Top Secret (Revised)
The series of rhetorical questions sparked discussion among the officers.
At this time, a communications soldier reported to Zhou Jianyu, “Mr. Zhao is calling.”
“Silence!” Zhou Jianyu yelled, and the command center fell silent before Zhou Jianyu answered a red phone, “Mr. Zhao, this is Zhou Jianyu.”
Commander Zhao, Zhao Yuanzhi, is the highest officer of the Nanyang Fleet and Zhou Jianyu’s immediate boss.
“Xiao Zhou, have you found out the origin of 173?” The voice on the phone was hoarse.
“Sir, the situation is very complicated. The origin of 173 is probably beyond our imagination.” Zhou Jianyu replied.
“Oh, what’s the latest situation?”
“After a careful search, the Flying Leopard Marines are convinced that 173 is an unmanned warship, which is most likely controlled by artificial intelligence. Even the Lighthouse Country does not have such technology.” Zhou Jianyu then added: “And sir, I judge that this mysterious ship The 173 warship is an upgraded version of the 052C that our army is still building.”
“This is impossible.” A stunned voice came from the phone.
Zhou Jianyu took a deep breath, and then said: “Mr. Chen, I also know that this is unbelievable. It is already unbelievable for this warship to come up from the water. That’s why I just said that the situation may be beyond our understanding.”
The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then Chief Chen’s voice came, “Zhou Jianyu, order your department to enter a state of first-level combat readiness 24/7 from now on. No. 173 is listed as top secret, waiting for the arrival of the expert team.”
“Yes!” Zhou Jianyu paid a military salute, then hung up the phone, and turned his gaze to other officers in the headquarters, “Order!”
In unison, all the officers stood up.
“From now on, 173 is listed as top secret…waiting for the expert team to board the ship.” Zhou Jianyu repeated Commander Zhao’s order.
After finishing speaking, he asked the communications soldier, “Did 173 respond?”
The base has been sending radio signals to 173.
“Report, 173 has no reply.”
“Continue to contact until 173 replies.” Zhou Jianyu ordered.
“Old Zhou.” ZhouAn adjutant beside Jianyu said: “I am afraid that 173 has been leaked, and it is impossible to keep it completely secret.”
It is impossible for such a large warship to appear on the sea, and it is impossible to keep it secret. There are agents from various countries around the naval port all the year round, as well as many military fans and reporters.
Presumably, the 173 warship has been exposed.
“There’s nothing we can do about it, but we need to keep the following information tightly sealed. 173 appeared out of thin air, floated up from the bottom of the water, and there was no one on the warship. These secrets must not be leaked out.” Zhou Jianyu said solemnly.
The adjutant nodded and hurriedly went to give orders.
The appearance of the 173 warship is not a big deal. Most foreign troops think that our army has taken the initiative to expose a new warship, but they do not know the origin of this warship and the performance parameters of the warship.
The performance parameters of the unknown warship are still unclear. Judging from the naked eye, it is extremely advanced. It is much more advanced than the first Type 052C Aegis ship that our Navy is still building.
Zhou Jianyu’s eyes fell on the warship on the big screen. He had already noticed that the weapon system on the deck of the 173 warship used 64 vertical firing units, while the 052C only had 48 vertical firing units, 16 more units.
In addition, the active phased array radar of this warship is more advanced, and the bridge is also equipped with a meter wave antenna, which has the ability of anti-stealth.
There are various indications that this warship is a generation more technologically advanced than the 052C that our navy has not yet served.
What is the concept of the advanced generation?
In the history of the replacement of warships, the technological gap between generations is about 10 to 15 years.
Although our navy ships have developed rapidly in the past ten years, and various advanced equipment have appeared one after another, the overall technological gap is still nearly two generations away from that of the lighthouse country, and there is a 30-year technological generation gap.
The advent of 052C marks that my country has embarked on its own path on warships, and with our own ‘Aegis’, has greatly shortened the technological gap with the lighthouse country. However, the 052C is still technically immature. The 173 warship in front of me is obviously an upgraded version of the 052C, with a lot of advanced technology. It is not bad when compared with the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the main battleship of the Lighthouse Navy.
Zhou Jianyu’s eyes showed fire, and he thought in his heart that if this warship could be used by our army, even if our expert group went to study, our navy’s technology would definitely be able to achieve leapfrog, intergenerational development in a short period of time.
“Old Zhou, no matter what the origin of this warship is, it would be great if we could study it.” Adjutant Tian Zheng whispered.
“Lao Tian, ​​we have thought of one.” Zhou Jianyu nodded.
The two commanders were not out of their minds.
Because… Zhou Jianyu, when Tian Zheng spoke, his eyes were fixed on the red five-star flag flying on the warship on the big screen.
This is the flag of our army.
Moreover, our marines have not been hit by any sniping so far.
What does this mean?
It means that at least the other party has no ill will towards our army, which opens the possibility for the thoughts of the two commanders just now.
Now waiting for the expert group to come.
Here, Lin Yang hurried back home.
In the bedroom, the game is still running.
“Calm down… take a deep breath… take a deep breath…” Lin Yang reminded himself that he needed to calm down.
After taking a few deep breaths in a row, Lin Yang held the mouse again.
At this moment, the warship is surrounded.
It’s understandable that an unknown warship suddenly appeared, that’s what happened.
Previously, Lin Yang thought it was triggering the game plot, but now he knows what happened.
The marines inside the warship are still carefully searching every corner.
“Report to the captain, the headquarters of the Third Ship Brigade of the Nanyang Fleet kept sending inquiries, asking who we are?” Lin Yanggang clicked the mouse, and the intelligent mechanical sound in the game reminded him.
How do you answer?
I thought it was a game NPC earlier, so Lin Yang was joking and Blind Chicken replied.
Now that I know it’s not an NPC, I can’t make jokes at will.
“How do you answer?” Lin Yang was embarrassed.
Tell them the truth?
Absolutely not.
No one can reveal the secrets of the game, not even one of his own. Who can guarantee that there are no agents from other countries among his own?
“Well, the secret of the game can’t be told… Then I said that I am an alien, which seems a bit nonsense. People continue to ask you what an alien is doing, and how to answer?”
Lin Yang thought about it, but… he didn’t answer.
I don’t know how to answer, so I don’t answer.
Silence is the best way.
“We won’t say anything, I won’t answer, let you guess, that’s all.” Lin Yang smiled.
solved a problem.

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