Chapter 309 Competition

ps has been busy lately, update to night, sorry ...


"What are these?" Fang Chong took Xiaoyue, and another girl and the young boy left the room on the left and came to the lobby. Fang Chong sat down on the sofa beside him. m

In the eyes of the three of them, Fang Chong took out three bottles of milky liquid.

These fluids are common types of genetic agents, that is, genetic agents extracted from 'muscle meat' of 'Green Corpse Man'.

Based on the current physical qualities of the three of them, they can only take such genetic medicines. If they are replaced with ‘corpse beasts’ or more advanced ‘gene medicine’, the consequence is a blood vessel burst and die….

"Gene medicaments are good for your body ....." Looking at the three of them looking at themselves with vigilant eyes, Fang Chong did not show impatience. In the last days, such vigilance can make him live more Fang Chong understands their approach ...

He didn't know if he was doing so kindly now.

"Is it the same as drinking Mingming ..." The little boy looked at the milky liquid on the table, raised his head and looked at Fang Chong's eyes after half a ring and asked ..

"Not the same, he is a‘ repair gene agent ’, and these are‘ evolutionary ’gene agents ...” Fang Chong watched the little boy curious and shook his head gently.

"Why is it good for us to drink?" Xiaoyue also thought of that problem, but she did not expect that Fang Chong actually shook her head ...

"Should there be evolutionaries in this stronghold?" Fang Chong knew that the three of them would not drink easily if he did not make it clear. Fang Chong paused and thought of a better example ...

"Evolver?" After hearing these three words spoken by Fang Chong, Xiaoyue's three looks remained puzzled.

"That is, a human being much stronger than ordinary people ..." Fang Chong suddenly remembered that in the survivor 'base' of 'Nanji City', there was no such term as an evolver.

Even the role of 'muscleized meat' is unclear, let alone other information.

At this meeting, Fang Chongyou thought that in this ‘stronghold’, the information about the last days should be zero ...

There is no good comparison. Fang Chong had to think again and use a powerful human being as a metaphor. If the three of them cannot understand this month, he can only give up ...

"Human beings stronger than ordinary people?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, the three of them responded, especially the little boy among them, with a look of aspirations on his face ...

"Yes ..." Fang Chong nodded. From the expressions of the three of them, it was not difficult for Fang Chong to see what the three of them thought.

The metaphor of a powerful human being should be just right ...

"Cold and ruthless ..." When Fang Chong's eyes shifted to the little boy's face, the little boy smiled and said a name ...

"What?" Fang Chong thought that the little boy would say something else, waiting with anticipation! But when he heard the words Leng Wurui, he was a little speechless ...

He never thought that the name Leng Wurui was so loud in the stronghold ...

But the cold and ruthless appearance should not be known by many people, otherwise, when he came in just now, the 14-year-old boy, as his avid fan, has no reason to not recognize ...

"Cold and ruthless, Brother Leng ..." Hearing Fang Chong's surprised tone, the little boy looked at Fang Chong with a displeased face, describing Fang Chong's tone making him feel angry ...

Idols are indestructible ...

The attitude of the little boy is such an attitude ...

"Oh, I see ..." Fang Chong was laughed at by the serious expression of this little boy. He never thought of the cold and ruthless person who has always been cold-hearted, and there is such an avid little fan ...

"He should be very happy, right?" Fang Chong guessed. "But cold and ruthless. If he knew his enthusiastic fan didn't know what he looked like, his expression would be wonderful?"

"Do you want to be a strong man like him?" Fang Chong knew that there was no need to care too much about telling a little boy. After a while, he smiled and looked at the little boy with a serious expression ...

…………………………………………………………………… ..

"Thinking, of course, dreaming… .." Hearing Fang Chong's words, the little boy clenched his fists and nodded with a firm expression on his face.

Fang Chong was very surprised, such a positive tone actually came from the mouth of a little boy.

He can feel that if this little boy is not surprised, he will be able to let all human beings know his name under the circumstances of the last days ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chongcai effectively wanted to laugh, thinking too much about the little boy, but forgot to ask his name. Shaking his head gently, Fang Chong looked at the boy calmly and asked, "What's your name?"

"Mourning ..." The little boy didn't know why Fang Chong shifted the topic to his irrelevant matter. Although he was curious, he didn't ask any more and immediately reported his name ...

"Mourning?" Fang Chong called him. "If you want to be a strong man like him, this genetic medicine is the way you must go ..."

"You didn't lie to me?" The little boy Mo Ning could hear the meaning of Du Fang Chong's words. Although he didn't know what the gene medicine was, Fang Chong's serious expression made him willing to believe Fang Chong's words ...

"Is it necessary?" Fang Chong already knew the answer from the expression of the little boy Mo Ning ...

