While Liszt was sleeping soundly in bed, the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the United States of America, seemed to be planning something.

Since the integration of the real world and the miraculous world, the United States of America has never given up the trouble of looking for Huaxia.

Seriously speaking, the trouble with Huaxia should have started fifty years ago.

Fifty years ago, at the beginning of the 21st century, around 2010, Huaxia showed potential enough to make the United States fearful.

But at that time, the United States was still mired in the quagmire of the Iraq War. After the Iraq War, Libya stood up again and helped China attract a wave of firepower.

After the United States solved Iraq and Libya, it began to re-examine China.

The United States suddenly discovered that, while he was busy in the Middle East, Huaxia had grown quietly enough to threaten his dominance.

This will not work. As the only superpower on earth at that time, the United States was able to maintain high national income and high living standards by relying on the dual hegemony system to harvest global wealth.

Falling from the first to the second, it seems like nothing on the surface, but it is a world of difference.

Without the hegemonic system, the world cannot be harvested with dollars, the United States of America will no longer be its former glory, and there may even be a drastic change in the political system.

The United States immediately pursued and blocked Huaxia, and used all means except the hot war to suppress the upward momentum of Huaxia.

However, once China, with a population of 1.3 billion at that time, started to gain momentum, it was basically impossible to suppress it.

Both sides are major powers with nuclear weapons, and the United States of America cannot declare war as recklessly as it did with Iraq or Libya.

If there is a war between China and the United States, it is very likely that it will evolve into a third world war, and whether it will escalate into a nuclear war in the end, no one can guarantee.

War declarers are more likely to be sinners of humanity than heroes of the United States of America. No one can afford such a responsibility, and no one wants to take it.

Under the suppression of the United States of America, China grew slowly, and finally, in the middle of the 21st century, surpassed the United States and became the first power in the practical sense.

The reason why it is said to be a real meaning, rather than a real meaning, is because the two sides have never fought head-on.

Both China and the United States need a war to achieve each other’s goals.

The United States wants to regain its hegemonic position, and China wants to use this war to declare the real rise of the Chinese nation.

However, the existence of nuclear weapons has made the two countries worried, and no one is willing to take the lead in launching a war.

The fusion of the miraculous world and the real world is the final preparation for this war.

The power of the miracle world is superior to the real world. Even if the real world is destroyed, the miracle world can restore the real world.

The four world bosses are the foundation for the two superpowers to dare to fight to the death.

War leaves scars. But these traumas are nothing to the four world bosses.

World BOSS can destroy everything and heal everything.

The two superpowers, without any worries, can finally let go.

Moreover, after merging with the world of miracles, the real world has also undergone drastic changes.

The existence of adventurers and the existence of various equipment items make war no longer as “simple” as before.

In the past, the basic model of modern warfare was to use radar technology and stealth fighter technology to identify and prioritize the other’s important strategic units.

After that, these data will be sent to bomber groups or aircraft carrier battle groups, and prioritized to carry out precise strikes on these important strategic units.

Important strategic units, including radars, airfields, missile towers, etc., after these facilities are destroyed, the dominant party will use electronic jamming to fully gain air supremacy.

“I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods”

Gaining air supremacy almost means the victory of the war. For the party who loses air supremacy, even if the ground troops still have fairly strong defensive capabilities, they cannot achieve large-scale assembly.

Identifying and positioning, scouring the ground with missiles, and after gaining air dominance, then gradually eroding the opponent’s living forces. This is the basic model of modern warfare.

However, it is foreseeable that the fusion of the world of miracles will bring about dramatic changes in modern warfare.

For example, the supreme swordsman Ye Luo, with his strength, what role will he play in the war?

Thousands of miles away, slashing the aircraft carrier with one sword, this is definitely not empty talk!

In the case that China has Yeluo, if the United States of America still declares war on China, it can only show that the United States of America also has a hole card.

This hole card is enough to deal with Ye Luo, and it may not be able to defeat it, but at least it can hold Ye Luo’s footsteps.

After all, it was once the world’s largest power, and it is the only superpower in the world today. Even if it is gradually declining, its heritage should not be underestimated.

Recently, the United States has been making a lot of moves. They have recalled all 15 aircraft carriers, a total of five major combat fleets, and they are all on standby at military bases.

This is basically all the sea power of the United States, so to speak!

Secondly, American intelligence personnel, including but not limited to CIA related agents, are infiltrating Huaxia. From the incident at the Public Opinion Center, you can get a glimpse of the leopard.

In addition, the United States has also made sufficient public opinion preparations. This time, the public opinion attack was carried out from two aspects.

The first is what Huaxia did in Baogang. The then US President Adolfos Holmt made a public speech, claiming that Huaxia’s disposal of Baogang was a violation of human rights.

The second is China’s control over the world of miracles. Holmt claimed that China’s control over the world of miracles has seriously affected the balance of power in the real world.

Miracle World is a virtual reality game independently developed by Huaxia. Most of the members of the development team are Chinese.

The four world bosses are also Chinese people. The United States believes that such power has already destroyed the original balance of the real world.

If you have studied the modern history of the United States, you can see that the preparations that the United States has done before attacking Iraq or Libya are basically the same.

After convening the fleet, infiltrating intelligence, and preparing for public opinion, after this “process” is completed, the US Congress will officially declare war on China!

The more powerful adventurers all have a keen sense of spirituality. Recently, they seem to be pressing a stone in their hearts, and there is always a haze that cannot be dispersed.

It’s like… something big is about to happen!

Some people speculate that the United States is going to declare war on China, but some people say that this is absolutely impossible.

The world of miracles is under the control of Huaxia. If the United States wants to declare war on China, it is simply hitting the stone with an egg.

However, some people also think that if the United States dares to declare war on China, it can only mean that…

The United States has enough cards to check and balance the power of China’s miracles!

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