Chapter 271 Choice


"The" comprehensive "evolver of degree and power?" Hearing Fang Chong's question, "Maya" won a small amount of DANKAN to win Q coins,

Although it is a 'system', the way he asks this question also requires thinking and processing. The inquiry is not the same as giving instructions. One is similar to a friend ’s consultation, and the other is a Mayan commanding a human-like mind. She wants to do it. the best

"Yes ....." Fang Chong has become accustomed to the reaction of "Maya". The more "Maya" is, the more explanation is that "Maya" is working hard

"The host can choose the 'gene potions' of the two mutant creatures, 'Bearing King Kong Bear' and 'Blast Tiger' ..." A few minutes later, the voice of 'Maya' slowly sounded.

"Blasting Wolverine, Storm Tiger?" Fang Chong heard the two names with a slight expression on his face.

The names of these two 'mutant creatures' Fang Chong have not heard of before, but it may not be that simple to hear the names.

"Blasting Kongo bears are the most powerful mutants of 'strength' in the 'strength-type' mutant creatures. Their levels are generally over one hundred and eighty. Even in the present earth, they also belong to the best. … .. ”Seeing Fang Chong's doubts, 'Maya' continued to speak while Fang Chong's voice fell.

"More than one hundred and eighty levels?" After Fang Chong heard that the "Big Power King Kong Bear" had such a powerful strength, Fang Chong understood why "Maya" chose to introduce the "Big Power King Kong Bear", and the body was so powerful. The "explosive King Kong bear" of the power, and where the "gene medicine" extracted from it will go to the "Maya", it is very reasonable to give Fang Chong advice

"Yes, in addition to the high level of 'Bright King Kong Bear', and the 'gene pharmacy' has an absolute advantage, there is also a point that those who take the 'Bold King Kong' gene pharmacy will have a strength of over 150 Level, the Fusion can get a "explosive King Kong bear" an "explosive skills", "King Kong critical strike" "Maya continues to dispel Fang Chong's worry", but "King Kong critical strike" although the attack power is amazing, can reach the user The power of the body is more than double, but the energy consumption of the user ’s body is also amazing. It is best to use it when the situation is critical, otherwise there is a danger of end to it. After all, the end of the world is full of dangers, unless there are people around Rescue ... "

"What about the 'genetic medicine' of 'Blast Tiger'?" Fang Chong heard that "Maya" explained it so clearly, but he understood that the power of the explosive "King Kong Bear" is really suitable for use by Huang Qianchuan. The explosive power of the "King Kong Bear" genetic agent must be very amazing.

In addition, the skill obtained from the "Blasting King Kong Bear Gene Elixir" was combined, and the "King Kong Critical Strike" also made Fang Chong very excited.

Although it is said that there will be a certain risk of dehydration after the outbreak, but Fang Chong has a medicine to restore strength, that is, a common gene medicine extracted from 'muscleized meat'. Such a gene medicine does not have much effect on improving strength. But there is no problem if you restore your strength,

In other words, as long as there are enough genetic agents, continuous use of 'King Kong Critical Strike' is not a problem.

Taking these benefits into consideration, Fang Chong agrees very much with the suggestion made by Maya, and Fang Chong also looks forward to the gene drug of 'Fast Tiger'

……………………………………………… ..

"The Storm Tiger is the absolute king of degrees. Although the level is not particularly high, even if there is the appearance of the" Surge Tiger "on the earth, the maximum level is only 150, but it is different from the" Blasting King Kong Bear ". , 'Bailow Tiger' can perform 'secondary mutation' ... "Maya told Fang Chongjie about the issue of 'Bailow Tiger'.

"Second mutation?" Fang Chong did not expect that in addition to getting his own purpose today, he also learned a lot of other knowledge, thinking that weapons can evolve, and mutant organisms can also make secondary mutations.

These things are impossible for Fang Chong to think about before ...

"Well, under certain circumstances, a part of the" mutated creatures "can indeed carry out the" secondary mutation ". The mutant creatures that can" perform the second mutation "can be said to be the kings of the" kings ", so take the blast. "The tiger" is good. The Storm Tiger without the "secondary mutation" has a body size of only two meters to three meters, but once the "secondary mutation", the "storm tiger" becomes the "storm tiger" "The body size can reach a staggering five meters, and the strength can reach more than three hundred levels, which is almost double that of the" Fighting Tiger. "Maya introduced it seriously, and she also knew that in the future, this knowledge, Fang Chong has a lot of usefulness, know more, Fang Chong will not suffer

"What about the benefits of taking the" Hailwind Tiger "genetic medicine?" Fang Chong was secretly shocked after listening to Maya. The 300-level mutant creature sounds a little scary. The 300-level is better than ordinary 'Primitive' Zak are a lot better

However, thinking of the possibility of the "Slave Tiger" now, Fang Chong no longer thinks about the "Slave Tiger King", even if the "Slare Tiger King" is really possible, I do not know how long it will take ...

