-I’ve been thinking about it since a long time ago, but your hatred for Mine is no joke, Mr. Seoha.

– Of course not. Demons are a race that cannot be matched. Even if it was to avenge the family, that is the first step towards ruin.


The huge door opened by itself. Inside the door is darkness where no light can be seen.

Without hesitation, I moved my steps and went inside. The space that was a cave a while ago changes with a single door. To a pure white space with only one door.

-…… How could such a spatial technique be used to cross a single door? This is something that even the highest-ranking people don’t find it easy, but it’s a power comparable to the ki of reversal.

-Lord, master! The previous owner had to do this as well.

-What nonsense are you talking about? The Heavenly Demon of the previous generation ignorantly tore apart the space. Are you saying that a fur scarf made by a child is the same as a fur scarf made by a craftsman?

‘Everyone, be quiet.’

It was too noisy, so I made it quiet.

I headed towards the center of the pure white space.

[Congratulations on passing all the trials.]

The heavy man’s voice echoed throughout the room.

[This is the place where all the transcendentalists and gods wanted my vigilant power. I left everything here…… Successor of my power, take the power of vigilance and destroy all evil!]

With those words, an altar-like object appeared in the center of the room, and a pitch-black orb appeared.

-… He’s something big. He is also very proud of his own strength.

-What? Such pride is natural for beings who have won transcendence with their own strength.

– Yes, yes. Seoha-nim, you need to take power quickly.

‘That’s how it should be.’

I strode over and touched the black marble on the altar.

…… Emotion.


【Border Orb (S+)】

A marble imbued with the power of vigilance.

When consumed, the power of vigilance dwells in the user.

: When consumed, the concept stat boundary is opened.


A black orb, containing the power of vigilance, just by taking this orb, one acquires power equivalent to the energy of the reverse sky.

‘It’s a really good power.’

I tuned my body with black shoes.

While preparing the power to absorb the power of another realm, erasing the tongue’s sense of taste. He touched the pitch-black marble and put it in his mouth.

[Concept stat boundaries are created.]

[The concept stat border is absorbed by the absolute stat black. The absolute stat black increases by 1.]


After a quiet admiration, he hesitated.

The darkness inside his body was raging. The power of vigilance was added to the cluster of stars burning black.

‘This… ….’

I quickly contemplated my body while breaking out in a cold sweat. The nine clusters of stars floating inside the body rotate fiercely and resonate. The boundaries within the body began to break down.

-No, wait…… !

-Youngchun, be careful! Don’t get swept away by the river!!

The surroundings are shaking.

The power that I couldn’t accept in my body began to sweep the surroundings. It made a huge flow.


All the divisions created by boundaries began to crumble. A huge current swallowed everything. Nothing could resist it.

Because that flow was part of the rules that made up this world.

‘…… This.’

A huge universe began to form inside his body. According to the laws governed by the absolute stats, the flow of power builds up inside the body step by step.

Like stars floating in space, clusters of stars rise from within the body. One, two, three…… The number exploded in an instant.


Then the clusters of stars merged.

[The concept stat shape is integrated into black.]

Before long, three stars appeared inside his body.

However, the size was vast, and they could hardly be called stars.

Because the stars,

‘Ki of reverse heaven. Boundaries and shapes…….’

Because it was the strength of my concept.

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