Then, the little boy didn't hesitate anymore, walked to Fang Chong's side, didn't wait for Fang Chong to say anything, he had picked up a bottle of genetic medicine, and drunk it with a brain ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded comfortably when he saw such a move. As a man, he must be determined.

"Xiaoning ..." and Fang Chongxin's eyes were different. Xiaoyue's two girls saw the young boy Mo Ning drink the gene medicine like this, their expressions were very tense.

Go to Mourning's side and observe carefully ...

"Sister Xiaoyue, Sister Yun, I'm fine ..." Because Mo Ning drank only the common type of genetic medicine, basically speaking there was no problem, and he wouldn't be dizzy and have a problem.

Mourning said with a smile and excitement after feeling the magical effect of the ‘gene pharmacy’.

After drinking the genetic medicine just now, that feeling made him very yearning ...



"Really?" Although Xiaoyue believed that he had heard such a positive statement, but her expression was a little too exaggerated. To be safe, Xiaoyue had to ask again.

"Well, it's not just very delicious. I'm physically stronger now and full of strength ..." Mo Ning got up from the sofa, stretched his waist, and he could hear the bones creak, that feeling really Being able to hear it is indeed full of power….

This change actually made Xiaoyue's two girls feel extremely surprised ...

"Is this true?" Mo Ning stood up and could really see the difference.

The kind of yellow wax on his face disappeared, and it was replaced by a kind of rosy. This change is the most obvious, and it can't be overstated to use the difference of Tianyuan.

When he found out this, Satsuki covered his mouth and said in amazement.

"You can try it ..." Satsuki. The changes of Mo Ning and the three of them Fang Chongdu saw in his eyes. After hearing Xiao Yue's words of surprise, Fang Chong pointed to the genetic medicine left on the table ...

"Let's try ..." The effect was clearly in front of them. Xiaoyue and Xiaoyun were no longer hesitant. One picked up a cup and drank it. The change in expression was determined to make Fang Chong have to re-evaluate them. Threesome ...

What they are showing now is very different from their age and experience.

Watching Xiaoyue and Xiaoyun drink the genetic medicine, they stood up ...

It was more than ten minutes before they told them to choose to drink.

Ten minutes have passed, which also shows that what happened to Daming in the room should have consequences.

After getting up, Fang Chong walked slowly ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Fang Chong, you are here ..." When Fang Chong came in, Qin Lan nodded at him. Fang Chong went out just now. Of course Qin Lan knew that when she first met Shang Chong, Fang Chong was the same as now. Seeing that they were weak, not only provided them with genetic medicine, but also protected them ...

Fang Chong is still like that.

Especially like Xiaoyue they can talk about the weak of the children ...

Fang Chong's handling of these things, they still support, after all, humans ...

Although the living environment in the last days is bad, they may not be able to take care of themselves. It seems silly to do so, but they still choose to support ...

And Qin Lan also knows that she and Muge and Ling Ya are so obsessed with Fang Chong, a big reason is because of Fang Chong ...

If Fang Chong was brutally murdered, no matter how strong Fang Chong was, they would never have loved so desperately ...

"Did they drink it?" Qin Lan put these messy emotions behind her head, asked with a smile on her face.

"Drink next time, they should not be threatened by life in a short time ..." Fang Chong nodded, and after finishing this sentence, Fang Chong turned around and slowly approached the bed ...

As for Liu Jiu, since Fang Chong left here, no one else has moved, sitting on the bed and watching Daming ....

Seeing this performance of Liu Jiu, Fang Chong knew that Liu Jiu should still be a man of affection ...

"How's the situation?" Fang Chong walked into the bed, seeing Daming's breathing on the bed, quite smooth, Fang Chong asked ...

"Okay, breathing is peaceful, the problem should be small ..." I saw Fang Chong, Liu Jiu's expression of excitement, I really do not know what adjectives to use to describe it well.

From the moment that Daming had no blood, but now his face was ruddy, Liu Jiu looked at this change ...

He finally felt the magic of genetic medicine ...


"That should be all right. Give him this bottle of genetic medicine again ..." Fang Chong knew that the situation of Daming Liu Jiu should be the clearest. Liu Jiu could already see the change, which means it should be fine.

In addition, Fang Chong also found some improvement. There is a gene repair agent in Daming's body. It is only a matter of time before it gets better ...

Knowing that Daming's body should be in an extremely weak condition, Fang Chong considered it and took out a bottle of genetic medicine again ...

Are these genetic medicines important now? In the ensuing battle alone, there are 30,000 to 40,000 pieces of such flesh, which is nothing like that.

"These are evolutionary genetic medicines. After drinking it, his strength will improve after he wakes up ..." Fang Chong handed it to Liu Jiu and introduced it casually ...

