I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 173: The World Has Never Been Gentle

Xia Ruo seemed to feel a certain kind of gaze, and glanced at Die Nin, and found that Die Nin looked at him with a kind of top-down disdain, as if looking at a scumbag.


Xia Ruo didn't know how to explain it, the professional habits were a bit scary, and she unconsciously wanted to make female customers happy.

Guest, sit down and have a drink. Ji Ji suddenly held Xia Ruo's arm, took Xia Ruo to the table and sat down, picked up the flagon and poured a glass of wine for Xia Ruo, and even brought it in front of Xia Ruo .

Thank you, Miss Fern Ji.

Xia Ruo didn't refuse, picked up the glass and drank.

At the wine table, Xia Ruo found the feeling again.

She and Yuji were chatting and drinking, because of her modern knowledge, Yuji was amused by Xia Ruo's jokes from time to time.

Moreover, Xia Ruo also told Fern Ji about her many travel experiences, as well as some anecdotal knowledge learned from the Internet, which fascinated Fern Ji. In her life, she has hardly been out of Huajie, even if she becomes The same is true for hundreds of years.

After being an oiran all her life, it seems that the fallen concubine has become a part of Huajie.

Although she is arrogant and conceited, she is still unconsciously attracted by Xia Ruo's narration, her eyes are shining brightly. She has never seen or heard of many things, because no one has ever told her about them. these things.

Even for a moment, she was attracted by the world Xia Ruo narrated, and wanted to leave Huajie to see a wider world, but after a few seconds, she gave up.

Because she is Luo Ji, the ghost of Huajie's oiran, she doesn't know that she left Huajie and stopped being an oiran, what is the meaning of her existence, she is just a ghost who can't see the sun.

The guest is really amazing. He has been to so many places and has such a wonderful life. Yu Ji admires it very much. Yu Ji toasted Xia Ruo with a glass of wine, I am very honored to be able to chat with the guest.

I'm also very honored to be able to drink with Miss Fern Ji. Miss Fern Ji is really the most beautiful oiran I've ever seen, Xia Ruo didn't lie, but he only met two oirans.

Mm, Xia Ruo praised her so much, the corners of Fern Ji's mouth curled up slightly, and her eyes narrowed happily.

The feeling of being praised by this guest is completely different from the feeling of being praised before.


Cough cough.

Butterfly on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help coughing twice. She felt that Xia Ruo didn't come to exorcise ghosts, but to pick up girls, so she couldn't help reminding her.

Hearing the cough, Ji Ji glanced at Butterfly Shinobi standing behind, covered her mouth and snickered.

The guests are really interesting. It's the first time I've seen such a situation with a girl on the Flower Street. Aren't you afraid that the lady behind you will be jealous?

After all, Fern Ji has been a ghost for hundreds of years. For Die Ninja's simple disguise as a man, she can see through it at a glance, but she is also a little curious, why this guest brought a woman to find the oiran.

You mean Xiaoren, Xia Ruo smiled faintly, as if it was nothing to be exposed as a woman of Butterfly Ninja.

I have nothing to do with her. She used to be a poor child. She used to live on the street because of family reasons. I adopted her because I thought she was pitiful. Now Xiaoren is helping me with chores and other things.

Die Die endured hearing that Xia Ruo had forged an identity story for herself, but she didn't say anything, so she lowered her head, acquiescing.

Really? Fern Ji glanced at Butterfly Ninja's chest, and couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile, Indeed, she's still young, she looks like a child.

Butterfly couldn't help clenching her fists when she heard Fern Ji's words.

Compared with Wara Ji's exquisite figure and tall height, Butterfly Shinobi really looks like a child.

The guest's vision is quite good, and he really found a good seedling. This child can dress up a little bit, and I think he will not be weaker than ordinary oirans. Of course, he is much worse than me,

Fern Ji thought that Xia Ruo had taken a fancy to Butterfly Ren's appearance, so she took her in. Many rich people like to do such things.

You misunderstood, I didn't mean anything else, I treated Xiao Ren like a younger sister, Xia Ruo shook her head, indicating that she didn't mean anything else.

is that so?

Fern Ji was a little surprised, and she took another look at Butterfly Ninja. Judging from the details she observed before, it seemed that the relationship between the two of them was not the same as what the guest said.

It seems that the guest is really a good person. Without you, it is estimated that the child's final fate will not be starved to death on the street, but there is a high probability that he will be sold to Huajie.

When Fern Ji said these words, it seemed that she was recalling her own experience as a human being. This is how she experienced it. It was an experience that was hard to look back on.

As the first string six, but Fern Ji was once a human being.

She has been beautiful since she was a child, but her parents died, and she lived with her ugly brother. She has always been poor and lived a hard life in this cold world. get better.

But misfortune always came very quickly. When a samurai wanted to force her by force, in order to keep her innocence, she resisted desperately and poked one of the samurai's eyes blind with a hairpin.

However, relying on her identity, how could she resist other people's revenge. In the end, the angry samurai made people set fire to burn Fern Ji into coke.

It can only be said that this world is not gentle.

She has never been treated tenderly by this world, never loved, never been loved, and never felt love, so she has never regretted becoming a ghost, and she has no rejection of cannibalism.

The world has never treated her tenderly, so why should she treat the world tenderly?

In the process of communicating with Xia Ruo, Ji Ji suddenly discovered that if it was not that bastard samurai she met before but Xia Ruo, her life might be different again.

Fern Ji can feel that Xia Ruo is a very gentle person, which cannot be concealed. Although she likes to say those provocative words, she is a bit like a scumbag, but she is very kind, handsome and talented. When Xia Ruo was chatting, Ji Ji suddenly seemed to have regained the feeling of being a human being.

Unlike the people who only coveted her beauty before, Xia Ruo really praised her without any evil thoughts in his eyes. Maybe it was really interesting when chatting with Xia Ruo, or maybe it was teased.

Fern Ji's view of Xia Ruo gradually changed, and there was a feeling in her heart that had never appeared before.

May I know the name of the guest? Fern Ji looked at Xia Ruo and asked.

Xia Ruo, Xia Ruo smiled softly, I have already said my name, and Miss Fern Ji's name, can you tell me?

Fern Ji is just the stage name of the oiran, but what Xia Ruo wants to know is her real name.

my name……

Fern Ji seems to be lost in memory, her name, Fallen Ji?

No, this is the name she took after she became a ghost. It is the name of Shangxian Ghost. To Xia Ruo, she didn't want to answer this name, and her real name, after so many years, is almost forgotten with the memories of the past. , but when Xia Ruo asked her like this, her memory slowly came back.

My name is... May.

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