
  Chapter 298 296. Another Chosen


Lu Yi chewed the word while moving towards the dark door of the mausoleum.

Although you can only vaguely see the sight of the road when there is an electric flash, it is not important to Lu Yi. His [True Vision] can now see the surrounding environment clearly, with unobstructed views.

The murals on both sides of this passage have also become clear with the revival of the city. You can see the control of the people by the king who rules the island, as well as the pictures of sacrifices, festivals, and the unnamed city of wasteland. similar.

"Silent is a deity. He created a place of silence, or controlled these foreign lands, and then selected us to complete the task he gave in the time and space of the foreign land?"

Lu Yi asked in a low voice while walking down.

Now his voice can't be transmitted to the outside, it can be said that he is physically isolated from the world.

"You can think so."

Feng Yu's voice sounded very calm, and Lu Yi didn't know how her body changed when she first learned this knowledge .

"Then, there are other deities in this world, and the deities of the same level as Silence, they also have their own choice?"

Lu Yi then asked.

"That's right."

Feng Yu's words echoed in Lu Yi's ears, like a newlywed wife's ears and ears around her husband.

"These chosen people follow the will of other gods, so they might be hostile to me?"

Lu Yi thought of the most realistic thing.

Feng Yu did not give an answer, because it goes without saying.

The confrontation between gods is not like human beings but an extension of politics. There will be no negotiation, compromise, boring peace and deterrence. In most cases, it is until one party is completely It is destroyed or completely sealed.

Then, as the choosers of different gods, theoretically speaking, they are enemies.

Many of Lu Yi’s current missions are investigating the traces of certain Evil Gods, resisting the disasters caused by certain Evil Gods, and solving indescribable monsters, although it cannot be said that they are doing good deeds. Yeah, but at least he didn't do anything bad.

But other chosen ones.   Lu Yi suppressed the thoughts in his heart and continued on.

The more you go down, the more weird the content of the murals. If the previous part is still the traditional primordial religion, slave society or feudal society, then it will be some bizarre and unimaginable. , An incomprehensible picture.

There are huge tentacles and eyeballs in the deep sea, strangely shaped cities and hideous humanoid creatures, as well as colorful stars, distant universes and nebulae, and the arrangement of stars Lu Yi thinks A bit familiar, like the stars I saw through rainstorm just now.

The more you go down, it's like diving into the deep sea, the surrounding environment becomes more depressing, and the patterns of the murals gradually become the deep ocean and the vast starry sky.

In this brief moment, the deep sea is the starry sky, and the starry sky is also the deep sea.

"What's buried here?"

Lu Yi suddenly felt an oncoming wind.

It is the sea breeze.

The smelly and moist sea breeze tried to penetrate Lu Yi’s nose, but was blocked by Feng Yu’s power. [True Vision] gave Lu Yi’s information feedback. Lu Yi went forward and saw a little Shimmer.

He walked into the rays of light.

Lu Yi saw that the surrounding scenery changed suddenly.

Sunlight, dazzling sunlight scattered on the earth, this is a world completely different from the storm, only the air becomes more arid and the temperature seems to drop below zero.

Lu Yi saw an island ahead.

It is not so much an island as it is a city.

This city is similar to the ruins of Southern Madur, with peculiarly structured towers and obelisks, but it is denser and more towering, just like a seabed that has been in the seabed for thousands of years. Today, I finally saw the lost city of the sky.

Lu Yi turned his head and looked towards the sea around the city.

The ocean is calm and tranquil, where is the appearance of a storm.


Lu Yi lifts the head, you can see that the sun and the blue sky present a circle at this moment. On the edge of the circle, there is a towering wall made of pure white clouds.

These walls cover this area, forming an absolutely quiet space.

Obviously, Lu Yi saw at a glance that this is the eye of the typhoon.

The eye pressure of the typhoon is the lowest, and the temperature is also the lowest in the typhoon area. At the same time, the wind speed is infinitely close to zero. The more howling wind and torrential rain, the calmer the eye.

Lu Yi took a visual inspection, and the island was right in the middle of the eye of the wind.

There is reason to suspect that it is the emergence of this island that the typhoon will suddenly come to Pohnpei.

He looked at all around again.

A ship.

There is almost no need for confirmation time, and Lu Yi can understand that this is a group of stars.

The cruise ship was towing quietly in the sea at this moment. The ship was covered with mottled rust, as well as some seaweed and barnacles, as if it had been salvaged from underwater.

The ship moved slowly towards the city, but perhaps because of its lack of power, it moved very slowly and slowly, which made people worry about whether it could arrive before the storm moved.

Before that, Lu Yi heard the sound.

It was a foreign language, he had never heard of it before.

But soon, the meaning of these words was translated by Feng Yu.

"It should be on that island. We must lift the seal as soon as possible before the storm arrives."

That was the voice of a man, Lu Yi turned his head and looked To a person standing behind him.

The man is wearing a gray cloak. Although most of his facial features are similar to humans, he has four eyes.

There are two eyes on the left and right where human eyes should exist. Those eyes are long and narrow, like cracks, giving people a weird feeling.


Another voice came from the cabin entrance, which seemed to be another language.

Feng Yu translated it intimately again.

"This thing has no power, we can't move it."

Lu Yi looked over, it was another humanoid, or a humanoid creature, that creature His whole body was wrapped in a black bandage, his body looked haggard and thin, his face was a black mist, and only one eye was shining with green light.

"Are you going to swim over?"

The third voice sounded from Lu Yi's side.

He looked over. It was a murloc-like creature. The dark green skin was sticky and slippery. The vertical pupils of both eyes were observing the island. Its body was covered with scales, and its hands and feet were covered with scales. It has a fin-like structure and a long tail. It seems to be quite good at swimming.

These three "people" seem to be chosen from other gods.

"Remove the seal?"

Lu Yi heard their conversation and found something wrong.

If these people are chosen by God, then they should also come here with certain characters. From these exchanges, it can be heard that their mission goal seems to be to unlock some Evil God. The seal?   (End of this chapter)

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