I Can Go Beyond Space

Chapter 501 Power of Domino

While Zhuang Hong was collecting the life experience of the God of Destruction, the Lord of Time who was far away in the Yongze Starfield suddenly changed his face.

Stretching out his hand, a grain of time crystal sand appeared in his hand.

This time crystal sand was condensed after God of Destruction's life experience was taken away from the time unit.

"It was the destruction of the ancient star field... His time was also taken away."

"First it was blazing, and then it was destroyed. What happened?"

"Could it be that someone has mastered the power of time?"

"No, it's impossible. It's impossible for a second person to master the power of time. It should be a treasure that can take away time."

"There are two possibilities. One is that the damage has obtained the same treasure as Chihuo, which took away his own time. The other is that there is only one treasure, which is in the hands of Chihuo, and she is now running to the ancient star field. Take away the time of destruction."

"No matter which one it is, as long as I immediately go to the ancient star field to find the damage, I will know."

"Blazing has the ability to quickly teleport and interfere with teleportation, but I don't believe that destruction can also have the ability to escape."

A lot of thoughts flashed through the mind of the Lord of Time. Without hesitation, he got up and left immediately. He took a step and appeared directly outside the Yongze Starfield. White light flashed on his body. In a blink of an eye, he was teleported to the Primordial Starfield, and then went straight to the area where the destruction was located. .

It's just that when he came to the palace of the God of Destruction, he didn't see the God of Destruction.

This was within his expectations.

But he doesn't care.

Directly arrest several priests of the God of Destruction for questioning.

"Where is your God of Destruction King now? Tell me."

Several priests looked at each other, their eyes were full of panic, they didn't dare to hide it, and quickly told the whereabouts of the God of Destruction during this period.

"Your Majesty was still in the palace just now, but left suddenly just now, leaving this territory in this direction, as if someone was looking for His Majesty, as for where your Majesty went, I don't know."

The Lord of Time didn't say much, and went directly to the direction pointed by the priest.

Soon came to the place where Zhuang Hong and the God of Destruction had been before.

"It seems that the teleportation is gone, but the teleportation breath is so weak that there is no way to track it."

He observed carefully for a while and found nothing, so he returned to the palace of the God of Destruction and asked several priests to contact the God of Destruction.

Several priests took out communication treasures one after another.

The Lord of Time took it directly, trying to use the communication treasure to lock the position of the God of Destruction.

But it failed, he didn't perceive the communication treasure on the other end, and it was obviously destroyed by someone.

His face became more and more gloomy, and he asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure this is something that broke the connection?"

"It's definitely what it is."

The Lord of Time tightened his palm, and several communication treasures were smashed into pieces by him.

Now he understood that the God of Destruction could no longer be found by conventional means.

"It looks like it's a fiery hand, and she came prepared..."

"What does she want to do?"

The Lord of Time couldn't figure it out, but for some reason, a sense of crisis rose in his heart.

He glanced at the several priests of the God of Destruction, and the more he thought about it, the more bored he was, he just waved his fists, knocked them all out with one punch, and then dodged away.

The few priests didn't react, and they were instantly blown up by the Lord of Time.

When they condensed their bodies again, they looked at each other in a daze, with lingering fears in their hearts.

For the first time, they felt the power of the Lord of Time, and almost thought they were going to die.

"The ancient and powerful Lord of Time is too... too scary!"


After the God of Destruction condensed his body again, he found that his body was empty, all the storage space was gone, and even the treasures hidden in special hidden places disappeared, including the endless heart that he valued the most. disappeared without a trace.

This made him feel a little flustered.

Secretly said: "All my treasures were taken away by the Lord of Time, right? It must be, but the former Lord of Time would not be like this. Although the Lord of Time used to tamper with me, he did not take me away. What is the situation now, why do you feel that the current Lord of Time is a bit weird? If I ask him, will he return the treasure to me?"

Although the God of Destruction was extremely flustered, he didn't dare to reveal anything on the surface, and he didn't dare to refuse Zhuang Hong's request.

Instead, he showed his unique divine power to Zhuang Hong.

"Your Majesty Lord of Time, this is my divine power, the power of destruction, which can destroy all tangible and intangible things, including the destruction of divinity. Nothing in the world can escape my power."

Zhuang Hong was surprised and said: "Destroy all visible and invisible forces? Is it as powerful as you said?"

"This is the root of my foothold in the ancient star field. Naturally, it is very powerful, but it is naturally incomparable with His Majesty the Lord of Time."

Zhuang Hong didn't listen to his bragging, but carefully perceived his divine power.

At first glance, the surprise discovery is indeed different from other divine powers, and it seems very special.

This aroused Zhuang Hong's great interest, and couldn't help but praise: "Your power of destruction is really interesting."

The God of Destruction coughed, and tentatively said: "By the way, after I reshaped my body, I found that the storage space and various items on my body were gone. Has His Majesty the Lord of Time seen it?"

Zhuang Hong: "I haven't seen what you said, maybe it was smashed by my punch before, or you can look around, maybe you can find it back."

The God of Destruction twitched the corner of his mouth, nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

He roared in his heart: "It must have been taken away by you, it must be, what kind of punch exploded, you are a liar! You obviously don't want to give it back to me. You are a majestic ancient power, and you are greedy for my points. Family property, it’s too cheap, I didn’t expect you to be such a master of time, I misjudged you!”

Zhuang Hong didn't know what was going on in his mind, but devoted himself to the perception of the power of destruction.

Half a year passed in a blink of an eye.

He also successfully mastered the power of destruction.

"The power of destruction is even more miraculous than I imagined. In fact, it is not accurate to call this power the power of destruction. It should be called the 'power of dominoes'."

Because the way this destructive force works is similar to dominoes.

The principle of dominoes, in simple terms, is that under a specific structure, after a small domino is pushed down, a series of chain reactions will be formed, and finally the dominoes that are too heavy to be pushed down by manpower will be pushed down, forming a huge destructive effect, the overall effect It's as if a single finger of a person knocked down a domino as big as a mountain peak.

The principle of the power of destruction is the same.

The power of destruction itself does not have the violent destructive ability, but can find the 'first domino' on the item.

After finding the first domino of the item, you only need to apply a small force in the designated direction, and a series of chain reactions will be formed, which will collapse one by one until the whole item is completely destroyed.

This process can hardly be interrupted, unless one can accurately find a certain key 'domino' and remove the domino that carries the strength, otherwise this reaction will continue forever.

It looks like the destructive force shatters an item, but it doesn't.

What makes the item collapse is the power contained in the item itself, and the power of destruction only gives the item a starting point.


After Zhuang Hong mastered the power of destruction, he took out a huge strange-looking material from the storage space, and then activated the power of destruction.

The next moment, Zhuang Hong saw a few sporadic light spots on this item, and these light spots were the 'first domino' of this material.

Zhuang Hong raised his hand and touched lightly on the light spot of the material.

The material didn't respond at first, but after two seconds, it began to collapse, and in a blink of an eye it all turned into powder and floated in the void.

"This is the power of destruction, and it is indeed different from other powers."

For the touch just now, Zhuang Hong didn't use too much force, just like tapping on the head of a kitten, it was just enough to push down the first 'domino', no more, no less.

If the force is too large, the material will not collapse; if the force is too small, the material will not collapse. The key point is the "just right".

The God of Destruction not far away saw Zhuang Hong's performance, his eyes protruded.

"Your Majesty Lord of Time, have you learned the power of destruction?"

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