"When thunder rolls across the dark clouds, and when lightning lights up the earth, I come with the storm, bringing the wrath of the gods!"

Amid the smoke and dust, a cheerful male voice broke through first and reached everyone's ears.

The dust quickly dispersed, and Tom and Coke Jerry also saw clearly the uninvited guests who fell between themselves and the Seer robot that was about to escape.

The leader, standing in the middle, is wearing a golden armor enveloped by electric current. He has a golden hedgehog head, slender and agile limbs, and is wrapped with thunder and lightning. He has a strong kingly demeanor - the leader of the God of War Alliance! Rey!

No, it should be Rey the Holy Spirit.

Because the height ratio of the Rey in front of me is not that of the small man in the original version. He is roughly estimated to be 1.9 meters tall! And the image is also very good, some are close to the movie version of God of War.

"The day when the king awakens, when all evils surrender." Gaia, who was wearing black and white color, took a step forward, his eyes swept across the people in Dawn City, and spoke.

"Evil arises from distracting thoughts..." This is Cassius. Cassius's body is light blue and white with a little light yellow, mainly white, and has a long tail, which is swaying slightly at the moment.

"There is also light in the dark night..." Blake is easy to recognize because he has the Night Devil's Ball on his shoulder and likes to wear a gray cloak. He looks like an old coin and is sinister.

"Eternity is in my pupils..." Muse, the only female God of War in the God of War Alliance, has an ethereal voice that is quite pleasant, and her words seem to be teasing.

"Why did they say something strange when they came on stage?" Patrick opened his eyes half-open, gnawing listlessly on a mechanical leg - the owner was not dead yet, so the leg did not disappear, and asked with a frown:

"Is this a new game? Then I have to say, hey, what do you think of the phrase "Maka Bazi, eh Sidisi"? "

Without waiting for the people around him to respond, Patrick felt that he was justified, so he took a step forward, pressed his head against Rey's chest, looked directly into Rey's eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Maka Bazi! Hmm! Siddisi!”

Rey: "..."

Where did the stupid elf come from, messing up the atmosphere and everything else, and the sense of oppression was instantly cleared by a Makabazi.

So he raised his hand slightly, and the charged Patrick drew an arc and flew out.

"I smell barbecue, yay." said Patrick, who was flying in the air.

"It's the God of War Alliance! Rey! Gaia! Everyone! Long time no see!" Sai Xiaoxi, hanging on the city wall, waved his hands widely to greet his old friends.

Rey turned his head and saw the miserable five people on the city wall. They turned into a bolt of lightning and caught the five people on the city wall.

"No, no, no, no - Rey, I'm dead, you don't have to worry about me, you continue." Sai Xiaoxi, who was rescued, said hello to Rey, and immediately jumped down, letting himself hang on. On the city wall.

Rey: "?"

After not seeing each other for a year and a half, Sai Xiaoxi has become a fool?

It was Roger who explained the situation a little bit - of course, he was very contractual, and after speaking, he jumped down with Sai Xiaoxi.

"Rey, why are you so much slower than us? I don't mean to blame you, but aren't you very fast?" Instructor Raymond asked as he prepared to jump off.

"Those space pirates and the dark elves behind the scenes were also very interested in this place, so our God of War Alliance just waited and waited, and gained a lot. We destroyed at least seven pirate fleets and captured Wesker." Rey explained. .

"No wonder the space pirates didn't come. Do you...do you think this is fishing for law enforcement?" Atieda commented in confusion - this group of pirates was wiped out in the original universe, and there is no way to resurrect it.

A little bit ungrateful.

After a brief communication, Rey no longer cared about these five "dead prisoners of war" and returned to his original position, facing the vigilant Tom, Jerry and other people in Dawn City who had returned to their original state.

"It's time to clean up the evil." The gloomy Blake said with a smile while pulling down the brim of his hood.

"It's not evil. We're just two groups of people on opposite sides of a game. So, I'm sorry, we have different positions - it can only offend." After Rey's rational explanation, he turned into lightning and charged forward. He punched Tom, but then he was surprised to find that the blow was actually blocked by Tom.

The strength of this cat should not be underestimated!

"The God of War Alliance is here! Reinforcements are coming too! No need to retreat! Shout out!" Looking at the Purcells parked outside the city and the groups of reinforcements coming out, the Purcells Confidence returned and morale soared.

The running trend turned into a counterattack in an instant.

Yu Nian, who saw everything in his eyes, frowned tightly.

