ps thanks for the reward of "Indifferent Old Wolf"


"Xiao Lan… .." Qin Jian looked at Fang Chong's receding figure with a slight surprise, although he felt that there should be an unusual relationship between Fang Chong and Qin Lan, but at this time he clearly saw the station. After Qin Lan in front of him, he had no time to think more ...

He looked at Qin Lan with a weird expression, and opened his mouth several times before calling out two words ...

"……………… .." Qin Lan's eyes were wide at this time, and her expression was also complicated.

From when Fang Chong Fang Chong pulled away and his father Qin Jian called her nickname with his familiar and magnetic voice, Qin Lan found that all the walls that she had complained and stubbornly accumulated were in the two Under the attack of a simple word that couldn't be simpler, it collapsed instantly.

And in two simple words, Qin Lan can read his father's love and faith ...

Qin Lan did not speak, but her vision was completely blurred at this time by the tears.

Tears burst from the eyes.

"Dad was wrong before, forgive my father?" Qin Jian's eyes stared at Qin Lan. For more than a year, he did not know how many times he had imagined his daughter, but every time he woke up, those It's all a dream ...

To this day, his eyes are afraid to blink, and he is afraid that if he blinks, Qin Lan will disappear ...

It is false to say no regrets. He regretted it since Qin Lan left off with anger, but Qin Lan's stubbornness did not leave him any chance of recovery ...

He was wrong for more than a year, and he did not want to miss it again. It was no big deal to apologize to his daughter. Compared with losing a daughter, there was nothing he could not give up ...

"……………………………………." Qin Lan still didn't speak, but listening to her father Qin Jian's words, her tears finally dripped from her eyes, and she couldn't stop them. … ..

"Girl, don't cry, everything is father ..." Watching her daughter cry like this. Qin Jian was at a loss as to what to do and he was not sure whether Qin Lan forgave him or not.

But as a father. He stepped forward and took Qin Lan in his arms gently.

Feeling the thick shoulders from his father, Qin Lan finally burst into tears, just like a child ...

Looking at Qin Lan like this. Fang Chong's face was very calm. He knew that Qin Lan's heart was untied and he could meet his loved ones in an environment like the last days. Nothing else can compare ...

"Okay, don't cry. If you cry for a long time, your eyes will become swollen, and Xiao Lan will not be beautiful ..." Qin Jian patted Qin Lan's back gently, Qin Lan's crying has become smaller, and his face All the fears on it have disappeared.

All this is true, no longer a dream ...

"It ’s your fault if you are not pretty ..." Qin Lan, like a little girl, spewed up, and the radian of a smile can be seen on the face still with tear marks ...

"Don't be afraid. I think you've found happiness. He won't disapprove of you ..." Although Qin Jian didn't get Qin Lan's answer for forgiveness, from the tone of Qin Lan, even if there is no answer, he also understood…..

"Dad ..." Of course Qin Lan knew that her father had discovered Fang Chong's existence. Although the incident with Fang Chong was never a secret throughout the Shanghai base city, she didn't feel anything. But when she was mentioned in front of her father, she was still a little embarrassed. And his father said it in such a straightforward tone.

She now felt hot on her face, still afraid. Does his father like Fang Chong, and she cares about Mage Lingya them, but his father is here ...

Thinking of this, Qin Lan's expression suddenly became complicated again, and Commander Makino will definitely contact his father next, I do n’t know if I can get along well ...

Qin Lan didn't want to bring trouble to Fang Chong, and he didn't want everyone to be unhappy ...

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Walk, take Dad to see the person standing in the distance, also in your heart ..." Being able to get the daughter's silent forgiveness, I have to say that Qin Jian is in a good mood. The coquettish Qin Jian who has been prolonged from Qin Lan has already got the answer he wants.

Although he would not object to Qin Lan and Fang Chong being together, as a father, he still wanted to know about such things ...

"Hmm ..." Qin Lan has no objection. Such things will have to be seen sooner or later, not to mention Fang Chong already has experience and preparation. This way, it is not rash, and they have experienced so many lives and deaths. It is considered to see the parents. What? Very simple ...

"Fang Chong, this is my dad… .." Fang Chong stood a little wide, probably a distance of tens of meters, and Qin Lan and Qin Jian were already in front of him before long.

"Uncle, my name is Fang Chong ..." Fang Chong was not surprised, no embarrassment, etc. It was not the first time the parents of the woman's family. Although Commander Makino was the father of Muge, it felt the same when speaking, Fang Chong Behaves very naturally.

And from the fact that Qin Jian was willing to apologize as a father just now, it is enough to show that Qin Jian is different in dealing with people.

"Haha, hello ..." Qin Jian was very satisfied with Fang Chong's performance. Fang Chong's first feeling was stability, a kind of stability that did not meet his age, but Qin Jian did not have much accident. After all, the last days have survived for so long. If I look at the world with the eyes of a child, I am afraid that I will die for a long time ...

In addition to Fang Chong's sense of stability, it is more of a mystery. Fang Chong is very strong. Although Fang Chong did not show up on purpose, Qin Jian is not a weak person. He can feel ...

"Let's go, let's go back to the urban area and let us clean the wind for our uncle ..." Fang Chong said with a smile. He understood Qin Jian's meaning, and he had no objection.

"Okay ~ ~ I also want to see what Shanghai stock market has become ..." Qin Jian nodded, and he agreed, except that he wanted to see what Shanghai stock market has become after the last days. In addition, more curious why Fang Chong knew that he would come and also wanted to know why they had not been attacked here in the Shanghai base city ...

At the same time, we must also understand whether Fang Chong's strength is as strong as he feels. He is very powerful and has enough strength to protect Qin Lan ...

Qin Jian thinks a lot ...


"What kind of tool ..." After Fang Chong ordered people to entertain the people who came with Qin Jian, he and Qin Lan took Qin Jian to the front of a small silver-colored energy vehicle.

But when Qin Jian saw that the guy who looked a bit like a car had no wheels, he asked a little question ...

“Small energy car… ..” After Qin Lan said a name, she let her father sit up and try it ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets , Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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