I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 167 Why are you oirans still not coming?

Holding a gold bar in her hand, Xia Ruo entered a custom shop, the name seemed to be Yuju House. After Xia Ruo got Granny Tang's treasure in the soup house, she was almost never short of money.

That was the wealth that Granny Tang had accumulated all her life. Even Xia Ruo couldn't figure out how much of it was in it. It might cause some trouble if the gold was taken to the real world, but it didn't matter if it was used casually in the animation world.

Walking around a custom shop with a gold bar in hand, although it looks a bit vulgar, but it really saves a lot of trouble, at least as soon as you enter, you will immediately receive high-standard hospitality.

Soon, a woman with heavy makeup came over, with a warm smile on her face. The woman was dressed differently from other geisha, she was a bit older, and her eyes were small, she looked like a bustard same person.

Xia Ruo heard the conversations of the people around her and realized that this person was the owner's wife.

After the owner's wife glanced at the gold in Xia Ruo's hands, the smile on her face became brighter, like a blooming flower.

Welcome, guests, hurry up to the second floor.

Okay, Xia Ruo nodded, and then threw Tom on her shoulders to a big-chested geisha next to her, Take care of it for me, and treat it as a distinguished guest.

Xia Ruo will not forget Tom about this kind of enjoyment.

Tom also gave Xia Ruo a satisfied look.

Yes, yes, I will definitely take care of you, don't worry, the owner's wife gave the geisha a look, and soon, the geisha took Tom to serve, presumably it was a pet massage or something.

This kind of custom shop is often visited by dignitaries and dignitaries, who have all kinds of hobbies, and it is not the first time to take care of pets.

By the way, call me your oiran, Xia Ruo said to the shopkeeper's wife on the way upstairs.

Guests, in our place, oirans don't accept ordinary guests, the owner's wife had a troubled look on her face when she heard Xia Ruo's words.



A few gold bars in Xia Ruo's hand suddenly fell, and the heavy gold bars made a crisp sound when they touched the floor.

When the owner's wife saw this scene, her eyes lit up, and she immediately picked up the few gold bars, with a brighter smile on her face.

Guest, you are so lucky. I just told the top oiran of our family. After hearing my description, she knew that the guest is so handsome. She is tidying up in her room and will come soon. We don't accept ordinary guests. But a noble person like you, guest, is naturally not an ordinary person.


Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, there was no surprise, after all, he had done this before, and the scene where he just dropped the gold was imitating a scene from a comedy movie he had seen.

Hurry up and urge the oiran, and prepare some food and drinks by the way, Xia Ruo said, looking at the owner's wife.

Okay, please wait a moment, guest.

Xia Ruo was taken to a spacious room on the second floor. The layout was also very comfortable. It looked like it was used to entertain valuable guests. The owner's wife stood by. Although the oiran hadn't come yet, she still sent two A geisha plays an instrument in front of Xia Ruo.

Behind Xia Ruo are two traveling girls who are giving Xia Ruo a massage.


Xia Ruo let out a breath, and quietly listened to the geisha sonata in front of her. Although it was not as good as modern music, it had a special feeling unexpectedly.

He has been training swordsmanship with Mr. Lin Taki before, and after so long of hard training, he can finally relax. Compared with hard training, it is obviously more comfortable here.

But Xia Ruo did not forget her mission.

This custom shop was randomly chosen by Xia Ruo. In order to hide among humans, Luo Ji disguised herself as an oiran, but Xia Ruo didn't know which shop it was.

So Xia Ruo had an idea, and started to randomly select shops. He didn't know whether the oiran in this custom shop was a fallen concubine or not.

It's just right, it doesn't matter if it's not, anyway, you can always find Luo Ji in the end when you go shopping in one after another.


While Xia Ruo was enjoying herself while waiting for the oiran, on the other hand, Butterfly Ninja was seriously searching.