Brother Lin told himself some information about the God of War Alliance, and at this moment, these guys showed their strong strength, fighting with Brother Lin's outrageous partners, and judging from the momentum, several people in the alliance Be stronger.

At least they are fast and can fly. They are basically attacking now, and Lin Ge's friends can only passively defend.

Of course, it just looks like it, and the real situation is hard to say for the time being.

Yu Nian then looked to the side: "Huan Huan, it's your turn—"

Yu Nian paused before he could finish his words, because he discovered that Meng Meng, who had just been with him and was responsible for coordinating the overall situation, had disappeared.

A dragon roar came from the sky, and when Yu Nian looked up, he saw a swaying green dragon - Rayquaza.

Rayquaza was naturally the result of a dream, and what really attracted Yu Nian was the creature surrounded by Rayquaza that was full of dazzling golden light!

Strictly speaking, the body is an energy body, with no hands or feet. It is covered with a golden and brown robe. Behind it, a golden light wheel carrying two holy swords is slowly rotating.

Undoubtedly, it was Brother Lin who told him that the most powerful and unique elf in the world of Seer—Holy Spirit Puni!

At this moment, Holy Spirit Puni and Meng were engaged in a fierce battle in the sky. Just the overflow of energy would cause a violent explosion when it fell to the ground, leaving their marks on the ground!

It seems that it is already a battlefield that the mortal world cannot participate in!

Yu Nian's frown deepened. It was obvious that Meng Meng could no longer free his hands. He had already held back the strongest enemy by himself.

On the main battlefield, the four members of the God of War Alliance also entangled the other four partners. For a moment, it seemed difficult to determine the winner. The extra God of War, Cassius, directly joined the battlefield of the miscellaneous soldiers. Yu Nian could only Transfer "authority" to the residents to hold them back.

Yu Nian eagerly looked at the "erased" CD, longing for the end of its cooling.

Although it may not necessarily kill these guys, it can always cause some serious damage, right?

Although the Holy Spirit Puni and the God of War Alliance were held back, the situation was not stable because a large number of new Seers and elves had already poured into the city and joined the battle.

On the Shuguang City side, not only did the number of people not increase, but there were also attrition of hundreds of people. At this moment, everyone's physical strength had not been fully restored, and they had to return to the battlefield.

As a result, the counterattack advantage they had just achieved under the leadership of Tom Jerry was gone when the Serret team arrived with additional reinforcements.

The situation has even begun to deteriorate. The elves and Sels have gradually begun to approach the inner ring.

The soldiers of Dawn City were dying out much faster than before.

Yu Nian came downstairs. In the room downstairs, beside the window, there were many stand-ins standing there quietly at this moment.

"Brother Lin, can you hear me?" Yu Nian asked.

"You can hear me." Lin Li 'opened' his eyes, glanced at Yu Nian, and looked out the window, naturally noticing the existence of the God of War Alliance:

"The God of War Alliance has arrived. It is still the version of the Holy Spirit that has been strengthened by Puni. It is not the first generation. It is not at the same level as other elves. It is difficult to deal with."

"Brother Lin, are you free to support our side now? Although the situation will not collapse now, if it does not change, we will always be exhausted." Yu Nian asked.

"I'm not very convenient right now. Do you want me to activate Mu Li and Sen Li?" Lin Li asked - he didn't yet have the ability to flexibly control the two bodies to fight.

"It's not to that extent yet. Although the situation is unfavorable, as long as there are no new reinforcements on the other side, it will be a dull knife now. If you want to cut off our piece of flesh, it won't be so fast." Yu Nian shook his head, and then said: "Brother Lin, Then give me four pairs of wings, the God of War Alliance can fly, I will give them to Brother Cat and the others."

"Okay." Lin Li did not hesitate and manifested the corresponding fighting wings according to the body shapes of the four companions.

"I will try my best to hold on." Yu Nian promised as he left with his wings.

"If it doesn't work, I'll ask you to send Mu Li and Sen Li out again."

"I will also work hard here." Lin Li responded.

Unknown island, in the valley.

Lin Li really couldn't tell the difference, because the situation here was not particularly good.

He no longer maintains the 999 parasitic state, and the time has not been completely used up - even more than half of it has been left.

It's not that there is no need to use it anymore, but because Lin Li realizes that there is no particular significance in continuing to use this time. It is better to save a few minutes so that he can have one more pre-selected ability today in case of emergency.

Including Lin Li, everyone was panting at this time. Those who rushed in front, like Madang Zoro, already had countless scars on their bodies. Among them, Luffy was even a little rickety - the sequelae of turning on second and third gears. .