"………… .." When Fang Chong said that his strength would be improved, the room suddenly quieted down ...

Huang Qianchuan's reaction with Qin Lan was very normal, and Lengrui also had a general understanding. Before that, Chong Fang ordered to collect muscle meat.

When he knew, there was such a thing ...

And just now, after seeing the change from Daming's rebirth, he will no longer feel the nausea of ​​muscularized meat ...

That magical effect is enough to make people crazy.

"After feeding him and drinking, you go out with me ..." Of course, Fang Chong knew what the change in the atmosphere of the room was, and watching Liu Jiu's hot eyes in his eyes, he smiled and said ...

"Hmm ..." Liu Jiu, who found himself gazed, nodded embarrassedly.

Because it would be too tempting to become stronger after waking up ...


"You should feel that you are not evolutionaries. You have no hope of becoming stronger?" After coming out to the hall, Fang Chong has placed more than ten bottles of genetic medicine on the table ...

"Well ..." Fang Chong said, and made Liu Jiudao a few of them silent ...

This is common sense. In the stronghold, the evolutionary and ordinary people's strengths cannot be described as abysmal. In the stronghold, the evolver is like a god.

Their strength is what they need ...

"Isn't it? If we could become stronger, we wouldn't be like this now ..." Da Hu was not as calm as Liu Jiu, and his tone seemed very depressed.

The question of strength is the one that bothers them most ...


Not only Liu Jiu and Dahu reacted in this way, other people did the same.

"Look at Xiaoyue, talk to Mo Ning and the three of them ..." When Fang Chong heard this, he didn't say anything, but pointed to the three of Mo Ning, Xiaoyue and Xiao Yun beside him ...

The three of them are undoubtedly the weakest in their entire small team ...

"They ..." After hearing Fang Chong's words, they brushed their eyes at Mourning three of them ...

After discovering that the three of them had changed, Liu Jiu could not say a word.

The change is really too big, especially Xiaoyue and Xiaoyun, the feeling with them is beautiful ....

"Big tiger, come up and try with Mo Ning to see who's more powerful ..." Fang Chong knew that they should not be doubtful, but in order to prove the effect, he pointed at Big Tiger, and Mo rather….

The big tiger's body is the biggest and the most powerful in their team. Their absolute combat power ...

Before today, with half the size of Moning ’s little big tiger, the big tiger could solve it with one hand. There is no comparable ...

But today, Fang Chong is confident to let Mo Ning try ...

The battle is not as good as the big tiger, but the strength, Fang Chongke knows that after taking the genetic medicine, Mo Ning's strength is close to that of a fourth-class human constitution, that is, he has a strength of four hundred pounds. Still half a catty, there is a fight ...

"Mo Ning and I ..." After hearing Fang Chong's words, Da Hu almost jumped up ...

"That's right, it's Mo Ning and you ..." Fang Chong nodded.

……………………………………………………………… ..

Listening to Fang Chong's unbelievable words, Da Hu stood in front of him in doubt. As for Mo Ning, his face looked excited. After taking the genetic medicine just now, he felt that he was full of strength and didn't know where to go….

With such an opportunity to try, of course he was unwilling to miss it.

Otherwise, he asked Dahu himself to compare with him, and they would surely be bored by them ...

In that case, he will not be able to try his current strength ....

"Mo Ning, do you really want to try it?" Da Hu didn't know that Mo Ning would be so excited today. Before he shot, he asked a question in confusion ...

Big Tiger, he is very clear about his own strength. Although he is not an evolutionary, he is not alive in a few months in the last days. The strength of his arm can reach three or four hundred pounds ...

With his strength, he grabbed Mo Ning in his hand, fearing that his bones might be cut off ...

"Big tiger, that gene medicine is really effective, you don't care too much ..." Mo Ning nodded surely, and reminded big tiger ...

"Well, let's do it ..." Mo Ning's personality is still known. Although he is young, he deals with some issues ~ ~ He is unambiguous ...

When Da Hu saw Mo Ning nodded and said yes, his hands held Mo Ning ...

Standing tall, Mo Ning had her arms tightly intertwined with the big tiger.

Not against the enemy, of course not able to attack.

Strength points are more straightforward than arm strength ...

After Da Hu and Mo Ning entangled their hands, they slowly exerted their strength at the same time.

Mo Ning is temporarily unsuited. He has no combat ability and experience at all. How can he give a good control power? I usually hear from Liu Jiu and their mouths ...

The big tiger was worried that the force would be too fierce and hurt Mo Ning.

For a while, two people became deadlocked ...

"Good boy, the strength really changes ..." Even if half of the strength is not necessarily able to defeat Mo Ning, Big Tiger laughed, while the strength of the arm continued to increase ...

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