Lu Yi muttered to himself.

Everything is a game designed by Pierce, the purpose is to convince Nick Fury that Hydra is against S.H.I.E.L.D.

The level of penetration is very low, or not at all!By inducing Nick Fury to feel that this action was leaked, but the specific information was obviously not leaked, so Nick Fury could analyze these things.

With some newly trained people, he succeeded!Moreover, with the unexpected appearance of Lu Yi, it has achieved unexpected results.

"Is this retribution?"

Chapter 96 Find it

Chapter 96 Find it

Lu Yi just finished using the Hydra, and after pulling the snake's skin, he was used for a while.

This is retribution, right, this is not retribution!This is Pierce using me as a gunman!Lu Yi felt that he should do something.

Otherwise, Lu Yi has already thought about how bad it would be to let Pierce use it like this!It's easy for Pierce to kill him, but if he just kills it, it's meaningless. It's better that Lu Yi suddenly has a good idea!Skye, who was silently paying attention to Lu Yi, looked at Lu Yi's expression, and couldn't help but shook his head and said to himself, "It's over, what's wrong with holding back!"

Lu Yi: ""

When did I hurt someone, it's obviously just punishment, okay? Skye doesn't care

These are doing their own thing.

Lu Yi just wanted to break up with Skye and there was no chance.

You can only run out to summon the Ghost Corps and arrange your own thoughts.

The realization of Lu Yi's idea is not as simple as that. It requires a lot of arrangements. At this time, the role of the Ghost and Shadow Corps can be brought into play again.

Lu Yi thought about it for a while, and added an item he had drawn two days ago to the arrangement.

Three days later, on a street in Manhattan, chaos suddenly appeared.

All the pedestrians changed their leisure time, crying and screaming and running towards the distance, and behind them, there was a sound of gunshots.

But there was a shootout behind them.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary shootout!The average gunfight obviously doesn't require a full set of tactical equipment, automated weapons, Gatling guns, grenade launchers, etc., and, really, one person.

However, that was the case, that person seemed to be a super soldier, constantly shuttling between various bunkers, and the bullets like a rain curtain could not play even a little role, and could not hurt him in the slightest.

This scene is really amazing!It's just that no one has the leisure to watch.

All this was just recorded under the surveillance cameras one by one, and then, without incident, it attracted attention.

The other party is obviously not an ordinary person!Moreover, there is still such a large-scale shootout going on.

The police are here first!However, they obviously didn't play a big role.

Their weapons are too bad, of course, they still have a little effect, their appearance makes those people realize that there will be trouble soon, and then quickly dispersed.

Finally, it's over!Originally, it was just that!Recently, there are more and more people with superpowers, and those people don't know which faction they belong to. At most, the police will investigate a little, and then hand them over to some relevant departments. At some point, it might be over.

However, the appearance of a corpse interrupted their rhythm.

The corpse is also an ordinary corpse, not the corpse of a superpower, nor the corpse of a mutant, there is nothing special, the identity of this corpse is very unusual.

He is a Hydra that once appeared at a military base.

Then, fry the pan!Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D.

And other messy forces began to appear one after another, especially S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson led a team to take the corpse in person.

vs. Hydra S.H.I.E.L.D.

Very nervous, Nick Fury immediately after knowing this corpse appeared.

He asked Coulson to bring all the relevant documents and procedures, and brought the body back.

He also specially asked Melinda to find Lu Yi, and wanted to ask Lu Yi for help.

Lu Yi mastered a lot of magic, and Nick Fury also wanted to try to see if Lu Yi could help him extract something valuable. After all, Lu Yi had extracted a person's memory before.

Maybe Lu Yi said that there is no way to retrieve the memory of the dead, but he can use other methods.

Maybe you can get something of value.

gave a hint! "Is it really possible"

Nick Fury asked Melinda.

Nick Fury really attached great importance to this matter, and he came over in person, along with Pierce and Pierce's subordinate Rumlow.

This corpse is fascinating! "Try it, he said yes!"

After Melinda finished speaking, she did not continue to say anything more. She walked to the corpse and opened a bottle of medicine in her palm. The mouth of the bottle tilted slightly and stopped on the top of the corpse's head. two centimeters.

Then, carefully poured half the bottle of medicine on top of the corpse's head.

After a while, the corpse's eyes snapped open.

Two rays of light also appeared from the eyes of the corpse, entered the air, and turned into scenes.

This scene is also amazing!Everyone's eyes were fixed on it, especially on those pictures, and there was no movement until the pictures slowly dissipated.

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