However, everyone did not back down, especially the four fighting madmen who were at the front. They still felt very happy and thought it was a hearty battle, even though Zoro's hands and Sanji's feet had begun to tremble. But the fighting spirit and determination burning in their eyes did not diminish at all.

There are enough enemies, they are not weak in strength, they try their best, there is no need to distract their teammates, and there is no real death - these complete elements give them an excellent "game" experience.

No, if you put it this way, there is another guy who also feels very happy - this guy is still having a head-to-head competition with Hot Wheels.

"Ah, there are too many people, we can't finish the fight - but the fight was really fun!" The gray-headed Luffy did not forget to laugh with his hands on his hips. Madang, who was leaning on his side, also raised his feeble hands. , stretched out his thumb: "Yes!"

"Haha, McDonald, are you already dead? I can probably turn on second gear again, but that's the limit." Luffy wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb and said passionately.

"Stop looking down on others, Luffy, I can still enter the high-pressure mode!" Maidang, who couldn't stand up straight, still had a tough mouth.

McDonald estimated that he would die after finishing driving.

But let’s just say whether it can still be opened?

"Tie Baa, there is too much garbage. I really want to kill that tiger's head." Zoro's gaze pointed directly at the Tiger King with a broken arm in the distance, and the gun on his back was festering. .

"I also want to eat mechanical monkey brains tonight." Sanji lit a cigarette for himself and took a long puff of it happily.

Lin Li fought for this short rest time.

At this moment, a large number of giant demon shadows were guarding Luffy and others. They used their strong bodies to withstand the attacks of the beast clan and motorcycle warriors. From time to time, they used their own hands to fight back, but not much.

Because the ghost kill can be regarded as Lin Li's kill.

Don't ask Lin Li how he knew it. The question is that the system interface is no longer "0", but "1".

Lin Li was very sad that he couldn't get a perfect ending.

The summons of the ghost is still a giant ghost, which is why Lin Li is also exhausted now.

This side changed from the previous trend and fell into this situation. Strictly speaking, the reason is similar to that of Dawn City - there are too many people.

Although these famous cadres like the Tiger King are no match for Lin Li, Luffy and others in one-on-one terms.

In this situation where the strength of a single player is considered crushing, Jingjing and Luoluo are no longer so arrogant.

But they don't pay much attention to 1V1. If they can't beat them, they just go 2V1. This situation is even more obvious among the motorcycle clan.

After all, when they fought against the Beast Clan War King, they couldn't defeat him one on one.

But damn, the Human Torch and five or six cadres were chasing him, he really wasn't ashamed at all!

In addition, these guys also have two big killers, hidden energy and energy amethyst behind them. Strictly speaking, the cadres even have three lives.

Under this situation, with the cooperation of Lin Li, Luffy and others, many cadres and grassroots soldiers were still eliminated.

The blue poison beast, shock wave, and gold iron beast have all been dealt with.

And just as Jingjing told herself, two city defense tokens had actually exploded after the killing, and they were both lying in the "space behind" Lin Li.

But of these two, only one exploded from the body of the Golden Iron Beast. The other one actually appeared from the body of an unknown soldier. When it appeared, even the opponent was surprised.

There are still five pieces left to collect them all.

But there are too many enemies, and it is impossible to kill them all. They kill one by one, and kill a group after a group. No matter how big the gap is, there will be soldiers to fill the gap immediately.

On both sides of this long valley, from Lufei to the air wall, there were warriors from the motorcycle tribe and beast tribe everywhere.

Everyone did destroy a lot of soldiers, but overall, it was a drop in the bucket and only two tokens were exploded.

God knows how long it will take for these five city defense tokens.

The Straw Hat Pirates, McDonald and others do not have endless physical strength. By now, most of them are exhausted - just like Auroville City.

Therefore, the problem facing Lin Li now was the same as that of the substitute.

Lin Li couldn't help but sigh.

It would be great if he met the Straw Hat Pirates two years later. Lin Li felt that if they were at that time, they would never be as embarrassed as they are now.

After the two-year agreement, everyone's strength has undergone qualitative changes, and they have become more skilled at clearing out miscellaneous soldiers, which may be regarded as a dimensionality reduction attack.

The numerous giant ghost figures gradually became unable to hold on to their offensive, and began to dissipate one by one.

It's absolutely impossible to hold on to it any longer.

"Let's retreat first." Lin Li looked at Diya.

Next, no withdrawal is allowed! Help God, start!

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