Butterfly Ninja quickly passed through the entire flower street, but in this entire flower street, Butterfly Ninja did not find any clues. Without any clues, Butterfly Ninja stopped on the roof of a certain custom shop, looking at all the feasting and feasting things below. .

There's nothing abnormal. Sure enough, the fox's tail won't be easily revealed.

Butterfly Ninja narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling the flow of the surrounding wind. During the serious search, she also saw something wrong.

There is no ghost smell, but the feeling in the air makes me a little uneasy, the whole Flower Street seems to be shrouded in smoke.

The method of hiding the aura is ingenious and simple, if Xia Ruo hadn't reminded me, I might really ignore these details, this method of hiding the aura...

A smile suddenly appeared on Butterfly Shinobi's face, it was a very dangerous smile.

Is it the ghost that winds up? It looks like there's going to be a hard fight.


Back to Xia Ruo's side.

Why isn't your oiran here?

Xia Ruo was idle and bored, she patted the table with a 'slap', pretending to be a normal piao customer, as if she couldn't wait for the oiran to be a little impatient.

Hurry up, please wait a little longer, the owner's wife hurriedly comforted, while urging people to find the oiran quickly.

Customers, don't worry, the Li Xia oiran in our store is the most beautiful oiran in the entire Flower Street.


At this time, Xia Ruo was in the oiran's room in the custom shop.


At this time, a girl cleaning the room accidentally broke an ornament bottle next to it.

It's okay.

Li Xia Huakui heard the sound of something breaking, and quickly got up, looked at the girl, and asked with some concern.

I'm fine, but the vase is broken, the girl looked panic-stricken, she had only arrived not long ago, and she was a little afraid of being punished by the oiran.

It's good that you are fine, this bottle is not very valuable, let me tell the proprietress, she won't punish you, Li Xia Huakui comforted gently, looking at the girl who was still a little panicked, she smiled softly .

You are new here, just pay more attention next time,

Thank you, Lixia Huakui.

The girl looked at the oiran's face and thanked her. She had heard that Lixia oiran treated her subordinates very well, but she did not expect it to be as true as the rumors said.

It's okay, don't be nervous, Lixia Huakui is a very nice person, she is the best oiran in Yoshiwara Flower Street, at this time, another girl around said, her tone seemed very proud, she was here to help the oiran make up .

By the way, Lixia Huakui, have you heard that there are girls around here who have been 'pumped'? It's scary. There have been many such things recently, and everyone disappeared in the end, said the girl in makeup. He whispered to Li Xia Huakui, as if he didn't dare to talk about it loudly.

Hush, Li Xia Huakui hissed softly, as if he didn't want to talk about this matter anymore, Don't think about it, maybe everyone has escaped now.

Squeezing feet means that girls who have not paid off their debts run away from the custom shop. Of course, if they are caught, they will end badly. Generally, if they are caught, they end up disappearing. This kind of disappearance is called smacking feet.

But not all of them were captured, and there were also girls who were lucky enough to escape.

Although I don't want everyone to talk about it, there is still a trace of uneasiness in Lixia Huakui's brows. There are also pumping incidents on weekdays, but recently there seem to be more and more pumping, and many of them are a bit abnormal. Why do you think Running away?

Obviously many people have left here, even food and lodging is a problem, is it something that happened in Huajie?

There seems to be a strange atmosphere in Yoshiwara Flower Street, which is felt by Li Xia, who is an oiran.

Just when she was worrying about this matter, there was a knock on her door, and there was a female voice who seemed a little excited outside the door.

Li Xia Huakui, here comes a guest. It is a very rich guest. The proprietress asked you to put on your makeup and go quickly to entertain. This time the guest is very generous. They paid gold bars, gold bars!

Okay, I get it now.

Li Xia Huakui responded indifferently, without much expression on her face, gold bars and the like didn't mean much to her, since they were all men anyway.

Xiao Yu, put on your makeup.

Yes, Lixia Oiran.

The girl who put on makeup started to get busy immediately, after putting on makeup, Li Xia Huakui was about to pick up the guests.

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