A Mysterious Rice Dumpling Machine Appears on the Highway (Subscription Required)
Its daybreak.
Changxing Island Wharf.
“Woooooooooooooooooo!” A whistle sounded.
A warship slowly drove out of the shipyard dock on the side of the pier.
“It’s Ship 173!”
“It’s so handsome, our Aegis ship!”
Cheers came from the pier. Hundreds of military fans from all over the country, citizens of the magic city, and reporters came early in the morning, some even before dawn.
There are two college students in the crowd, Chen Wei and Li Hao, who came here before dawn. The two came from Shonan Province just to witness the attack of the Aegis ship.style.
“Too handsome!” Chen Wei shouted loudly.
Immediately, he was pleasantly surprised to see another Aegis ship emerging from the dock.
Hull number 174.
“Li Hao, look, the second Aegis ship!” Chen Wei shouted.
Li Hao saw it and was taking a photo with a camera.
“Wow, it’s the second Aegis ship!”
“Ship 174, our second Aegis ship has come out.”
“It’s not the second, this should be the third. The first 173 is still under maintenance.”
There were discussions all around.
Yes, this is the third ship.
The Navy has exposed three Aegis ships, which shows that the Aegis ships have been finalized and are in mass production.
In other words, the Aegis has already been in service.
There were many reporters at the scene, and the flashing lights blared.
In particular, pay attention to the expressions of some foreign reporters. There are surprises, shocks, and confusion… The Tang people are silent, and the third Aegis ship came out, which exceeded the surprises of these foreign reporters.
The 174 ship came out of the dock completely. The model is the same as the 173III and it is also an extended version, with a z20 helicopter at the tail.
The two Aegis ships went head to head, that was spectacular.
“Ah, ah, so handsome!”
“Long live the Aegis!”
“Long live the Navy!”
The cheers rose from wave to wave, and the military fans on the dock were the most excited.
Chen Wei and Li Hao shouted and danced, excited like children.
so happy!
Half an hour later, the two warships gradually disappeared, and many military fans were still reluctant to leave.
173,174 officially started an ocean voyage of more than 11,000 kilometers, and the first stop was Xiangjiang.
It is expected to arrive at 6 o’clock in the afternoon and will stay in Xiangjiang for a day.
At the same time, a temporary traffic control was carried out on a highway in the northwest.
At the entrance of a section of the expressway, there is a long queue of two or three kilometers, and many private cars are waiting for the end of the traffic control.
“Hey, son, have you reached the expressway?”
“Not yet, we’re stuck at the highway entrance.”
“what happened?”
“Temporary traffic control.”
In front of the private car team, in an off-road vehicle, Zhao Liang was on the phone with his father. Today was the weekend. He was driving with his wife and daughter on a trip. Unexpectedly, he was blocked at the entrance of the expressway.
At this time, Zhao Liang saw traffic and road personnel coming, and immediately stuck his head out and asked loudly, “Comrade, when will the traffic control end?”
“Don’t worry, you can pass in half an hour.” The road staff replied.
Oh, there’s still half an hour, that’s fine.
“Wife, you can leave in half an hour.” Zhao Liang turned around and spoke to the lady in the car.
“Oh.” Madam responded.
There’s still half an hour, wait.
Twenty minutes passed in a flash.
“Dad, I want to get out of the car to pee!” shouted a five-year-old boy in the car, it was Zhao Liang’s son Xiaohu.
“Pee, then get out of the car to pee.”
While talking, Zhao Liang opened the door and got out of the car, then took his son out of the car and urinated on the side of the road.
At this moment, Zhao Liang heard a movement from a high-speed kilometer in the distance. He looked over and saw two armored vehicles for the first time.
“Son, look at the armored car!”
Xiaohu turned around while peeing, “Dad, where is the armored car?” The little guy was short and didn’t see it.
“I’ll be here soon.”
A minute later, the armored vehicle came, and there were two armored vehicles behind and two trucks in the middle.
“Wow, Dad, it’s a fighter!” Xiaohu cheered.
The truck was loaded with two tightly packed fighter jets.
The legendary dumpling machine!
Zhao Liang quickly took out his mobile phone to take a picture.
Since he knew about the dumpling machine, he knew that he was also a military fan.
Yes, Zhao Liang is also a military fan.
“What type of fighter jet is this?” Zhao Liang had doubts in his eyes.
He actually couldn’t recognize the model of the two rice dumpling machines.
Judging from the appearance, the Zongzi is at least 20 meters long, and the wingspan is estimated to be 13 meters. The weight is estimated to be more than 15 tons.
With such a large size, this must be a heavy air superiority fighter.
Certainly not the J10 series.
Is it a new type of fighter jet?
“Dad, fighter, fighter!” The little son cheered.
In the vehicles behind, many drivers stuck their heads out, and some got out of the car and took pictures with their mobile phones like Zhao Liang.
It is rare to see a fighter jet on the highway.
A few minutes later, the armored convoy left and walked away.
Zhao Liang looked at the direction of the convoy and guessed in his heart: “The northwest exercise base is 80 kilometers away. These two new fighters should have lost their participation in the ‘Tekken-2006’ exercise?”
Zhao Liang, a military fan, knew about the Tekken-2006 exercise, and he really guessed it.
“Husband, get in the car, the car in front is moving.” The lady in the car shouted.
The traffic control is over.
“Wife, come and drive, I’ll post a few photos to the forum.” Zhao Liang said and got into the car with his son.
He was going to send the photo of the dumpling machine he just took to a military fan forum.
When I got into the car, Zhao Liang was leaving.
“Brothers, I’m so lucky. I just photographed two Zongzi planes at the entrance of the 312 highway in the northwest. This is a new model of our Air Force fighter plane, a model I have never seen before.” The post was quickly sent out, Zhao Liang is a Small moderators, stick to the top of the post and highlight it.
soon, the post attracted the attention of military fans in the forum.
“Brother Liang, what type of fighter jet is this, haven’t you seen it before?”
“Is it J10B?”
“This is not a J10B. The layout of the two dumpling machines is very strange, like a canard-wing layout.”
“How do I think this dumpling machine is very similar to the F22.”
“Damn it, could it be a stealth fighter?”
Some netizens jumped out to ask questions.
Zhao Liang’s eyelids jumped when he saw this comment.
Stealth fighter?
Not to mention, from the appearance, it really looks a bit like the stealth fighter of the Lighthouse Country.
Couldn’t it be a stealth fighter…Impossible.
What are you thinking?
Zhao Liang shook his head and replied to the netizen, “Don’t dream, it’s unlikely to be a stealth fighter.”
He didn’t want to be a stealth fighter, but this is really only a dream.
Da Mao, the stealth fighters of several Western powers are still far away.
The netizen didn’t say anything.

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