Song Chengan nodded slightly and seemed to agree with this statement: "Some people are indeed born with a particularly keen intuition."

  He stared at Zheng Wenjun, still smiling and said: "Make good use of your intuition, this is a rare talent."

  Then let Zheng Wenjun and the others go out first.

  After leaving the command post, Zheng Wenjun realized that a cold sweat had broken out behind him.

  Seeing his appearance, Old Li immediately smiled:

  "I feel the pressure of our director. He is not young, but his aura is not small, and his ability is even more amazing. He is a real pillar."

  "The chief is really good."

  Zheng Wenjun didn't make any excuses, but he thought of the president who walked in the dark and controlled thunder and lightning.

  In terms of momentum and oppression, that existence is the real terror!

  "Okay, it seems that the bureau is planning to start at night. Let's go back to the car and sleep first, and then we will have the energy to work at night." Lao Li said.


  Zheng Wenjun raised his brows: "Old Li, how do you know that you are doing it at night? And it's not good for us to secretly go to sleep like this.. 0"

  Lao Li laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "You are still too tender! You must wait until night to start this kind of thing. The light is not good, and ordinary people are still asleep."

  "Otherwise, the current far-shooting equipment is so powerful. If someone shoots it and uploads it to the Internet, it will be very troublesome to deal with."

  "Since it is at night, in order to allow the personnel to have sufficient energy, the command post will definitely give an order to let everyone except the guards rest."

  After all, Lao Li is an old fried dough stick in his forties, and he is very clear about all these things inside.

  Zheng Wenjun was pulled into the car suspiciously.

  About 10 minutes later, a notification suddenly came from the radio. Except for the guards, the rest of the staff hurry up to rest.

  Zheng Wenjun had no choice but to give his thumbs up.

  "As the notice said, hurry up and sleep." Old Li said proudly.

  Zheng Wenjun slept for a while, then suddenly got up again, looked at the large number of heavy weapons deployed outside through the observation window, and realized that it was a war-level deployment.

  "I'm engaged in a modern war."

  He felt a little unreal.


  The sun goes down and night falls.

  "Major General Wang, has the area been sealed off and cleaned up?"

  Inside the command post, Song Chengan asked.

  "Director Song, I have blocked all possible passages, and the helicopter has patrolled back and forth several times."

  Major General Wang said:

  "Moreover, the notice of the military exercise is also specific to everyone nearby, so there should be no problem."

  "Everything that can be done has been done, but after 5.3, it is impossible for people to stand in a circle and surround such a large area. I dare not say absolutely."

  "But Director Song, don't worry, no one will accidentally bypass the blockade and run in, unless he really does not take the usual path."

  Song Chengan nodded.


  Blockade area, somewhere in the mountains.

  In the darkness, there was a sudden "clang" sound, followed by the screams of two men.

  "It's over, the car is stuck in the ditch!"

  "Fuck you, Xiangjiangzi, are you a backpacker? It's just that you don't take the usual route, and you can't even drive a car. What should you do now in the middle of the night in this barren mountain?"

  "Of course I can drive myself! If the lights are broken, I'm also very uncomfortable! However, Zhang Laoxi, don't panic, I hope the best backpack is wide, take you out, and wrap it on me! "

  "Treading the horse... it's you who brought me into this broken place!".

Chapter 83

  For Zhang Mo, if the most painful day in the past ten years is to be selected, it must be today.

  Ever since I met this Xiangjiang boy named Chen Shunsheng, all the bad luck in the weekdays seems to have erupted together.

  Since leaving school, nothing has gone smoothly.

  If you take a plane, the flight will be cancelled; if you take a high-speed rail, the high-speed rail will be suspended.

  Okay, let's take a bus, but the bus had a car accident halfway through. Although no one was injured, it stopped in a place where birds don't shit.

  Zhang Mo was in a hurry, and the two were forced to buy a dilapidated motorcycle from a local villager, ready to drive the motorcycle to their destination.

  However, to their desperation, the two of them lost their phones because of the bumps.

  Chen Shunsheng, a backpacker who claims to have traveled all over the country, lost his way in the wild because he lost his navigation.

  The motorcycle lights were broken. Chen Shunsheng was talking about taking shortcuts, but in fact he was driving blindly in the dark. The woods got deeper and deeper, and even the car was planted in the ditch.

  "Zhang Laoxi, I think this car can be rescued again. 20 We two exerted force, can Xixi pull it out?"

  Chen Shunsheng, who has dark skin and a strong physique, said.

  So, the two of them tried again and tried their best to suckle, but the motorcycle didn't move.

  For a moment, the two stared blankly in the dark.

  Zhang Mo suddenly smashed the luggage in his hand to the ground, and roared in pain and anger:

  "I've been teaching for five years! The salary is pitifully low, and I have to subsidize the students' school supplies and even the living expenses of the students in difficulty."

  "I've only bought myself two new pairs of socks in the past five years, and my panties are torn and I'm not willing to throw them away!"

  "I can bear all these, because I came here voluntarily, and I want to help them so that they can go outside the mountains and see a wider world without being restricted by their background!"

  "But I finally have a highlight moment in my life. I want to receive awards from the education system. Do I have to miss this ride?"

  After he finished shouting, there was a moment of silence in the air.

  Chen Shunsheng held it back for a long time before he said a sentence: "Zhang Laoxi, you are Laoxi, you can't swear."

  Zhang Mo desperately covered his forehead.

  "Mr. Zhang, I am also a photographer for backpackers and volunteers in schools along the way. Otherwise, I will never meet you."

  "I understand you, don't worry, even if I walk, I will definitely take you out, I hope the most powerful backpack is wide!"

  Chen Shunsheng said seriously.

  "I believe in you asshole."

  Despite what Zhang Mo said, he could only follow Chen Shunsheng. After all, he was the only one of the two who had experience in survival in the wild.

  Carrying large and small bags, the two were on their way in the dark forest.

  "Laoxi Zhang, do you have a girlfriend?"

  "Why are you asking this?"

  "Chat, talk."

  "There was one before. He knew I was going to teach and broke up with me."

  "My condolences."

  "Can you use words?"


  Temporary camp.

  Everyone is ready.

  "Self-inspection of each unit."

  Major General Wang issued the order by radio.

  After a while, reports from various units came over the radio one after another:

  "The induction group is ready."

  "The airdrop team is ready."


  After all the units reported, Major General Wang nodded to Song Chengan: "It's time to start."

  Song Chengan picked up the microphone and said in a calm tone: "Everyone pay attention, the trial hunting operation has officially started."

  Where the fire was aimed, a strange-looking machine was parked in the wide open space, with a metal pipe going deep underground.

  When Song Chengan gave the order to start the mission, someone immediately pressed the button.

  A slight tremor came.

  During the vibration, some frequencies that humans cannot perceive are directly transmitted to the depths of the ground through metal pipes.

  Everyone is waiting intently.

  Zheng Wenjun and Lao Li were whispering in the corner.

  "Old Li, why do you think this slime creature has been away from the city? When we found it, it was still near the main city, but now it has run into this broken ravine."

  Lao Li shook his head: "Maybe it's too noisy under the city."

  "Look at this induction machine, isn't it made by the people in the laboratory based on its very sensitive characteristics to vibrations of special frequencies?"

  "According to the inference after the fact, the 'Dongfang-2020' military exercise will produce slime creatures, isn't it because the vibration of the shells just fits a certain frequency."

  Zheng Wenjun does not agree with this statement:

  "According to this, it should go directly to the surface of the city and launch an attack."

  "Who knows?"

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