235 – Gray (3)

Black and white intersect.

The power that denies everything and the power of guardian that affirms the alien power as death begin to cross.

It started to blend into one.

It turns to grayish color.

It covered the whole world.

It was far from all the power I had ever seen.

With ferocity that seems to destroy everything,

Benevolent as if to embrace everything,

He fully embraced conflicting and contradictory powers.


Ardavitri was staring at the gray in amazement.

I looked at the gray power with a blank expression.

The other day, it was the power that appeared when I resonated with Seo Ga-yeon after knowing that my powers were connected.

That is a natural enemy to the devil. The power thought to have descended into the world.

‘No… ….’

That’s not just a natural power for a demon.

Something…… It is a power derived from something huge. While dealing with the absolute stat black, I realized how ridiculous that power was.

I looked around.

Everyone was staring at the gray color with blank expressions, but it was something close to curiosity.

I looked at the gray power with a blank expression.

‘That’s not the power we can handle…….’

I instinctively felt it.

That is not a power that I, Seo Ga-yeon and I can handle. That gray color had terrifyingly strong power, and it was hard to control.

-What did you do?

Ardavitri spoke to me.

-That, that is an impossible power. It is a gray color that will bring down and destroy even the gods. Oh, how could the absolute power granted only to the creator god…….

‘Absolute Power?’

As soon as I heard that, I guessed something.

But that wasn’t the point. Giving that power to the apostle.


To lead the gray.

-I won’t let that happen!

Ardabitri moved.

“It’s annoying.”

Seo Ga-yeon said in a cold voice. Starlight gathered in her hand.

Her strength was markedly different from that of three months ago.

A magic circle is drawn.

At Seo Ga-yeon’s gesture, a group of stars begins to gather.

A cluster of pure white stars.

Seo Ga-yeon wrapped around it.

-Keah…… !

I jumped and punched Ardabitri in the stomach.

“Oh… ….”

I looked at the sight and let out a blank admiration.

It wasn’t ferocious like me, genius like Cheonma, or Kim Seohyun’s elaborate and beautiful technique, but it was because it went in very neatly.

“How is it?”

“…… Did you train in martial arts?”

“Yes. There are a lot of kids who annoy me for three months.”

Seo Ga-yeon said with a cool smile somewhere.

I was curious about various things, but I held back for now. Because there is something more important than that.

“Come on.”

Seo Jiayeon held out her hand.

I took that hand.


Seo Ga-yeon matched the magic of starlight with my spirit of reversal.

As the energy of the reverse sky and the starlight begin to assimilate.

The gray power started moving again.

If you handle that power, you will be able to gain tremendous fighting power. But I don’t think I can handle this power.

‘It’s too dangerous.’

Currently, Seo Ga-yeon and I are moving according to our will, but what we feel is beyond our imagination.

Ardabitri didn’t move for nothing.



The magic of the starlight and the energy of the reverse sky synchronized and started to resonate in sync with each other. The gray power moves.


I laughed out loud.

This power was too primitive to be said to be used. Without any treatment, in terms of magic, it was just a feeling of being roughly united with magic and thrown.

Ashen arrives at Ardavitri.

It swallowed an apostle.

[Apostle killed Ardabitri…… !]

[Accomplished achievement…… !]

When I saw that message, I fainted.


When I open my eyes.

First, I checked my body.

Fortunately, there were serious injuries, but nothing life-threatening.

It seems that drinking potions in between fights was a big factor.

‘The fight was won.’

It was really fortunate. Fortunately, he killed the apostle.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I thought about the things I had done wrong.

…… The apostle was stronger than I thought.

Even though it was strong, it was too strong. Ardavitri is a low-ranking apostle.

Right now, if an apostle appears, I think running away is the right answer.

Then Seo Ga-yeon came.

It looks like you’ve torn apart the space, but if you look at that part as a boundary, you’ll be able to go back.

If you have Seo Ga-yeon, it’s worth trying to catch the apostle, but it seems like it’s better not to try too much.

And at least the transcendentalists had to be taken with them.

‘How long has it been?’

As I thought about it, I felt a familiar presence.


“You woke up.”


The Heavenly Demon entered the room.

I got up lightly.

Most of the body is in a damaged state, but there is no problem with movement.

