Chapter 347

The next day, Ning Yuan and Wu Yu met at the agreed place.

Wu Yu specially wore women’s clothing today, but because she was still obscuring people’s ears, she wore sunglasses and a fisherman hat that almost covered half of her face. After changing to Ning Yuan’s car, she changed the “equipment”.

Ning Yuan smiled and looked at Wu Yu: “Wu Xiaoxiao today is also very beautiful.”

“Stop teasing me, I have to be Wu Xiaoxiao, and I didn’t deliberately lie to you.” Every time Wu Yu sees Ning Yuan in women’s clothing, it is completely the opposite of the appearance of men’s clothing.

Wu Yu deliberately avoided Ning Yuan’s sight. She couldn’t bear the scorching gaze of Ning Yuan when she looked at her, but she enjoyed the surprise and appreciation that was almost overflowing.

Such eyes can be seen everywhere when Wu Yu wears women’s clothing.

But only Ning Yuan’s can make her feel a sense of accomplishment.

A beautiful woman with a sense of accomplishment as a woman.

“Where are we going now?” Wu Yu asked Ning Yuan.

“Go to a place first.” Ning Yuan smiled mysteriously.

Half an hour later, the blue and black Lamborghini stopped in front of a flower shop in the city center.

Wu Yu leaned out the car window and glanced at the name of the flower shop.

“Yu Xin? Isn’t this the famous flower shop? I also invited celebrities to buy shares and endorsements. What are you bringing me here? Would you give me flowers?” Wu Yu stared at Ning Yuan, shaking. The eyelashes make her eyes look smart and innocent.

Ning Yuan has seen too many beautiful women, and too many pairs of different styles, beautiful eyes.

But in these countless pairs of eyes, only Wu Yu’s always gives him the feeling of being in the fresh grass after the rain.

Ning Yuan naturally raised his hand and stroked Wu Yu’s smooth hair: “Of course I won’t buy you flowers, am I that tacky?”

“Then why are you bringing me here? Are you planning to develop the flower industry?” Wu Yu asked again.

Although the expression brought a bit of seriousness at work, the delicate-minded Ning Yuan still read a touch of loss from her bleak eyes.

Ning Yuan looked at Wu Yu like this, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Sending flowers when falling in love is the most common and clichest way to show favor.

For ordinary girls, receiving flowers every day is no longer a special surprise.

Logically speaking, for a person like Wu Yu who lacks nothing, this is an act of goodwill that can be ignored directly.

But after hearing Ning Yuan’s negative answer, she still felt unbearable disappointment.

It can be seen that even the most common way of love for a girl is enough to evoke expectations for her.

After all, in the past two decades, Wu Yu has lived as a man.

The treatment that a girl should enjoy… She can say that she has never experienced the same.

When Ning Yuan looked at Wu Yu, the distress in his eyes was almost overflowing.

“What are you… looking at me like this? Is there a problem with my makeup? Or clothes…”

Wu Yu looked down at her clothes nervously, then took out the mirror from her bag to check her makeup, but she hadn’t waited for her to see herself in the mirror.

A hand suddenly crossed the mirror and wrapped her shoulder.

When Wu Yu reacted, he was taken into Ning Yuan’s arms.

In the ear, Ning Yuan’s magnetic voice came.

“Perhaps a little hypocritical, but I love you very much, and I love everything you have done in the past twenty years. It is not too early or too late for me to come. I promise you here that I will do it as quickly as possible. You, believe me.”

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