I Created the World

Chapter 106: Moon Elf Kingdom

Once again, the elves were no longer in danger from the outside world, and Diana also realized the problem of low fertility of the elves, and began to strongly encourage the elves to give birth, even hesitating to issue laws.

Under the high-pressure policy of Diana, the population of the Elven family has started to grow steadily. By the time of the epic battle of the three families, there were already more than half a million people.

But the new problems that followed have also arisen. The population has increased tenfold, but resources have not increased.

There was no problem in feeding the 20,000 elves in the moon forest, but the appearance of the 500,000 elves quickly exhausted the resources of the moon forest.

And the headache for Diana is that the elves eat vegetarian food, such as fruits, cereals, and some practical plants, which will lead to an ecological imbalance in the Moon Forest.

Diana finally had no choice but to start asking the elves to try to hunt animals to eat meat.

This caused an uproar and caused a strong backlash and protest.

Elves are close to nature by nature, and the animals in the forest are like friends to them, and even the carnivorous animals are very friendly to the elves.

And vegetarianism is a tradition of the elven family for thousands of years, which has been deeply ingrained into the bone marrow, and it cannot be changed overnight.

Diana had no choice but to lead by example and take the lead in eating meat.

As a result, when Diana ate only one piece of rabbit meat under the watch of many elves, she immediately spit out the dildo, and could no longer eat the second piece.

Diana's attempt failed, and the elves began to sound for new homes.

Diana rejected it by arguing, because the tree of life is here, and the elves must protect it.

However, with the passage of time, when many elves started to become hungry, Diana could no longer squeeze it.

Because of these more than half a million elves, only more than 10,000 people were born from the tree of life gods, and the rest are newborn elves.

Although they knew that their parents were born from the tree of life, they were far less religious than they were and were willing to sacrifice their lives for the tree of life.

Moreover, after the tree of life grew up in the Moon Forest, not only did she not have the consciousness of Che Wenwen, she also lost the ability to create new elves.

Therefore, the newly born elves are far less like the gods of life than the first generation elves, and worship them as gods and mothers.

A fierce quarrel broke out again and again in the Elven Council of Elves. They divided into two factions. One faction insisted on protecting the tree of life forever and could not leave it.

The other faction said they would explore the outside world and find new homes.

Originally Diana took the upper hand with conservatives with absolute authority, but as more and more elves went hungry, radicals began to gradually occupy mainstream opinions.

Internal contradictions began to emerge, and fierce disputes broke out within the elven family, and finally almost used force.

In order to avoid a civil war, Diana had to agree to the proposal to find a new home, which was also the beginning of the division of the elves.

Since then, the elves have been divided into four groups, and the conservatives led by Diana are holding the moon forest with 100,000 elves.

The other three are radicals, each with hundreds of thousands of elves walking out of the Moon Forest and establishing different cities on the Alvin continent.

However, the city established by the elves is not very large. For the large Alvin continent, it does not even reach 1% of the area.

And their population adds up to nothing more than a big city of human races or orcs, and it's nothing more than being scattered across the continent.

But because of this split, the elves did not break out in civil war, and they once again entered the era of rapid development of city-states.

Although the Moon Forest is much less pressured to survive due to the departure of most elves, the original resources have already been exhausted, so we have to save money and wait for the ecosystem to regain balance.

Diana felt the threat of this democratic system to the tree of life, and announced the dissolution of the elven council at this time. Their elf was the kingdom of the moon, and she was the first elven queen.

Diana was originally the first elf born from the tree of God of Life, with high authority in the elf family, plus all the opposition parties have left, the remaining elf families are all her supporters, naturally no opinion .

It was at the time when the Moon Elves were the most difficult that Chen Luo sent the griffin to send the admission notice.

Arielia is Diana's daughter. When she saw the griffon's words, Diana hardly hesitated, so that all the selected elves followed the griffon to the extraordinary academy.

When Aria and Noel returned to the Moon Forest Kingdom, all elves marveled at the power of magic.

And Arielia brought back not only magic and warrior skills, but also the knowledge of art, planting, architecture, and smelting of a large number of human and orc kingdoms in the extraordinary academy.

These are the fact that when Chen Luo and the Orcs entered the era of great development, they collected them into a book and placed them in another tower.

Arielia and Noel were shocked when they saw these books. They had never thought of this kind of knowledge in this world.

The elven race has not yet developed a mature civilization because of the lack of these systematic things.

Without mature planting techniques, they will not be able to feed more people. Without knowledge of smelting, they will not be able to forge weapons that can defend their homeland.

Arielia and Noel's vision was opened by Chen Luo at this time, and they immediately realized the importance of these things, so they spent almost all their time digging into this tower of knowledge and copying books. .

Among the elf students, there are three other students who have established a city-state civilization elf race.

When they saw the two of them go crazy into the tower of knowledge every day, they immediately aroused their strong curiosity.

Soon, when they entered the tower to see this knowledge, they also realized their importance.

Therefore, in addition to the title of Chris "Magic Maniac", all the students of the elven clan have also become "book copyists."

At the time of graduation, the elves had the most handwritten books.

There is really no way to get it, and the elves memorized it in their minds.

When the elf students returned with these books, they had a huge impact on the elves who love art and aesthetics.

The students who returned from these studies established their own colleges and began to recruit students from the tribe to teach magic and warrior skills.

It is precisely because of this knowledge that the elves have opened a new era, from extraordinary power to productivity and art, into a new era of comprehensive development.

[The author's off topic]: 106 and 107 are excessive chapters, the plot of the wizard kingdom will be opened later, and must be written, so they are sent together.

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