“You always have a tough body. To be able to move right away even with such an injury.”

“Well, that’s right. But what about the other kids?”

“Hmm, are you looking for another woman after leaving me?”

The Heavenly Demon said with a mischievous smile.

“Everyone is safe. During the fight with the apostle, Yeongcheon, invisible from the middle, fainted from the power of the apostle and was pinned to the ground and almost suffocated, but he is alive, so he is safe.”

“…… Ah.”

“I forgot. Well, that’s the level of Yeongcheon that has settled down for you.”

“…… Don’t frame me.”

The Heavenly Demon laughed at my words.

“And others are now resting or training at the training ground.”


“The woman who came last… ….”

“Seo Ga-yeon.”

“Yeah, that was the name. After all, she is training.”


It reminded me of the regime I fed Ardavitri.

Seo Ga-yeon’s movements showed traces of tremendous effort.

‘The level was also the highest level.’

I remembered when Seo Ga-yeon first appeared.

When she ripped through her dimension and appeared, my powers recovered a bit.

“Oh, come to think of it, I didn’t tell you this.”


“Heukcheon is back. He said that he would feel anxious without the owner.”

The Heavenly Demon tapped my Dark Heaven Demon Sword and said.

“It seems that the future me liked you more than I thought.”

“I see.”

I looked at the Dark Heaven Demon Sword.

Heukcheon didn’t even move. It didn’t even come out in the form of a sword spirit.

“And the one called the Thousand Mage is trying to return to the original time.”

“If that’s the case, I can do it.”

“Now you are a patient. And… I don’t want to leave it like that either. During the showdown with the apostle, I wasn’t very helpful.”

“That’s not true.”

He recalled fighting Ardavitri.

There were many embarrassing moments if the Heavenly Mage, Seohyun Kim, or the Heavenly Horse did not block or feed the attack.

“Thank you for saying that.”

The Heavenly Demon smiled lightly.

“Then I’ll leave it alone. I have a lot to do. After killing most of the leaders of the Moorim Maeng and consuming Sacheon in a fight with the apostles, I have to send my children to take it…….”

“Why? I could have had the other kids do it.”

“I see. Do you want to be with the original girl for a little longer?”

What are you talking about?

“I don’t want to say no, but…… I have a lot to make of my heir and pass it on to him. It’s a combination of both.”

“Back off?”

I looked at the Heavenly Demon.

Her physical age is in her 20s and her actual age is also in her 20s. She is the one who is younger than the age of my previous life.

“Of course not. Could it be that you treated me so violently and refused to take any responsibility?”

“What are you talking about?”

“This is a joke. You… He’s a pretty boring guy.”

The Heavenly Demon said that and pointed her finger at her head.

“There are quite interesting things in the memories of the girl Heukcheon left behind. And things to enjoy. Above all, there were many demons in that world. It means that I can fight to my heart’s content.”

“… ….”

“This place is boring. Moorim was stagnant. Besides, those with the potential to fight are already dead.”

The Heavenly Demon’s gaze turned to one side.

Perhaps you are referring to a priestess.

“So take the original woman with you. Even if you look at it like this, she’s pretty good at cutting knives.”

To be honest, that’s a good suggestion.

Because she is a transcendental person.

Even in terms of power, it is very strong. He even possesses the power of reverse heaven that can easily kill the giants.

“Then we should start with salary negotiations.”

“H, salary?”

“All you have to do is come here as a diner and think you’re getting paid while cutting.”

“Ah, that’s the story. According to Heukcheon’s memory, I think it is roughly 40 million won.”

What kind of memories did Heukcheon leave behind?

I keep a poker face and have a nice smile.

“Then let’s write the contract later.”

After I said that, I told the Heavenly Demon.

“Then can you all call me?”

“Are you about to leave already?”

“Yes. There is no reason to stay here any longer.”

“… Hmm, I can’t help it. I have a lot more to tell the heir, but he’ll take care of it. Then I will come prepared for this and that.”

As a late-aged sergeant, I remembered my previous life when a newcomer came the day before my discharge. He was supposed to be good, but he didn’t do anything.

For some reason, I remembered that time.

The Heavenly Demon said that and disappeared somewhere.

‘Then now.’

It’s time to look at the reward for catching the apostle.

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