Chapter 351

Ning Yuan was completely amused by Wu Yu’s little girl’s anger.

“I swear, swear a poisonous oath, okay?” Ning Yuan raised his hand to swear.

But it was such a “swear” that even a three-year-old child might not believe, but Wu Yu’s mood turned cloudy again.

“Alright, alright, I believe you. Now that the doll is also clamped, where shall we go next?”

Having had more contact with women, Ning Yuan had already adapted to their innate ability to “change faces in Sichuan opera”, so Ning Yuan was not surprised by Wu Yu’s behavior of crying and laughing for a while.

This kind of little trouble, on the contrary, made Wu Yu’s image more vivid and bright in Ning Yuan’s heart.

Ning Yuan glanced at the time. It was already six o’clock in the evening.

“I only ate a little at noon. If you are tired after playing for so long in the afternoon, let’s go to eat.” Ning Yuan naturally took Wu Yu’s hand and walked to the parking lot.

On the way to the restaurant, the road got a little bit more and more lopsided. Wu Yu looked at the surrounding scenery and asked Ning Yuan, “Where are we going? It seems a bit familiar here, but there is no impression.”

“Take you to a restaurant you used to go to.”

“Restaurant? Me?” Wu Yu carefully searched his memory for the “restaurant” mentioned by Ning Yuan, but could not remember it anyway.

“Aren’t you kidding me, this place is so biased, how could grandpa allow me to eat here. And I’m so busy at ordinary times, I wouldn’t be in the mood to come to such a biased place to find some folk snacks.”

A mysterious smile appeared on Ning Yuan’s mouth again: “If you can’t remember, just sit and wait quietly. You’ll know when you get there.”

“It’s been mysterious all day, isn’t it because you want to abduct me?” Wu Yu folded her hands in front of her chest, pretending to be scared and shrank back.

Ning Yuan also cooperated and immediately pretended to be fierce and vicious, and yelled in a rough voice: “You know if you don’t know how to sit down?!”

“Yes, yes, please look for the buyer handsome, so that I can reduce my crime rate.”

“Huh, I want to be beautiful, so I can’t afford to be kidnapped, I will give it to others before I can enjoy it?”

Ning Yuan’s words sounded like a joke, but a careful product seemed like a pun.

Wu Yu heard the pun, blushed, and looked out the window pretending to understand nothing.

Ning Yuan turned his head and saw the red earlobes in Wu Yufen. For a while, he felt that Wu Yu was really funny and funny. He had never seen such a shy and blushing girl.

Especially this girl, when it comes to men’s wear… She is really no less powerful than real men like them.

“What’s the matter, you are not satisfied with me as a buyer? Huh?”

“No… just thinking, if one day I am really in danger, when I am particularly helpless, will the first person to appear will be you.” Wu Yu tilted his head and looked at it carefully. Looking at Ning Yuan, his eyes were solemn and serious, as if he wanted to engrave him completely in his heart.

“Fool, why are you talking about this again inexplicably?”

“It’s okay, just think about it.”

“Wu Yu, are you a Gemini?” Ning Yuan asked suddenly.

“Ah? Yeah, how did you know? Oh… it’s not difficult to check my birthday, Baidu Baike has it.”

Ning Yuan shook his head and denied: “You don’t need Baidu Encyclopedia, just look at your personality. You will see an apple and a pear, a typical Gemini dual personality.”

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