Chapter 236 Ideas

ps thank the brothers for "freezing" the reward


Of course, Fang Chong denied it immediately, otherwise, one accidentally said it and was heard by Qin Lan, fearing that he would not let him go to bed in the future ...

By that time, he would cry without tears.

Fang Chong knew that Qin Lan was the most nervous about the problem of children. Otherwise, Fang Chong had never thought about this problem that Qin Lan had worried about before. Perhaps all the surviving humans haven't thought about it ...

"We don't need children for the time being, after all, the world is not safe at all ..." Qin Lan saw Fang Chong thinking, and she was worried that Fang Chong thought too much, and she could not help but comfort her.

Although it is said that bathing cannot have children, Fang Chong was able to remember to have a child for her, and the idea was enough to make her happy and satisfied ...

"Well, I understand. I'm fine. You don't have to think too much about it. I will find a way to understand it ..." Fang Chong knew that Qin Lan would always be rational, so understanding, and in many cases Now, she understands better than herself ...

While talking, Fang Chong couldn't help but hold Qin Lan for a while, and Qin Lan also said well. Now in the world, if there really is a child, it is really troublesome ...

"How do you know clearly? You wouldn't want to have one for yourself and look at the few words." When Fang Chong said that he wanted to know, Qin Lan asked subconsciously.

"No way, how could I take this risk ...." Fang Chong didn't expect that Qin Lan would think of this problem. He rejected it all at once. How can he not let Qin Lan know that he was really thinking just now? such…..

"Of course it is impossible. If you risk it, I can never give it to you. If you really want to give birth, you should find someone else ..." Qin Lan said for granted.

"Looking for someone else's life?" Although Fang Chong knew that Qin Lan was wrong, but Qin Lan's remarks really made people wonder, and reveries a series.

"…………… .." Qin Lan didn't expect to be quick, and she even said this. For a while, Fang Chong's words were dumbfounded and he didn't know what to say.

However, when I saw Fang Chong's expression of wanting to be indifferent, I suddenly couldn't beat one place. I pressed my fingers hard and pressed Fang Chong's waist. Jiao crying: "You can't find someone else ..."

Chong did not expect that Qin Lan would come in such a hand. Because of the close contact just now, the liquid suit on her body was already close to the body. At this time, Qin Lan was caught by Qin Lan, although it would not cause much pain. However, Fang Chong still had a hoarse grin on his face and said in pain. "I didn't think about it, you said it ..."

"Even what I said ..." Seeing Fang Chong's expression, Qin Lan's tone softened. She thought that Fang Chong was really bitter, but she ignored Fang Chong's strength ... .

"I know, I won't do it, and of course I won't think about it ..." Seeing Qin Lan also has such a domineering side, Fang Chong was attracted and nodded.

"Really?" Qin Lan actually believed what Fang Chong was saying now. Fang Chong was more human than she was, but she also knew about emotions and changed them ...

In the environment of the last days, people like Yi Chong must become more prominent in the future. Once they are prominent, they will attract more people. Although it is now the last days, they cannot hold the entrance base that China had before the last days. So many, by the way, there are still a lot of women today ...

It is not that Qin Lan is not confident in himself. Men are born with a latent consciousness of being new and disgusted with the old. They are all fresh. Qin Lan is also afraid of Fang Chong ...

And do n’t say far away, just now, it ’s okay. Ling Ya and Mu Ge are putting a lot of pressure on Qin Lan. Although they are both good sisters, \ ”Ling Ya ’s skillfulness is full of chic beauty. Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s women ’s winter coat m is not as good as her Qin Lan. If Qin Lan is a model of a good wife and mother, then Lingya is an urban beauty. As for her idyllic song, she ’s older than For Qin Lan or Ling Ya, the biggest advantage is ...

Full of youthful vitality, at this point, Qin Lan couldn't keep up with what he said. He was there at a relatively old age ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Of course it's true. Did I deceive you? ..." Fang Chong saw Qin Lan seemingly thoughtful, and put away the expression of hippie smile, and said it seriously.

He couldn't think of what Qin Lan was thinking ...

"I know you won't lie to me now, but you should know clearly about emotions, full of unknownness ..." Qin Lan shook her head gently.

"No, I can guarantee ..." Fang Chong did not think how much Qin Lan thought of it. Seeing that Qin Lan was actually worried about this problem, he raised his hand and prepared to take an oath ...

"Oath, this thing is here. After the end of the last days, no one believed it, you won't be treated as a fool ..." Qin Lan saw Fang Chong so nervous, afraid of her cranky look, but Gege laughed ...

Chong did not expect that Qin Lan was so rational even in a bad mood. It was his turn and he did n’t know what to say ...

The whole dark room suddenly quieted down ...

"Plop, plop ........."

Quiet enough to hear the heartbeat faintly.


"Fang Chong ~ ~ To be honest, I am selfish and want to monopolize you, but I know that it is impossible, so I just hope that you do n’t spend too much, like Ling Ya, Muge It's all I can accept ... "Seeing Fang Chong's expression of astonishment, Qin Lan thought for a while, and then she opened her heart and said it.

"Ling Ya, Muge?" Fang Chong heard that Qin Lan even said his name. Some people didn't want to monopolize their own man, but were willing to share it with other women, and even the candidates were selected ...

If it wasn't for Qin Lan when he said this, there was such a serious expression on his face. Fang Chong almost thought that Qin Lan had burned, or that he had drunk the glass of red wine before, and now he was drunk ...

"You won't feel what they mean to you ..." Qin Lan didn't know why, although she said she was extremely reluctant to share Fang Chong with others, but when she really said it, her feeling was not so strong. It may be the two girls Ling Ya and Mu Ge. She always thought of her sister ...

Chapter 236 Ideas.

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