Chapter 83 Really?? The Sun (5/5, Please Customize)

Everything that followed didn't have much turbulence.

Ross and his confidants were all under control, and those who Ross brought over had completely lost the courage to confront Lu Yi, and couldn't wait to leave.

So, retreating is very easy!There were no accidents along the way!Ross is out!And take everything that's supposed to be taken away, the corpses, the weapons, the pieces, and the corpses of the abomination, Samuel Stern.

The one in front was transported away directly, the one in the back was transported away secretly, no matter whether the corpse of abomination or Samuel Stern is not suitable to be displayed directly in front of people.

They were all stuffed into the command car and taken away.

Because Lu Yi put them in the command car before Coulson came, Coulson didn't know this either.

At least, I don't know for now!After Ross took the people away, Coulson didn't stop. After seeing Lu Yi erased all traces of the battle, he also left such a place.

In Nick Fury's office, Coulson is already standing here.

"That's how it is!"

Coulson reports to Nick Fury.

In the previous ten minutes, Coulson had reported some relevant things in detail.

Among them, there are also some speculations about the whole incident.

"So, what kind of deal did Ross reach with Lu Yi?"

Nick Fury also draws relevant conclusions through Coulson's description of some of Ross's reactions at the time.

"That's the only way to explain it all!"

Coulson said seriously.

"Is there any way to better prove this at the time?"

"I'm afraid not!"

Coulson recalled for a moment and said.

"It seems that it can only be verified from other aspects!"

Nick Fury has planned to keep an eye on Rose for the next period of time, verifying everything from Rose's reaction.

If Ross really got something, he shouldn't not do something and turn what he got into results, then, it would be meaningless.

At that point, it should be possible to verify something.

"You mentioned just now that you saw Lu Yi recover those broken things. How was the scene?"

Nick Fury changed the subject.


"Why didn't you see it? I remember you said you saw it just now!"

"I have seen it, but I don't know how to describe it. That kind of... special power can't be described in words at all, and it has already involved a special field!"

"If you have to describe it with something" I think it's better to go back in time! "

Colson said.

Back in time Nick Fury is silent!Such a high rating! "How are those things recovering?"

Nick Fury asked again.

"It's the same as before, there is no difference at all. Some of the powder in the air will return to its original position and fill it up to make everything look what it should be. For this, I brought something back!"

As Coulson said this, he took out a small fragment.

"This is"

"I knocked it down from a corner on one side before I left. It was originally a pile of powder, but later, it became what it is now!"

Colson explained.

"I hand it over to the Science Department for them to study. I want to know if this is a real recovery or an illusion. If it really recovers, I need to know what level it has reached, whether it is a normal level, a high-level recovery, or a real sense of recovery. recovery!"

"Yes, Chief!"

"Also, pay more attention to Lu Yi recently to ensure that he will not be in any danger. He is very important!"

"I shouldn't need this"

Coulson said with a strange expression.

Let him ensure that Lu Yi will not be in danger, I'm afraid it's not too embarrassing for him to be fat tiger cough!cough!Coulson, "I'm talking about other aspects, not strength. Protect Lu Yi from this aspect, you can't!"

Nick Fury said truthfully.

Colson: ""

Although this is a fact, it is very disturbing! "something wrong"

Looking at the speechless Coulson, Nick Fury stared at Coulson with a special expression and eyes, and said.

Bonus warning.

"No problem, Chief!"

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