I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 107 Where did this old witch come from?

After turning off the video, Xia Ruo looked at the comment area again, and always felt that the influence of Light Music Girl is still very large, which is different from ordinary niche animations.

Light Tone Girl has another very big advantage over Tom and Mouse.

The signboard of Qingyin Girl is the adaptation of real people's deeds, plus Xia Ruo's uploaded vlog short story of Qingyin girls playing games at home, and Akiyama Mio and others' advertisements for Moe Station, which contain Qingyin girls The appearance of real people also confirmed that the rumors about the adaptation of real people's deeds are true.

It turns out that the wife is not only in the animation, but also in reality.

After knowing this situation, many people really want to know these girls in the animation.

The Qingyin girl helped Xia Ruo at that time, and the advertisement for the free shoot on the cute station had already been released.

This ad became popular during the broadcast of Light Sound Girl. It is obviously not a creative ad, and the time is only four minutes, because it is a two-dimensional character who appeared in reality, occupying the No. 1 spot on the ranking list A long time.

This ad suddenly became the most clicked video on Mengzhan besides the animation.

There is no way, the girls are too similar to the characters in the animation, the details of their movements, expressions and expressions are exactly the same as in the animation, and the voice is also the same as the dubbing of the animation.

After watching the advertisement, many viewers feel that there is such a cute and beautiful girl in the real world, as if they are dreaming.

Not to mention that even the story is changed by real people's deeds. This fact has driven many fans of Qingyin crazy. Drinking tea, fishing, playing music, such a Qingyin department really exists. I thought it was only in the second dimension The beauty that can only be found in reality actually exists in reality.

This is a feeling of breaking through the wall of the dimension, the collision of the second dimension and reality.

Many fans want Yui Hirasawa, Mio Akiyama, Azusa Nakano and others to open accounts on Huaguo's social networking sites and want to follow them.

Even Xia Ruo's private messages were overwhelmed. Many private messages were asking for the second season of Tom and Jerry, asking when the second season will be produced, and asking when the Qingyin girl will open a social account, and others Fans asked them if they would come to China for a concert, and many of them said that once they bought tickets, they would definitely go to see it.

Is there a concert?

Xia Ruo rubbed his chin, he remembered that he agreed to Akiyama Mio, and he didn't forget it, but because Light Sound Girl had just aired, the popularity was not high, so the specific date was not prepared good.

Regarding the concert, it depends not only on whether I have time, but also on whether Akiyama Mio and the others have time. They should still be in class now.

By the way, when the plot of Xiaodangjia started, Xiaodangjia went to Yangquan Restaurant to learn cooking, and there was a period of vacuum in the middle. During this time, I should have nothing to do, so I can ask Mio Akiyama.

Xia Ruo kept this matter in mind, and now is not the time.

At the same time, Xia Ruo also noticed that Light Music Girl will be broadcast on Tianbai TV station soon, and this is the broadcasting right sold by her father before.

After it is broadcast on TV, the popularity of Light Music Girl will rise to a new level. There will be a big difference between the TV broadcast and the online broadcast. At that time, many new fans will be introduced, and the theater version can be pushed out along the way.

Thinking about it this way, the concert should really be prepared in advance.

It's time to find a suitable time.

After that, Xia Ruo looked at the progress of Inuyasha again. It was about a month before the end. At this time, it happened to be in the middle of the broadcast. Xia Ruo opened the latest episode and watched it.

Huh? What a coincidence.

Xia Ruo found that Inuyasha just played to the 60th episode, [Black Witch, Curse of Fifty Years], that is when Tsubaki just appeared.

He has always uploaded at a set time, but he did not expect the plot to pass so quickly.

In the original work of Inuyasha, this plot is actually nothing. It just introduces that fifty years ago, because the black witch Tsubaki was jealous of Kikyo, she cursed Kikyo, which can be said to be the source of all tragedies. Fifty years later, Chun appeared again and wanted to seize the jade of the four souls, but was beaten to death.

Tsubaki can be regarded as the villain of this chapter, but just like the fast-paced hot-blooded animation, it is just a small villain in the plot of the chapter. Generally, the kind that can’t survive three episodes will soon enter the next chapter and lay down the next villain. The mainline villains are different.

Just like in Journey to the West, the Tang Monk group of four had to defeat a monster leader every time they went to a place, and Conan had to catch a murderer every time he went to a place.

By the way, can't survive three episodes?

Xia Ruo flipped through the original work of Inuyasha, and then counted it.

One two three four five...

It's okay, Tsubaki survived six episodes before dying.

The strength looks really good, a little bit of the main line.

The original Tsubaki naturally looks like an ordinary villain in this Inuyasha animation, but with the Kikikyo animation first, this chapter is different.

The intersection of parallel worlds.

Chun has many fans, and they are also looking forward to what identity Chun will appear in fifty years later, and now, Chun's true fate will be completely revealed.

It can be said that because of the animation Kankyo, the chapter of the black witch, from an ordinary transitional chapter, suddenly became a climax chapter.

Xia Ruo was also a little interested, and then continued to click on the video and watch it.

Sure enough, after reading the title of the video, at the beginning of the animation, the animation was full of bullet screens such as [Tsubaki is about to appear] [I have been waiting for this episode for a long time] [I have been waiting for a long time] [I am looking forward to it].

Then, after the op, the screen jumped to a dark jungle.

The animation presents the gloomy atmosphere in the jungle, which can be felt immediately, and the next one will definitely be a villain or something.

The night is dark and the wind is high, in the dark forest, a fire is shining, accompanied by the sound of fire crackling.


The camera zoomed in, and what appeared in front of the camera was an old witch with white hair who was chanting inexplicable spells at the brazier in front of her.

The witch has a hunchback figure, wrinkled skin, and wrinkles on her face. She looks like an old woman in her seventies and eighties.

Accompanied by the old witch and witch, facing the firelight, reciting spells gloomyly, it makes people feel that this is an evil old witch.

If only she was really just an ordinary old hag.

From the viewer's point of view, judging from the familiar clothes on the priestess and the familiar emerald green beads around her neck, this priestess is most likely Tsubaki.

After realizing this, the barrage exploded.

[? ? ? 】

[? ? ? 】

[? ? ? 】


The barrage of the explosion was unusually harmonious, with question marks all over the screen, as if asking what happened.

Where's Miss Chun?

Where is my lovely, charming, indifferent and arrogant Ms. Tsubaki?


ps: It suddenly occurred to me that the Chinese version of Missing Through Time and Space played by the protagonist playing the guitar before, searched on station b, [Chacha] tears! Through Time and Space Chinese lyrics version! That version is my favorite,

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