For the purpose of obfuscation, so that no one notices the horses, there is no risk.

In today's world, everyone loves good horses and BMWs, and having a good horse also has the capital to show off to others. Let me ask, whoever gets a good horse is not delicious and delicious to serve? I'm afraid no one would think that such a good horse would be used to pull a truck?

It hurts just thinking about it!

"Just think about it, as long as the original fur on the horse's body is covered with mud and mortar water, can people recognize it if you don't look carefully?" Ming Yu held his chin and spoke his thoughts without reservation. , "As for the Suixi country, will they keep the horses carrying the goods in the caravan?"

Bua Tan thought about Ming Yu's words carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became. In this way, he might be able to return the horse safely.

Seeing his fascination, Ming Yu didn't bother, just took a sip of tea quietly with a smile on his lips. Under the candlelight, his fair face was dyed with a hazy and gentle halo.

When Buatan woke up, he realized that he had been rude, and was about to stand up to plead guilty, but was stopped by Ming Yu, "What do you think of this method? Will it work?"

Bua Tan nodded, "You can give it a try, but it will cost a lot to get a good BMW. Your Majesty, did you really decide that?"

Ming Yu knows this, he has long thought about it, he wants the best horses, and the strength of their genes will allow them to breed better offspring. He will choose suitable breed pairings, and a single spark can start a prairie fire. As long as he successfully brings back one horse, there will be more good horses in the future.

As for the price, Ming Yu believes that the goods sent by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely set off a storm in the far west. He wants to make the tea, porcelain and silk of Dayan country famous, and make Western countries flock to them. You have to plan carefully, come up with the marketing methods of later generations, and let Buatan make a good layout in the Western Regions.

At that time, driven by interests, there will always be some profit-seeking businessmen who will come to Liangcheng despite difficulties and obstacles. What will Liangcheng be like at that time? It's really exciting, I hope that day will come soon!

Seeing that Mingyu didn't plan to change his mind, Bua Tan had to take the order, "The villain will do his best to handle this matter for the prince during this trip."

It was late at night, and Bua Tan was about to leave, and then he remembered the blue cloth packet he brought specially, so he took it out and presented it to Ming Yu, "My lord, this is the time the villain has specially been in Hu for these days. Seeds exchanged among people. The villain doesn’t quite recognize it, and I don’t know if it’s useful to the lord. Please ask the lord to take a look.”

Ever since Ming Yu gave him the task of collecting seeds, he has kept his mind to form a caravan while collecting seeds among the Hu people. The lord solemnly explained that he did this. It was a very important thing to think about. Start collecting as soon as possible. Whether it is useful or not, the lord can see his ability to do things.

He didn't have any hope at first, but after spreading the news, he didn't expect someone to come to the door the next day and bring the seeds from his hometown.

It was only later that he learned that everyone had left their hometowns, and some of them were reluctant to part with their homeland, so they brought some soil seeds from their hometown, which was a thought. Therefore, the seeds in this bag are not too many, but they are of various kinds. There are more than ten kinds of common and uncommon ones.

For Ming Yu, this was a good start. He encouraged Buatan to make persistent efforts, and he would definitely show his merits for him in the future.

Buatan was so happy that he couldn't find Bei, and he swore his loyalty to the ground before leaving.

Ming Yu opened the cloth bag, but many did not recognize it. It seemed that he had to find a professional to identify and explain it. He casually fiddled with the seeds in the cloth bag with his fingers, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and a familiar black particle lay there quietly.

This is - watermelon seeds?

When he was in the later life, he always liked to hold half of the melon and eat it with a spoon every summer. It was sweet and thirst-quenching. It was his favorite. After coming here, there is no such item in his memory, and he regrets it for a long time.

Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly obtained watermelon seeds today. As long as he cultivates them, he will finally be able to satisfy his cravings.

What a good day today! All good things come together. Ming Yu was overjoyed, the corners of his smiling mouth grinned to the roots of his ears.

The good mood lasted for three days, when Ming Yu saw Xie Yixiu, he was frozen by his cold face.

There was no way, Xie Yixiu, General Xie, had a cold face. When he came out, he encountered Wen Yuzhao, who joined the army, and pulled him to talk about it. What kind of red star, what kind of marriage fate, I didn't know what to say. If it weren't for the years of friendship, I'm afraid that he would be slapped away on the spot.

Speaking of which, in the entire Red Robe Army, there is probably only Mr. Wen, who is dead skinned in front of him, and who is immortal in the eyes of his subordinates, who is not afraid of his cold face, right? Of course, only he has the ability to make Xie Yixiu change his face.

