I Can Turn into a Fish

Vol 3 Chapter 572: Gene world is coming

The 21st century.

July 30, 2027.

This is an extraordinary day.

An incredible study suddenly emerged on the Internet, and the results of this research have been confirmed by countless scholars, human beings are about to enter a genetic era.

In a short period of time, the whole world is discussing this matter.

Genes, strengthen humans.

In the future, humans may fly in the sky and travel around the world, possibly crossing Kyushu.

Spider-Man is no longer a character in the movie world, Fireman will not exist in the League of Legends, and Sparta can also descend from the sky.

The world will change for it.

When governments of all countries see this situation, they can no longer hide it. Fortunately, they simply announced it directly.

The great American, the world’s largest country, the president stood in front of the White House and announced the opening of this era.

"The advent of the new era represents new changes, but the laws and regulations are unchanged. The rules of the world have not changed the law and order. Every American citizen should abide by it. The new era does not mean riots and uneasiness. Strong, still strong but cannons"

The declaration marks the advent of the new world, and at the same time reminds some people that even in the genetic era, they must abide by the law.

Following this, the President of the United States announced the establishment of a new humanoid team to train new human beings, and each citizen has the qualification to become a new human.

More and more countries have issued statements. Of course, their emphasis emphasizes that the advent of the genetic world does not mean that human beings will enter the riots, and everything is still orderly.

Although it is only their wishful thinking, they still have to be everyone.

At the same time, the world is looking for this behind-the-scenes push on the Internet. This move will give many countries a valuable research material, but it has also changed the world.

They could have secretly researched it, and then after five or six years or even ten years of secret development, precipitation, and then launched, and now, they are caught off guard.

And most importantly, this information is not just researched. If they have been studying for several years, then this organization is definitely a terrible existence and has been leading the world for several years.

However, what disappoints them is that no matter how they look for it, they can't find out where the information came from. The computer technology of the other party has reached an incredible point.

"Opened up, the governments of all countries have issued statements, and they also know that this matter cannot be concealed."

Chu Xian sat in front of the computer and watched the changes in the world.

What is more interesting is that China has made sufficient preparations for this matter. Domestically, unlike the foreign countries, the country is in control of the power. In the genetic era, the country has not concealed it.

Instead, it has been widely reported to the whole country, and it is announced that the Gene Warrior Academy may be established in the future.

What's more interesting is that with the advent of the genetic era, a group of people started the martial arts of China. Some masters Xuancheng themselves are what are the descendants of the martial arts.

"When the real era of genetics opens, maybe the country can become the strongest country in the world. As for other countries, it may be more chaotic. After all, it is controlled by some big chaebols."

"At the time, there may be a variety of organizations."

Chu Xian sat in the sky garden and smiled at the changes in the world.

The human beings in the world are becoming stronger and faster, and he is also rapidly becoming stronger, and the speed at which he becomes stronger is dozens of times and hundreds of times higher than that of human beings.

"Now, the only regret is that the creatures on the earth can't get stronger. If that's the case, it's estimated that it's the end of the world. If you forget, sit and watch the wind, and let's have a palm in hand!"

The first time the world changed, parents called their phones.

"Son, is the world now like this? Is it related to you?"

I don’t want parents to have this kind of thinking. In the past two years, Chu Xian has strengthened their parents from time to time. Today’s attack power has reached 20,000. Now the world suddenly changes so much, and the first thing that comes to mind is their own. son.

"Hey, Mom, I just announced some of the research results of my lab. It's okay, isn't the new world coming better and more interesting?" Chu Xian responded.

His parents were speechless and did not expect that his son would turn the world into what it is today.

Now, one bio company is established, and one knowledge about biological genes appears on the web.

There are also some people who have injected biological genes that have undergone tremendous changes.

Spitfire, water spray, and powerful power, each hit a height of four or five meters.

These human beings are gradually appearing in reality, which makes people even more crazy.

The martial arts hall is like a spring bamboo shoot, but there is no action in the country. After all, the pistol is still very powerful.

