Aegis Ship’s Powerful Air Defense Capabilities
In the words of the director department, his ideas are always unexpected.
Maybe it’s because Lin Yang is not a serious soldier, so he is not restricted by some fixed thinking.
For example, every military exercise is monitored by foreign troops. On the contrary, we also monitor foreign military exercises. This seems to have formed a routine, tacitly acquiescing the existence of this form.
Lin Yang is going to break some rules and regulations.
He likes to take the initiative.
Instead of waiting for you to provoke me, why can’t I provoke you?
Of course, this is based on strength. If you don’t have enough strength, it would be foolish to provoke you.
Therefore, Lin Yang is still considering the plan, and he will not take risks if he is not sure.
A thought flashed in his mind, and Lin Yang ordered: “Launch the jamming guide!”
After the words fell, dozens of jamming missiles were launched.
“Stab la la!”
The jamming bomb exploded on the sea surface in front of it, laying gray-white “electronic fog” curtain walls on the sea surface.
This “electronic fog” can simulate the signal of a warship, making missiles mistook it for a warship and shifting their direction.
Immediately, the four incoming missiles deviated from the direction and fell into the air.
The threat is temporarily lifted.
Immediately afterwards, the siren sounded again, “The air police radar detected a low-altitude, fast and small target.”
It was an anti-ship missile that flew at low altitude and escaped the jammer.
Before Lin Yang reacted to the intelligent program… After all, Lin Yang is not a professional soldier and lacks combat experience. Lin Yang himself knows this, so he set it up in advance. When the warship is attacked, he, as the captain, will When it has not yet reacted, the intelligent program can automatically respond.
“Start the counterattack of the air system organization.” The voice of the intelligent program.
The so-called anti-air system is the last line of defense of warships – “730/1130 near-anti-aircraft guns”.
The 730/1130 close-in anti-aircraft gun is aThe 11-tube 30mm Gatling rapid-fire gun short-range defense weapon system is equipped with 11 barrels and 2 bomb bays. Able to lock at least 40 targets at a time. The maximum firepower is 11,000 rounds per minute, and it has the ability to intercept supersonic targets.
When the missile breaks through the defense circle and is very close to the warship, so close that the Hongqi-10 anti-missile system has no time to respond, it is the time for this 730 close-in defense gun to show its power.
“Da da da!” There was only a burst of intensive artillery fire.
The close-in artillery fired hundreds of shells in a few seconds, forming a rain of bullets.
The incoming missile exploded in the rain of bullets.
Both waves of attacks were intercepted, highlighting the excellent air defense capability of the 173 ship.
Four kilometers away, the destroyer Kant stopped. In the command cabin, Captain Michael was observing with a telescope.
He could see clearly that the near-anti-aircraft blasted the incoming missile.
Michael had no expression on his face and continued to observe.
The first wave of missile attacks was just the beginning.
In the second wave, two destroyers of the Blue Army fired a salvo, and more than 30 missiles struck.
In order to test the air defense capabilities of Ship 173, the Blue Army launched a saturation attack.
“Battle alert, a large number of fast targets have been found!”
In the interior cabin of the warship, harsh alarms rang non-stop.
The command cabin was filled with a tense atmosphere.
Although, the missiles used in the exercise are training missiles. Even if they hit, they will stain the warship and will not cause real damage.
However, if it was really hit, it means that our ship failed in this exercise.
Failure is nothing more than a shame to soldiers, and it is unacceptable.
Can 173 withstand this wave of attacks?
Even the deputy captain Xiao Tian’an didn’t know the truth.
Accompanied by howling sounds, one after another, the Hongqi 10 short-range defense missiles flew into the sky.
At the same time, the warship fired jamming shells again.
Before it was over, the Type 1130 close-in anti-aircraft gun roared again.
Ship 173 is fully fired.
“Boom! Boom!”
“Boom! Boom!”
Incoming missiles continued to explode in the air.
This process lasted for more than ten seconds.
Then, there was no movement.
Are they all blocked?
Yes, this wave of more than 30 missiles was intercepted.
“it is good!”
In the command cabin, more than a dozen officers cheered.
“Good!” Lin Yang also applauded loudly.
173 successfully resisted.
Fortunately, it is a battleship made in the game, with superior air defense performance.
In fact, Ship 173’s anti-missile defense system is very powerful and has a complete air defense system. Hard-kill weapons mainly include ship-to-air missiles such as Hongqi 9 long-range ship-to-air missiles, Hongqi 10 short-range defense missiles, 130mm large-caliber naval guns, Type 1130 close-in defense guns, 7264 active/passive jamming bomb launch systems, ship-borne electronic countermeasures system.
The powerful firepower can counter the saturation attack of dozens of incoming targets at the same time.
Michael put down the binoculars, his eyes changed.
This is Tang Guoren’s Aegis ship, and its air defense capability is not inferior to his Kant.
Just now there was a wave of more than 30 missile attacks, and the Kant did not boast that it could easily deal with it.
If you make a slight mistake, you will be shot.
“We have an opponent.” Michael said to himself, and only he could hear his words.
Five kilometers away, the Kirino.
A Ying country officer with a mustache also saw the 173 ship successfully intercept dozens of targets.
Mustache had a hellish expression and shouted, “This is impossible. Ship 173’s air defense performance cannot be stronger than our King Kong class. This is impossible.”

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