"The greatest benefit of the Storm Tiger Gene Agent is that it can be fused with the Gene Agent of the" Blasting King Kong "without being rejected. They complement each other and can maximize the advantages of both. Moreover, the" Ship Tiger "also has one. Additional skills' "Maya continued

"Have skills?" Fang Chong was pleased with the expression on his face after hearing that he also had "additional skills." In his opinion, it was right to ask Maya today.

The power of ‘skills’ Fang Chong is very clear. Like his ‘serial chops’ and ‘superimposed chops’, these ‘skills’ can double his combat power.

He can even imagine that with Huang Qianchuan's own strength, coupled with the assistance of these two skills, the combat power of the 'outburst' should be very terrible ...

"Yes, it's" Tiger "..." Maya nodded and said two words

"Tiger?" Fang Chong did not expect that the "skill" name attached to the "Blast Tiger" was so strange.

"Tiger?" Could it be vacated? If vacated, the effect would not be so great

The role of degree can be more practical than jumping, especially when Emperor Qianchuan has the 'attack skills' of 'King Kong Critical Strike', only degree can fully exert its destructive power ...

"The biggest effect of 'Tiger Teng' is 'momentary movement' ..." Maya explained in Fang Chong's doubtful expression. After launching the skill of 'Tiger Teng', users can burst out within five meters. Absolute degree, a fatal blow to the target, and this 'skill' consumes the user's energy not much ... "

"Moments instantly? Fang Chong heard these words, his eyes were a bit dull, and he was very impressed with this skill.

Although it ’s not a real ‘momentary movement’, it ’s enough to break out within five meters.

In particular, Huang Qianchuan also has the absolute power of attack skills such as 'King Kong Critical Strike' ...

If Huang Qianchuan can reach the 150th level, even if they meet the ‘primitive Zack’, they can be said to be absolutely invincible…

"Is the host exchangeable?" Maya has seen from Fang Chong's slumped eyes that Fang Chong is very tempted, but the procedure problem, Maya must ask

"Redeem, you can redeem as many reward points as possible ..." Fang Chong nodded, and if he refused with such benefits, it would be a fool ...

"The explosive value of the King Kong gene medicine, 8,000 reward points, the Storm Tiger gene medicine exchange value, 7,500 reward points ..." Fang Chong indicated that after confirming the exchange, the two genes appeared on the light screen. The conversion value of the medicament, although Fang Chong knew that the effects of these two gene medicaments were amazing and the conversion value must be very high, but after seeing the conversion value of the two gene medicaments, Fang Chong took a breath of air.

Two fifteen million, but more than a hundred times the general 'normal' ...

Although some distressed, Fang Chong bit his teeth and clicked the OK button

The strength of the team is the most important. The strength of Huang Qianchuan has increased, and the chances that they can successfully reach the Shanghai Stock Exchange will be greater.

Otherwise it is impossible to rely on him alone

As for Qin Lan, these people are not as talented as Huang Qianchuan, but only slowly.


"Congratulations to the host, the exchange was successful ..." After Fang Chong pressed the OK button, Maya's voice sounded again, indicating that the exchange was completed.

"Is Maya with more than 60,000 reward points left?" Fang Chong calculated for himself a little bit, before spending more than 50,000 reward points to exchange the broken knife, the two bottles of gene medicine more than 15,000, add up to There are more than 60,000. It should be about 60,000.

From Fang Chong's point of view, if he actually redeemed it, he would redeem all the reward points together, which would increase the combat power by one point ...

Sometimes their strength determines their future

"Yes, sixty thousand is more than one hundred ..." Maya said, "Does the host continue to exchange?"

"Um ....." Fang Chong nodded ~ ~ said "Continue to exchange military ..."

Huang Qianchuan's strength is also close to being able to deal with the Zak, Fang Chong is ready to exchange for two more swords that can kill the Zak

As for the remaining reward points, Fang Chong is ready to exchange them all for ordinary genetic medicine

Now their team is so large, the members of ordinary strength account for the vast majority

Taking genetic medicine can greatly improve the strength of their team ...


Soon, Fang Chong redeemed two more swords with the name "Blink" from the exchange system of Maya Space, and a battle axe with "Broken Mountain".

The exchange value needed for these two weapons is around 25,000

As for the remaining 10,000 bonus points, I have redeemed more than 600 bottles of ‘evolutionary’ genetic medicine…

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