"Mom, don't worry, according to our world, human beings are the strongest and you are the same level. And, to enter your level, at least for a decade."

Chu Xian said with a smile.

The opening of the genetic era, but it is impossible to want to endlessly enhance the strength.

Whenever a human injects a gene, his strength will improve, but if you want to do the next gene injection, you need a strong body and enough support.

In other words, if you want to inject a gene, you must first raise your body, the body's ascension has the gene to inject the physical strength, and you can get the treasure of the talented fruit rock red fruit.

Moreover, at present, the attack power of living creatures on the earth is less than 10,000.

More common are whale sharks, killer whales, elephants and other creatures.

It is conceivable that in the next period of time, the creatures on Earth will be madly killed.

However, Chu Xian is not worried about this. The current genetic technology, it is very simple to want to clone these creatures in large quantities.

In addition, human beings want to enhance their own strength and will definitely reproduce prehistoric creatures.

Prehistoric creatures may get a surge, and even hybrids may appear in the future. This is possible.

Even so, it is very, very difficult to raise a person's attack power to 20,000.

If you want to increase your attack power to his current level, it is impossible to use existing species.

"However, human creativity is horrible, and maybe it can really create some horrible creatures." Chu Xian heart secretly.

The next time, Chu Xian is not staying at the mermaid island every day, just staying at home and living leisurely.

From time to time, I browse the changes around the Internet.

The road to genetic evolution was quickly groped out, and even the official announcement was made, if the strength guide was improved.

The first gene to be injected is best selected to enhance the body type, such as the ant's gene, the flea gene, although these insects are small, but the gene effect is very powerful.

The promotion of genes has entered a stage of rapid development. Even the world has held genetic battles, similar to boxing competitions.

However, there are not many powerful genetic players to participate in the competition.

In the early stage, those who were able to go to the forefront of genetic cultivation were those who had rich people or those with deep backgrounds.

David and Enze have been leading the rest of the world with the help of Chu Xian.

However, Chu Xian did not give them too much help, basically relying on themselves.

They have strong financial resources and are genetically stronger than ordinary people.

Chu Xian occasionally took black hole fish and went to other seas. The Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean also discovered many powerful creatures, either being conquered by him or being swallowed up.

Although his strength is difficult to grow, it is also slowly increasing.

Chu Xian spent almost a year in the world around the world, in the next time, want to improve his strength, only stay in the devil tree.

However, the smart mermaid has made a big breakthrough.

One is a genetically-derived needle that can be inserted into a biological body to extract genes quickly without complicated machines.

Another one is the cultivation of prehistoric creatures.

The mermaid has recreated many prehistoric creatures, and some prehistoric creatures have a good talent.

But the more research, the bigger the bottleneck of the mermaid, can only be studied in the direction of biological hybridization.

This direction is a bit complicated and the results are not very large.

Time passed by, and eight years passed in a blink of an eye. In eight years, humanity has undergone earth-shaking changes.

During these eight years, some countries experienced turmoil and experienced political changes.

The world's chaebols and organizations have undergone tremendous changes.

Humans have also been studied by previous science and technology, and now the focus has shifted to genetic research.

Because genetic research can bring about powerful changes in humans themselves.

According to some researchers, a genetic human cultivator can live in his 100s, and the more genes he incorporates, the higher his life expectancy will be.

For life ~www.novelmtl.com~ humans are more eager.

In eight years, many organisms on Earth have been used by humans to extract genes. However, more and more organisms have been cloned.

Even in some vast countries, a large number of prehistoric creatures have been cloned, and then the genes are sold to make money.

There are also some powerful organizations that buy islands and breed some prehistoric dinosaurs on the island.

The world's top powerhouse has reached more than 6,000 attacks, and it is capable of fighting adult white sharks with horror.

Humans have also discovered that some things contain higher energy and can increase their strength after eating.

The world has changed, the genetic world has completely come, and humanity has completely transitioned to the genetic era.

In the past few years, it has been hailed as an excessive stage in the human society entering the genetic era.

Like the novel in the novel, the magical world.

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