So Xie Yixiu didn't feel relieved until Ming Yu was in front of him, and he could freeze the people around him into ice cubes.

Since he made an appointment to go to the training camp today, Ming Yu had to pack up and go with the ice cube Xie Yixiu.

Walking with General Xie, Ming Yu simply refused the chariots and horses to drive the servants, and only brought a dozen personal guards on horseback. Xie Yixiu coldly watched Ming Yu get on the horse in a hurry with the help of the guards, frowning, although he was a little impatient, he slowed down and followed behind Ming Yu.

Ming Yu really doesn't know how to ride a horse. This time, he chose to abandon the car and ride a horse, so that he could walk side by side with General Xie along the way and communicate more.

Xie Yixiu was cold and taciturn, and Ming Yu spoke cheerfully along the way. Xie Yixiu occasionally replied, and this situation continued until the gate of the training camp.

Mo Jiang had been notified long ago, and he was waiting there with a team of people. Now he has put all his attention on the management of the training camp. He tries hard to understand what kind of training camp His Highness wants, and what kind of soldiers he wants to train. In order to live up to His Highness's entrustment, he must It is very hard to keep up with the thoughts of His Highness.

Seeing Ming Yu's team approaching from a distance, Mo Jiang sorted out his clothes and led everyone to kneel to greet him.

Ming Yu jumped off the horse, personally helped Commander Mo, patted his shoulder with a smile, and said very close: "Commander Mo, you took care of this training camp very well!"

These days, the villagers brought by Xu Wen have already started training in the training camp. Although there was a little friction at the beginning, fortunately, Mo Jiang managed well and made a series of adjustment plans according to Ming Yu's suggestion. It is a smooth and stable fusion of the two sides to train. Since they are divided into several teams of old and new, there is a faint sense of competition among several teams, and see who brings out the more powerful newcomers. The same is true. The training efficiency has been improved a little. It has to be said that Ming Yu's method is very effective, and Mo Jiang's role in it cannot be ignored.

Mo Jiang is an old man who came out of the capital with Ming Yu. In Ming Yu's eyes, it is naturally different, and he is much more affectionate than others.

Seeing this scene, Xie Yixiu twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth when he thought of the way this person was hooking his shoulders with him. Now it seems that this person has always been such an informal person, but as a prince, what is the style of doing this?

Mo Jiang was flattered, and said humbly, "It's all because His Highness has made a wise decision, and his subordinates dare not take credit."

Ming Yu smiled and said a few polite words to the others before introducing Xie Yixiu to them.

Everyone present knew the name of General Xie Yixiu Zhan. It was a blessing to be able to see the deity today. Even Mo Jiang, who had seen the wind and waves, secretly rubbed his palms. Not to mention the other people, all of them are so excited that they want to get close to them. However, Xie Yixiu's cold face swung there, who would dare to make trouble in front of him?

They came here for business, and Ming Yu, the master, has to do his best as a landlord. Mo Jiang immediately led the way, and Ming Yu and Xie Yixiu headed towards the camp like a crowd of stars.

Along the way, Ming Yu told Xie Yixiu what he saw and heard along the way with great interest. These are all proposed by him, and Mo Jiang managed it. He is also very pleased that he can have the scene today from scratch.

"The training ground is in front." From a distance, he heard a clutter of cheers mixed with cheers. Obviously, the soldiers are all on the training ground at the moment, Ming Yu showed a smile on his face, and said with great interest: "Let's go and see."

The group did not disturb anyone. When they entered the training ground, they saw many people sitting in a circle, leaving a large open space in the middle. The voice they just heard came from among these people.

"Everyone! Has anyone else come up to compete? Even if I do, I'm not afraid." There was a burly man standing in the open space in the circle, and he patted his chest and said triumphantly.

The words caused a burst of laughter and boos from the onlookers sitting below.

"Zhou Daran, you better get down quickly! You've already played three games, come down and let other brothers come on." Someone laughed and laughed.

"That's right, you are a rough old man. Brothers have been staring at it for a long time, and when they are full, go to the side to cool off."

Zhou Dan dared not to come down and give way, but the team was running up and kicking him and kicked him off the court.

"Hey! Hey! Don't rush me, give me a chance! I haven't had enough fun yet!" Zhou Boldly begged for mercy. The crowd laughed again.

Zhou Dan was staggered and was kicked out.

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